04 July, 2024

Soon these explosions will be for real...

Tonight we're going to post memes like it's 199920240703

In Rare Move, U.N. Opens Investigation Into Anti-Israel Official For Corruption
July 4, 2024

□ [“Second House Democrat Calls on Biden Drop Out, He Has a ‘Responsibility’ to Step Aside"]

If it keeps on raining, the levee's going to break.  And then where will you stay?

Trying to think of an analogy, the best one I have is a queen at risk of being taken when the bishops, knights and rooks are already taken or trapped.  But these high-ranking Democrats are trying to either save themselves or the party and it at least appears like they're trying to save the party.  But they're surrounded by Democrats who already think this won't happen.

There's a difference between loyalty and servitude.  The former can be blind but it can also look at what's going wrong and try to do something to fix it.  The servants are just there, unless they get to leave or run away.  Servants can be well trained and have great skills, but they can also be empty and just there to fill up space.  The levee is ready to break any minute, so what are they doing besides demanding everyone shut up and obey?

Maybe it's just because it's appropriate for the day, but that is what the "Star Spangled Banner" represents, the ideal of loyalty and servitude, up to and including loss of oneself to keep everyone else going and to maintain the fight, to give your side more of a chance to win.  It would be like Joe Biden saying he just makes things worse so he'll leave now so his party can try to rebuild.  Not going to happen.

□ [“The Economist Publishes Brutal Cover, Tosses Old Joe Under the Bus"]

Meanwhile everybody who isn't at the highest rank has to deal with everybody else.  This is what's making me think of the "Star Spangled Banner" analogy and how the left is completely opposed to that.  Nobody can sacrifice themselves to save Biden, he's still there ruining everything no matter what they say or do.  The only thing they can do to help everyone is turn against Biden, which puts them at risk from fellow Democrats.

□ [“Stephanopoulos/Biden Interview Moved Up, Signaling Increasingly Desperate Efforts to Save Candidacy"]

Another example.  The interview is supposed to take place tomorrow, there would be a teaser released on Friday night and then the rest would start coming out over the weekend on various ABC news shows.  But suddenly it needs to be put out entirely on Friday night, giving it less time for editing to make Biden look good.  It's why a live interview would be quicker and more accurate, but Biden supporters wouldn't want that.

Who's going to watch this?  Who's going to be convinced of anything they didn't already agree with?  The guy's not going to take any responsibility for how many wars he's gotten us in or how expensive he's made day-to-day life for poor people, what makes Stephanopoulos think this will change anything?  It's like telling your mistresses they aren't allowed to talk to each other about you because that's all lies.  That works as long as you keep them under control but one mistake and the levee breaks.

Former CBS Anchor Files $5M Lawsuit Against Network Over Woke DEI Hiring Policies
July 4, 2024

□ [“Orbán:  Zelensky 'Not Happy' with Ceasefire Proposal – Zelensky Challenges Trump to Present Peace Plan"]

Maybe it's just the article, but I get the implication that they're expecting Trump to overcome the election theft.  Zelensky wouldn't be turning to Trump for answers otherwise.  I guess in theory he could be snarking Trump for the hell of it but there wouldn't be much point to that.  Ukraine's not getting any attention anymore so Trump could only help.

Otherwise it must be desperation.  At this point, it's pretty clear that Russian strategy is to move slowly.  That's why they aren't moving in as hard as possible, which would be more typical Russian strategy.  This way they can minimize casualties and still be ready to move in all at once when it's time.  Or when NATO shows up in full force, which will be a totally different scenario.

And Trump is just a private citizen, our government says so.  He's not like Hunter Biden who can just go negotiate with foreign countries without a permit and get paid for it.  If you want to know what his ideas are, wait until elections aren't stolen from him.  Currently you've got an American government that will give Ukraine what it wants, so maybe tell them you want Trump back in charge.  See if that helps.

Anyway, Orbán will go to Moscow next and deal with Putin.  Sounds like a generic meeting, although at least Russia gets to be involved, which is more than the Switzerland summit was willing to do.  Which may be why the EU is complaining about this, they don't want their leader (or one of them) taking initiative for peace, not when they're ready to send men into combat without a vote.

Battle of Chazov Yar:  Russia Takes Canal District; Zelensky Blames General Syrsky for the String of Losses
July 4, 2024

□ [“Married With Children animated trailer is here!"]

The joke with the mugger was vaguely amusing, but there wasn't much dialogue.  Al had a few lines, Peg had one or two, that's it.  The animation looks stupid but it doesn't look like a Family Guy rip-off, and I guess the visuals weren't any problem.  If you're going to do the Bundys as a cartoon, they made use of that.

It's the lack of dialogue that is the biggest problem for the trailer, even more than the lack of humor.  The only way to promote this is if they got the whole cast back and there needs to be proof.  Al and Peg worked, but they could be fun as a duet in any circumstance.  Without Kelly and Bud, there's no family we want to watch, which is the whole point of Married With Children.

And Kelly is the real proof, how the hell are they going to get her right in 2024?  Christina Applegate got to spend her prime as the hottest babe on the planet, a feat many women want and few achieve.  Bud works in any era, get him right and that's all you need.  But Kelly...  And this isn't even getting into who they have to replace Marcie and her husband with.  That's less than a problem, the whole world could fill in for them to tear Al down, but I'm not sure that would work without a specific character like the sitcom had.

No clue when the show will actually be released or where.  If the first episode is available for free, I'll probably watch it at some point, but it's going to have to be truly amazing for me to have any interest in seeing any more.  That said, I do admit an affection for learning that the Bundys still exist and a bit of curiosity to see how this works out.  Not the reboot we wanted, but possibly the one we deserve.

Neil Gaiman Accused of Sexual Assault by Two Women
July 3, 2024

Biden Grabs the Mic at 4th of July BBQ, Rambles About Traffic Congestion and ‘Losing All the Votes’
July 4, 2024

□ [“Trump Challenges Biden to Another Debate: ‘Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace!’"]

What a nice guy, he's able to give his opponent a chance to look good in front of the world right away instead of making everyone wait until September 10 for the next chance to compete for voters.  If the situation was reversed, would Joe Biden be willing to do that?  I think not.

But the donors need some evidence that Biden can handle himself and it's not like the guy who spends all his time on vacation has other things to do.  The Trump supporters would love to see it happen again and Trump just showed off how spontaneous he is.  I assume Biden's campaign will refuse the offer and Biden himself will probably never hear about it, but that's not going to help them.

In fact, when the offer is refused, or just ignored for a few days, Trump should go ahead with it anyway.  Just fake a debate with a Biden impersonator, saying the sort of things Biden would say if he was competent and then Trump gets to respond.  Do it as real as possible, all in one take, so there's no reason to complain about edited footage.

It'll be taken as a given that there's a script, but the producers should take it as if they're trying to make Biden look as good as possible, citing real info based on government propaganda sources, to show how Trump responds.  Basically they're trying to make Biden look better than his own staff did.  Then it ends with the guy taking off his wig and saying "I can't beat you, congratulations, Mr. President" or something like that.

Might not be all that entertaining, but I think it would be quite effective and there's no way leftists could respond because they'd be agreeing with what the fake Biden said.  This is a great idea, Trump should pay me for it. 😃

Idaho Town Carries Crosses After Chamber of Commerce Banned “Religious Symbols” from Parade
July 4, 2024

□ [“Clinton Adviser Paul Begala: ‘Comatose Joe’ is Much Better Option Than Kamala"]

That's hilarious in a depressing way.  Why didn't they look for candidates who were at least as competent?  I get the point that you don't want a Veep that looks better than you do, but there's also thinking about the future.  Four years ago, Biden said he'd only be a transitional step, so at least in theory, they would have wanted a Veep who would follow him as POTUS, if he actually won the election.

And they're just getting to this now?  They could have had Harris die of "suddenly" two or three years ago and picked a better replacement.  The donors are complaining that these problems have been hidden all this time, so isn't this sort of thing you should be keeping them informed about.

□ [“Dem Govs Say They Support Biden Staying in Race After White House Meeting With Him"]

So they side with the rulers against the people.  Good to know.  Not going to save them when the bottom falls out, but thanks for letting us have a list of who's responsible.  Did they actually get to see Biden do more than walk by or was their conversation with younger, healthier people?  Oh, they'll probably keep those details private.

□ [“Biden Tells Black-Owned Philly Radio Station He’s Proud to Be 'The First Black Woman to Serve with a Black President'"]

Because this is who you're defending.  He's trying to win back the race and gender voters by suddenly self-identifying as a black woman.  "I’m proud to be – as I’ve said – the first Vice President – first black woman to serve with a black president."

Now what are you going to do with that?  Correct a black woman who self-identifies as POTUS?  Sure puts Kamala Harris in her place.  [Not like that!]  Just say he has a cold or something.  Problem is, this interview wasn't live.  This was recorded and whoever's in charge still put this statement out.  Whose side are they on?

‘Stalwart’ Bob's Stores Clothing Chain Announces It’s Closing All Locations
July 4, 2024

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