15 July, 2024

Is Hunter Biden's daughter supposed to grow up to be Rey Palpatine?

EU Border Guard Killed by Spear Throwing Illegal Immigrant
July 15, 2024

Another reason I can't drop the theory that the Trump assassination attempt was a deliberate show is because it is having a major impact on the left's self-awareness.  Timing it right before the RNC, right after Biden and Nancy and the rest insisted Trump was about to learn a lesson, the Secret Service leaving a tower open for a shooter...  I don't think the shooting itself was fake, I think they've had access to decades of government experiments like the CIA and MK Ultra, so they knew how to plan something like this.

And see how the left is reacting, especially their celebrities who don't live in the real world anyway.  They've spent years wanting Nazis shot because they're at war, and now their own leaders are saying they have to drop that rhetoric.  They can't just do a 180 and be glad Hitler wasn't hurt badly.  That's not how war works.

Maybe Trump has a history of performing risky stunts.  Maybe it only works if he was totally unaware that this was going on.  Maybe other conspiracies have been infiltrated and manipulated, which could explain why the tower was left open and the shooter was able to find it available.  I'd assume the Secret Service deals with people who plan to shoot the POTUS and can't even put their pants on, so here they needed someone who had a chance of pulling it off.

So what is the left supposed to do now?  Their celebrities are crying out that the shooter needs to be more accurate, while sane people are responding 'wtf are you thinking?'  Those on the left who still have some basis in reality will find themselves increasingly separated from the rest.  It's the difference between realizing you have a problem and you need help, or saying everything is Trump's fault.

My theory is that the people who wanted to set up a "bullseye" for Trump were the actual targets and didn't even realize it.  Now their reaction will show the world the mess they've been imposing on us for all these decades.  I don't know when or how they're going to explode, but the point is that they'll be at the center of it, the rest of us will (hopefully) be on the edges.

Mitch McConnell Loudly Booed at RNC Convention
July 15, 2024

□ [“Democrat Aberdeen, WA Mayor Claims Trump Faked His Assassination"]

Some people have moved to the "Depression" stage of grief.  Others are still in "Anger" or "Bargaining."  And some are still in "Denial."  I think they mostly make up the lower-ranking leftists, who've had enough success to get promoted but haven't proven themselves yet capable of actually handling stress.  Hollywood is different because they're surrounded by yes-men, but in politics, they need to at least pretend to acknowledge reality.  Except when they don't.

So far, it's been mostly celebrities who seem to be going nuts, saying they want the shooter to do a better job.  Of course they get attention so we may not notice that happening to people we pass on the street.  They're also surrounded by people who need to keep them out of trouble, so I notice they seem to be deleting their tweets shortly after making them.

□ [“MSNBC Yanks Trump-Hating Morning Joe Off the Air Following Trump Assassination Attempt"]

The media could (theoretically) be very entertaining for the next couple months.  Their jobs are about attacking Trump and now they're blocked from the only thing they know how to do.  The staff on these shows may or may not know what's going on, while the executives have to make their bosses happy while producing a successful program, but not the same one they've been doing.  Now they have to go through a lot more twists and turns which they never expected.

To them, this comes off as the kind of pointless sudden changes like they've imposed on the rest of us, and they won't know how to deal with it.  This will cause untold problems with the people around all of them, probably spreading through the whole media/entertainment industry, and their political allies.  No wonder the people at the top needed to stop Trump, otherwise we'll learn that they've all been behind this.

This the problem they're all facing now.  Is he a nazi or not?  If he is, we need to shoot nazis.  If he's not, why have we spent all these years saying he is?  Are we at war now because we weren't back when Trump was in charge and everyone knows it.

Angry Euro-Globalists Move to Boycott Orbán’s EU Presidency, Desperate To Crush His Peace Initiative
July 15, 2024

□ [“Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Documents Case Based on Jack Smith's Unlawful Appointment"]

The Supreme Court just gave him protection, now this case is dropped as well.  As POTUS, he had authority to do whatever he wanted to classified documents, and now that he's officially Republican nominee, he's got more access to whatever he's been working on.  This is another example of the deliberate timing going on.

The Special Council is supposed to be appointed and funded by Congress, not the Attorney General, but that's not how leftist governments work.  For whatever reason, Trump got a judge who agreed that was the wrong thing to do, so this case is dismissed.  It might be appealed, but only as a standard attorney, so unless they get a blatant leftist judge who ignores the law, it'll be laughed out of court.

Biden might just appoint him to the Supreme Court if one of the Republican-appointees dies of "suddenly."  A similar event happened not long before Trump took office, Obama tried to nominate Merrick Garland but the Senate didn't bother to go with it.  Liberals have always been pissed about that, so they'll probably want a replay, and if non-stolen elections actually happen, they may not have the Senate next year.

Trump Confirms a Chunk of His Right Ear is Gone During Assassination Attempt
July 15, 2024

□ [“RFK Jr. Finally Granted Secret Service Following Pressure From Trump"]

It's amusing, I guess, that Trump was saying there should be protection for RFKjr, and was completely ignored by the Secret Service and Biden, but now they see a reason why maybe they should look like they at least want to try to prevent assassinations.  I could see them making an argument that regulations specify who should or shouldn't get guards, or just saying RFKjr is rich so he can pay for it themselves, but instead they're making it look like Trump is already in charge and the election is just a formality.

That part is funny, sure, but I don't see much reason to put RFKjr under such protection anyway, and I don't like the fact that Trump is working with him on this.  It wouldn't surprise me if they've known each other for a few decades anyway and RFK jr just looks like a freaky old rich guy, a standard leftist on almost every issue.  Yet Trump is reportedly looking for some way to include him in his new administration.  Not so funny.

I have the same opinion of Trump's veep pick, Senator JD Vance.  Don't know anything about the guy, former marine, so that's a plus.  Senator, not a plus.  Maybe someone from the House can move into the executive branch, but I don't want anybody from the Senate.  Normally I would only want a governor but that was what Mike Pence was doing in 2016 and look how that worked out.  Vance also tweeted on January 14, 2022 that nurses who didn't get the poison covid vaccine should be fired.  That should be the end of his career right there.  His wife is Hindu, also not a plus.

Hunter Biden’s Love Child Navy Joan Would Like to Meet Grandpa, But Old Joe Isn’t Interested
July 15, 2024

□ [“BlackRock Pulls Ad Featuring Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks"]

Things get even more suspicious.  BlackRock is the world's largest "asset manager," probably best known these days for all the stock they hold in Disney.  Their approval is needed to almost any decision made by that company and probably many others.  That's already unnerving.

And the would-be assassin was seen in the background, an ad for his high school teacher promoting "financial well-being," investment in BlackRock or one of their sub-companies.  The company has already removed this ad from the internet, although others had already made copies.

What's weird about this is that Crooks has no social media.  A 20 year old and he's not hooked up with whatever internet the kids are into these days?  Is that even legal?  So far, basically all we know about him is that he is a registered Republican, he donated very small sums to leftist groups and he could be seen in this ad.  How do you get to age 20 in America these days and that's all there is to know about you?

This just doesn't make sense.  My theory is that there's been a long practice that's basically a mix of human/child trafficking as well as reproducing, to the extent that there are lots of people who aren't officially known by the government, no birth certificates or anything like that.  I think Hollywood's been doing it for a long time, but it's probably all over the US now.

He's Shot:  Biden Says Obama Asked Him to Be Vice President in 2020
July 15, 2024

Henry:  And what did you find, Junior.20240715
Chewie:  Junior?  Dad...
Sallah:  Please, what does it always mean, this, this "Junior"?
Henry:  That's his name.  Henry.  Jones.  Junior.
Chewie:  I like Chewbacca.
Henry:  We named the wookie Chewbacca.
Sallah:  The wookie?  You are named after the wookie?
Chewie:  I got a lot of fond memories of that wookie.

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