08 July, 2024

Where is the lost and found? I can't find my country.

Barcelona’s Citizens at War With ‘Over-Tourism’ – Angry Protesters Shoot Water Guns at Visitors
July 8, 2024

□ [“I’m Not Bad at What I Do!' – Angry Joe Biden Shouts at MSNBC’s Mika and Joe"]

But what he does isn't very nice.  I'm sure there are already pix of adding Biden to that classic Simpsons gag, "Old Man Yells At Cloud."  This being the internet, I assume there's also a "rule 34" version, probably starring Joe himself, but I'd rather not see that, thank you very much.

So he called in to a tv show that, I'm not sure if it's popular or not, but I've heard of it, so that's something.  No idea how he actually sounded, but he's not coming off as someone who accepts criticism very well.  Biden used to be reasonably personable, if he's so healthy then why don't they just tell him to act like he did ten or twenty years ago?  There's a reason why he can't, and they refuse to admit it.

He did send a letter to Democrats in Congress about how he's staying in the race and nothing's going to change that.  It's just coming across as a simplistic bully who hasn't realized that he's losing but everyone around him is seeing that.  Good thing he's not the real POTUS or there'd be reasons to worry about this behavior.

Biden also says he's "frustrated by the elites in the party.”  They're the ones who put him here, it's not like they'd accept him speaking out.  Is he trying to convince anybody or is this just putting on a show?  They're the only ones who can donate large sums of money in this economy, what does he think poor people are going to do?  "Challenge him at the convention"?

Biden’s Upcoming Wisconsin Fundraiser Cancelled – Donors Committed to Large Sums Withdrew After Debate
July 6, 2024

New Labour British PM Keir Starmer to Release 40 Thousand Prisoners Who Served Less Than Half of Their Sentences
July 8, 2024

□ [“Parkinson’s Disease Specialist Made Ten White House Visits Dating Back to November 2022"]

Ten employees in the White House really needed to see a specialist and couldn't wait until they got off work?  What are the odds of that?  But it can't be anybody important or the media would have reported on it.

The media is obviously trying to catch up, they look desperate.  They kept asking at today's press briefing and KJP refused to answer.  I don't think the issue is serious in itself, it's the cover-up and how the media needs to keep asking.  Of course we wonder what else they're covering up, but that's they're own damn fault.

So the White House has been hiding this from the media and now there's a medical excuse to get rid of Biden.  I'm ambivalent if this will work.  On the one hand, there's no reason for Biden to go quietly, but on the other hand, he's Joe Biden, who's going to listen to him if they don't have to?  It's not like he remembers any secrets he could reveal about others.  But that doesn't mean he won't try.

Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso Sign Confederation Treaty, as France Loses Colonial Power and US Military Withdraws
July 8, 2024

□ [“Biden Ignores Reporters Asking About Democrats 'Calling for Harris as The Nominee'"]

Maybe he wasn't ignoring them, maybe he genuinely couldn't hear them.  The guy has Parkinson's after all.  And a cold.  And he did something weeks ago and must be exhausted, so he can't hear.

The media is starting to move into asking who the replacement will be.  Harris is obviously the main choice, although they're going to run into problems with her.  She makes Joe Biden look intelligent and coherent, so someone along the line will have to suggest going elsewhere.  They're going to fight over this, just you wait.

Biden thinks he'll stay where he is, but it's not really his choice.  Granted, the elite may decide that they can't do any better than him, but it won't be for trying.  You wouldn't get to be a high-ranking politician without thinking you deserve the top spot and the elites who appointed you would have an even higher opinion of themselves.

□ [“'Time To Stop F*cking Around' Rob Reiner Calls for Biden to Step Down and ‘Save Democracy’"]
□ [“Bette Midler Urges Biden to Arrest House Republicans, Execute Rep. Jim Jordan"]

And they're on the same side.  Do they even notice the contradictions?  Probably not, but do their servants actually putting this out notice anything that might not be pure leftism??  Probably not, if they want to keep their job.

But this is an example of the conflict our elites are facing, and their pet media, and whatever armed men they have working for them.  And this is just two old white celebrities, there's a lot more out there.  Then there's leftists who aren't celebrities but have their own influence.  They're going to need to specify whose side their own.

Surrounded by wealth and fame most-if-not-all of their lives, Hollywood elitists.  We can assume they're part of the demon-worshipping conspiracy, since they're the ones who expect the accused to prove innocence.  One side knows they have to hide everything and think dumping Biden is the best way to make that happen, the other side wants open tyranny against anyone they don't like and never see how that can work against them.

‘Walk to Podium’: Fresh Leaks Show Biden Aides Micromanaging His Every Move With Verbal and Visual Cues
July 7, 2024

Public Health Officials Warn of Human Plague Case in Colorado
July 6, 2024

Disney's Parks Nearly Ghost-Towns on the Fourth of July
July 8, 2024

□ [“Chinese, Belarusian armies to hold joint anti-terrorism exercise"]

I know it's easy to forget, but WWIII is still going on.  China is performing military exercises in Belarus, either as a warning to NATO forces that are on the ground next door or else the fight has already started and this is just cover.  The exercises are in Brest, which is on the Polish border, only 350 miles from Kiev.

How willing is NATO to fight?  At least without actually declaring war, which is kinda important if they want their citizens to take any of this seriously.  China and Russia don't have to worry about such things, so NATO either needs to step up to the game or quit before it's too late.

They're probably not going to quit before it's too late.  They're eager for it to be too late.  The rulers have to know that the citizens won't put up with this, so the plan is probably to kill us all so we'll be out of the way.  I'd speculate if this is all a plan they worked out with Russia and China but that doesn't really matter at this point.

Another One!  United Boeing 757 Loses Wheel After Taking Off From LAX
July 8, 2024

NEA President Unhinged Rant at Annual Meeting: “Our Students Are Depending On Us to Win All the Things”
July 8, 2024

German Soccer Captain Says His Country ‘Overwhelmed’ By Migrants, No Longer Safe To Live There
July 8, 2024

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