16 July, 2024

The Secret Service should just hire Batman. He'll know what to do!

Brazilian Model/Sex Trafficker Sentenced to Eight Years for Luring Young Women to the US ‘for Sexual Exploitation’
July 16, 2024

□ [“Jack Black Laughs as His Bandmate's Birthday Wish is ‘Don’t Miss Trump Next Time’-Australian Tour Abruptly Cancelled"]

I think I've heard of these people but have no idea what they do or why they're famous.  This sort of thing will probably be happening a lot more now.  Black was the one who announced the immediate cancellation, but that doesn't mean he made the decision.  An Australian Senator had started pushing for immediate deportation, so I get the impression that Black and co. were told to get the hell out immediately before they learn the hard way why Australia was founded.

□ [“Morning Joe and Mika Threaten to Quit After They Were Abruptly Pulled Off Air"]

I think it's going to be happening mostly at the lower-levels of fame because they have a clue what to do.  I'm thinking of Mick Jagger promoting Justin Trudeau and immediately changing the subject at the boos.  These two are famous for being on MSNBC, they aren't the ones helping the network.  Probably would be cheaper to get some youtube star and format his posts slightly.  Not saying the network would actually do that, but they've go the advantage, the Trump-haters, not so much.

□ [“Mark Hamill Mocks Trump’s ‘Ludicrously Oversized’ Ear Bandage, Suggests It Is All For Show"]

Another example of those lower-ranks.  He didn't make Star Wars and don't get the appeal from what little I've heard of his "Joker."  Ok, it's fine, but if I didn't know who was doing it, nothing would make me go "OH WOW!  That Joker voice is awesome!  What else has this guy done?"

They may be low on the totem poll, but they do have staff and hangers-on who will encourage this.  There's also people who hire celebrities and will say "enough of this."  Not sure where this will lead, but I am sure a lot of people who thought they were much wealthier than us peons will suddenly learn what the economy is really like, thanks to the politicians they support.

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) Convicted On All Charges in Bribery and Corruption Scheme
July 16, 2024

□ [“Marvel Erases Superhero's Jewish Identity in Upcoming 'Captain America' Film"]

I knew exactly who they were referring to from the headline.  To be fair, it was because I'd seen a brief clip from the movie, if it ever gets made, so I couldn't remember her name, but I recognized her.  I even thought I had her very first appearance in Contest of Champions #1, but looking it up, she was created by Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema for some issue of Hulk two years earlier.  Anyway, I knew who she was and had to wonder how Marvel was going to get away with this.

Well here you go.  Sabra isn't just Jewish, she's Israeli.  And now she's suddenly going to be Russian instead, because who else would appeal to Marvel fans?  Hollywood has had this stereotype long before the 'put a chick in it and make her gay' line, they'll change characters into whatever the studios want.  I gave the MCU credit for, as far as I knew, doing a decent job of staying as close to the original characters as possible.  Obviously they get changed but as much of it seemed to be about moving from one medium to another.

Sabra's not the first and won't be the last.  I'm not enough of an MCU fan to cite when the real changes were made.  Peter Parker as Tony Starks boy toy?  Carol Danvers as 21st century feminist propaganda and instead of 1970s feminist propaganda?  I know Ant Man has had multiple different names, so maybe that's it.  Don't know, don't care.

I've read enough comics to know that the notion that Marvel has 80 years of brilliant stories to turn into movies is completely false.  But at least they could pretend to have something to work with.  Now they're not even hiding that raw material can be ignored, only the name and IP remains the same.

Biden Speaks Gibberish When Asked What Happens If He Has “Another Episode” Like the Debate
July 16, 2024

□ [“The Presidential Vegetable Is Back, Baby!"]

Brand-new clips appear of Biden babbling.  Maybe Democrats hoped we wouldn't see this because Trump was dead or something, but Biden doesn't magically become young or coherent.  He thinks he does, but just the fact that after all these decades, he's still trying to run for POTUS shows us the truth.

So now his party is split on what to do about him.  The DNC is trying to get a "virtual" nomination weeks before the national convention starts, to try to reduce the conflict, and maybe no one has to actually see Biden.  But some Democrats oppose that, including members of Congress with real names who wanted Biden to step down and/or cancel his campaign.

After a brief interlude where we saw a real man handle a real problem, the *woke* factions are back to gain more power, so they have to fight each other.  I still think they'll keep Biden because they have no other choice, but it's just going to get worse for them.  They know they have to steal the election to have any chance of winning but it's also becoming more and more clear that they'll be vastly outnumbered by people who oppose that.

It probably varies from individual to individual, but those who want Biden out might think there are better options, or they might just not want to put up with him, or they're just incredibly desperate.  But if there's still any sane Democrats left, this is going to push them out.  The guy who campaigned on "Make America Great Again" is a better option than the guy who promised a "return to normalcy."

It's totally anecdotal, but I've seen internet posts of people who started out leftist and have been growing out if it, slowly or quickly, that are just fed up with what's been pushed, especially in the last few weeks.  The one that stuck out to me was someone who self-identified as female described her leftist beliefs, and whatever was left of that completely vanished with the pic of Trump raising his fist after being shot.  That's why the left needs to destroy real men, because if any of them come along, the left loses every time.

Biden Going After the Supreme Court—Wants Term Limits, Enforceable Ethics Code, Immunity Amendment
July 16, 2024

□ [“Secret Service Didn’t Put Any Agents on the Roof Because Slight Slope Was Too Dangerous"]

Only an attempted assassin is courageous enough to make that slight slope.  The people who will die to save the POTUS aren't up to that challenge.  Even worse, the roof the assassin was using is actually steeper than the ones the SS were too scared to climb.  I would like to think they'll come up with better excuses, but this one comes from the *woke* female diversity hire who's in charge of the Secret Service.  If she doesn't know how this happened, nobody does.

And that's why she's not going to resign for this horrific failure.  If your job is to stop someone from being shot and they get shot, that's not your fault.  It's starting to come out that Jill Biden is the one who got her this job, so her DEI hire will be protected at least as much as they protected Trump, maybe even more.  If true, that's interesting.  It suggests Jill's been picking all the new federal employees and just giving her husband paperwork to sign without reading.  Or someone else is doing that and giving the paperwork to Jill.

It's also being suggested that SS agents are being pulled away from Trump so they can be sent to rallies Jill is attending.  Probably to carry her bags and get coffee, but as long as they aren't protecting Trump, that's what matters.  And that they're at least 30% female, regardless of competence.  Is that a deliberate plan for the SS to ensure Trump gets assassinated or is it just being exploited by someone else who has that same plan?

DHS Secretary Mayorkas has made sure to say he has total confidence in the SS and the female in charge.  Meanwhile, Biden is asked if he's heard from the person in charge and answers “Oh, I’ve heard from him.”  I can think of several tasteless jokes about that, but it shows how connected these people are.

Daily Show Cancels Plans to Film Republican National Convention After Trump Assassination Attempt
July 14, 2024

Orbán Tells EU Leaders Trump ‘Has Detailed and Well-Founded Plans’ to End the War in Ukraine
July 16, 2024

IIRC, Disney's Star Wars tv show is ending tonight.  It was already being ignored in the last few weeks.  People watched the first few episodes to see how bad it would be, and then the viewers vanished.  It probably won't even appear on the list of ratings, the only viewers are watching a train wreck and probably trying to make youtube videos and commentary.

Whatever I know about the show comes from those youtube videos and commentary, but it sounds like a show about lesbian space witches was essentially an attempt to promote the *woke* agenda, leftism, demon-worship, whatever term you use to describe the fundamental evil we're facing in the world today.  It happened a long long time ago and it's happening right here, right now.

To its credit, this means I've been paying more attention to Star Wars in the last couple months than I have in the last few decades, I just don't have to watch it.  This is where the confusion comes in, who was this supposed to attract?  Or interest?  Or get money from?  What was it supposed to accomplish and how the f*cking hell does Disney expect to advance on this absolute failure?  The franchise destroyed itself and just seems to be forgotten by everyone else, or at least entirely past-tense.

Somehow they thought they can destroy the rest of us.  But they can't win.  If they strike us down, we will become more powerful than they could possibly imagine.

CNN Reporter at RNC Interrupted By Man Wearing “Where is the Jeffrey Epstein Client List?” Shirt
July 16, 2024

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