19 July, 2024

The struggle continues to think up another joke here...

Black Female Shoots a Baby in Front of His Parents in Philly
July 19, 2024

□ [“Biden Campaign Schedules Emergency All-Hands Meeting”]

They have to figure out how to delay things.  They can keep Biden hidden so long as he has whatever deadly virus they've come up with this week, so that helps.  But the people who actually dealt with them and then lied about how healthy and non-senile he is are stuck with the same problems they already had, too many people know what he's really like.

It's kind of funny that they just decided Biden had a virus and can't see anyone.  Assuming he's heard of Trump's big rallies, you'd think he'd be eager to have some of his own and show how many living breathing supporters he has.  Or just Americans who see him walk in and go "Wow!  The real POTUS!"  But alas, he'll be too sick to do anything until the convention.

□ [“Kamala Harris Agrees to Last-Minute Zoom Call with Democrat Megadonors"]

This is probably where her fate will be decided.  They want rid of Biden, can she be used as a replacement puppet?  If she can, they might be willing to keep Biden long enough to steal another election, or ditch him and install her on the spot.  If not, they need to know now.

One thing Democrats could do would involve democracy, just have their voters decide if they want Biden to stay or not?  They don't want to act like a republic where they vote for representatives who make all the decisions for everybody.  Republicans are bad.  This is the 21st century, you'd think they could figure this out by now and not even have to worry about election theft.

One Third of All Democrats Believe That The Trump Assassination Attempt was "Staged"
July 17, 2024

□ [“Biden Camp Lashes Out Amid Another Damaging Leak About Biden Exiting the Race"]

It works both ways, there's no reason to believe the leaks are real but there's also no reason to believe they aren't.  This is the problem of covering up the truth about Biden (or anything else) all this time.  It's not like he can go out and speak coherently for an hour and a half the way Trump just did to close the Republican convention.  Biden would be lucky to go for five minutes.

It's also rumored that other members of the family are talking about what to do.  Hunter will probably sell the corpse to whoever pays the most, Jill wants to keep the corpse where it is so she gets all the perks and none of the responsibilities.  Beau probably agrees with whoever spoke last, I don't think he says much these days.  Of course we don't know who else is the Biden family, but they all want their piece of the pie.

The campaign and what remains of their media allies are trying to speak out, but this is just making them look like simple thugs.  People who have to pay their own bills know how bad the economy is, the wars aren't getting any better, this isn't going to change their minds.  Notice that there hasn't even been much coverage of the fake court cases against Trump.

We know they have more weapons to rely on but they're getting very desperate at the moment.  All of this is hinged on the old man who's so weak and stupid that they have to pretend he's capable of anything.  Allies are turning away, the money is drying up, there's no reason to listen to them anymore, but they say he'll stay in power.

Migrant Children Suffered “Pervasive Abuse” – Rape, Sexual Assault – At Biden-Contracted Housing Facilities
July 19, 2024

□ [“Dem Congressman and Longtime Biden Ally Says Old Joe ‘Didn’t Seem’ to Recognize Him"]

Seth Moulton (D-MA) describes how Biden didn't seem to know him at recent meetings.  More members of Congress are putting their names on the record as wanting Biden out of the race, although I haven't seen any mention of him quitting the pretend-presidency.  It's another reason for the left to stall, whatever it takes.

So what is Congress going to do?  The 25th Amendment is right there.  It's also claimed that Republicans want Biden to stay because they know they can beat him.  Not sure who on which side is saying that, but it's possible.  Or maybe it's just the uniparty.  RINOs are probably sitting this out because they don't want to be noticed..

Congress could just take a vote right now, who wants Biden to stay?  It would require everyone to take a position and see how much influence they really have.  It's probably why they won't do that.  Should he stay or should he go, just vote on that.  No point trying to figure out a replacement if everybody wants him to stay.  Or at least the majority.  That's democracy.

England Has Fallen:  Videos Capture Dystopic Scenes as Massive Migrant Riots Break Out in the UK
July 19, 2024

□ [“Microsoft Reportedly Lays Off DEI Team"]

They've always been run by liberals and had all the advantage of the internet, I would think these people helped to start the DEI nonsense.  But it shows how bad the economy is getting, even for these people.  Those with common sense would know this was a bad idea in the first place, but none of them are in charge.

Hollywood is having the same problems.  Can't afford to make expensive movies that are just leftist propaganda when people haven't gotten around to paying money to watch the last batch.  But the actors still demand tons of money so they can recite leftist propaganda.  It takes a lot of people to make even the cheap generic Hollywood productions, and all those others have to lose their jobs.

My focus is on Disney and their franchises, so I don't pay much attention to the rest of the industry, but it's obviously a widespread problem.  Leftists made them suffer all these years and now the consequences are finally arriving.  This was amplified by the months of pointless strikes last year.  Can't even figure out what those were supposed to accomplish, other than giving the big companies an excuse to move to A.I.

But what are the people who actually wanted DEI to do now?  They aren't capable of doing anything else, so that's not an option.  I'm sure they assume the government will pay for everything, but that's not how reality works.  It would be nice to expect them to collapse from their own pathetic beliefs, but it probably won't be that simple.

Widespread IT Outages Across the Globe – Major US Airlines Ground All Flights – 911, Emergency Systems Affected
July 19, 224

□ [“NBC News Journo:  Resentment Between Biden Team and Obama People, Biden Feels Betrayed"]

The media is trying to promote their own view, affected by their own internal conflicts.  And has anybody heard from the Clintons?  They seem to be the ones most connected to the 'new world order' and most willing to turn against anyone.  I'm not even speculating on what the invaders are doing these days, but you know they're prepared for what happens next.

But all sides have to be wary that secrets will start being released.  They'll see a benefit for the media that way, pushing out a ton of lies and a few true statements that no one will notice.  This is definitely another front of WWIII and I'm definitely surprised  that it's happening here and now among these people.  We knew they've been fighting behind closed doors but this is totally different.

What other groups are getting involved?  There's finance, there were internet shutdowns today.  The chaos is slowly getting bigger, which will inspire more people to run away from whatever side they've been supporting all this time.  The secrets will start coming out (hopefully) and Trump is making it clear what he really meant by "Make America Great Again."

Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Congresswoman, age 74 20240719

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