14 July, 2024

Was this the challenge Biden said was "about to happen"?

California Homeless Woman Kidnaps Four-Year-Old Girl While She Ate Lunch with Her Grandmother
July 14, 2024

□ [“George Stephanopoulos Blames Trump and Trump Supporters’ 'Violent Rhetoric' for Shooting"]

Blame the people who get shot, how... clever.  One dead, three injured, including Trump, and the leftist propagandists are rushing out to ignore all their rhetoric for the last several years on assassinating Trump, which even includes comments leftists have made since the shooting.  The only people who would agree with this already side with the left, or else would just like to shoot people and get away with it.

They made sure to kill the shooter on the spot, so we don't get to hear his story first hand.  We'll have to check his social media posts to see what crush he had on Jodie Foster or whoever the modern version is.  He was officially registered as a Republican, but it looks like more of a RINO.  He donated money to the DNC and Democrat "super pact" ActBlue, not something Trump supporters are known for.

I still suspect this was planned somehow, but so far, the shooter himself doesn't look like he was specifically chosen.  It's more likely - as far as we know - that he's just a mindless victim, exactly the kind of servant leftists want to turn all children into.  As for the shooting, it was from 200 yards, which really isn't even enough to aim for an ear, so assuming it happened just as we see in footage, that was a real assassination attempt.

Mostly my suspicion comes from what day it was, just before the French Revolution anniversary, just a few days before the Republican Convention, and the way the DEI-hires at the Secret Service didn't do anything until several shots had been fired.  That's just too many things happening at once to be a coincidence.  It's all part of God's plan, yes, but there are real people doing things at specific times and places that can't just be blamed on God.

Then there's Trump's reaction.  He didn't run away like a sissy girl, he stayed where he was and made sure the crowd could see that he was still alive.  That's leadership.  He's handled rock concerts and large audiences for a long time, he knew what to do.  The crowd was too big to do anything so they needed to see the man in charge, and immediately started chanting "USA."  I don't think there's a good way to describe it, but that's what he did and it would have affected everybody who watched.  That picture is going to be around for a long time.

Keep in mind, one can still be cynical and just assume it shows his abilities as a showman.  That's not going to help the left, if he can pull this off, you think he couldn't do anything more subtle, like listing accusations of crime and replacing "Biden" with "Trump" just to fool the left?

I don't get the point of demanding that he get his shoes first.  As an alpha male (him, not me) I get it.  He's stayed calm and wants to pick up his stuff before moving off to safety.  It might be different if the crowd was being hit with machine guns, but face it, Trump would have been the first target, so his shoes wouldn't matter at that point.

What I don't get is why he took his shoes off?  It was a hot summer day and he was standing on stage for an hour or two, what the hell is up with his feet that he wasn't wearing shoes in the first place?  Is this just one of those weird Trump things like eating pizza with a knife and fork?

Trump Issues New Statement:  'It Was God Alone Who Prevented the Unthinkable From Happening’
July 14, 2024

□ [“Obama Releases Statement Following Assassination Attempt on Trump"]

He doesn't mention "you bring a knife, we bring a gun."  Guess he doesn't want to remind people how he encourages violence.  Like Biden and Nancy Pelosi who rushed to make public statements, they're all just citing standard rhetoric against political violence and none of them mention what their own supporters are doing.  Why do you suppose they're ignoring that?

The media is having problems, with headlines announcing that the Secret Service had to remove Trump from the stage because of loud noises in the crowd.  They have to show that they're going out of their way to hide actual news which their customers already know what happened.  Just who is this supposed to help?

Then there's the problem with the Secret Service.  You can say they're a bunch of 20-somethings who spend most of their time playing on their cell phones but that's not really going to work well.  They're hired for DEI requirements, not the actual tough job they're supposed to do.  This is the world that leftist teachers and parents have created.  There are observations that the female Secret Service members didn't look very good during the the event.  Can't fix a problem until you admit there is a problem.

Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine
June 16, 2024

Kamala Harris Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protesters at Presidential Town Hall in Philly
July 14, 2024

Shannen Doherty, actress, Beverly Hills 90210, age 53July 13, 2024

□ [“Trump Announces Departure for RNC Convention in Milwaukee"]

The sort of thing that makes you not care if it was staged or not.  If it happened for real, just as we saw it, he's continuing on with his work the way he always does, a living example of the masculine courage and self-respect that we hardly seen for decades.  And if it was all an act, it requires mind-boggling brilliance to pull this off without a flaw.

Either way, he's competing against a guy who blames a cold and only a week of practice for doing a bad job at the debate, and won't even live up to his own challenge for a golf game.  I'd like to say it can't get much clearer who the enemy is in this Civil War 2.0 but I'm sure it's going to get even clearer before long.

□ [“Dem Congressman Who Authored Bill to Strip Trump’s Secret Service Protection Offers ‘Condolences’"]

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) doesn't bother to mention that if he had gotten what he wanted, Trump would be dead now.  That lets us know he's going to keep pushing for this.  He even has a staff member who tweeted “I don’t condone violence, but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time.  Oops, that wasn’t me talking.”
She's not the only government employee who feels this way, she's just one of the few who immediately went public with the desire.  Reportedly she's already been fired for this, but she'll probably get a higher-paying job as a reward.  We'll find out if there's anybody on the left who thinks this is a bad idea.  Probably not, they already have mental problems, that's why they're in government.

It was just a week or so ago that they were talking about how, thanks to a Supreme Court decision, Biden now had full authority to order Trump's assassination.  Biden even tweets that Trump needs to be put "in a bullseye."  And then this happens, coincidence?  Of course they ignored that Biden wouldn't do the work himself, he'd be ordering others who didn't have legal immunity, but the left is too deluded to think of anything like that.

Leftists Lament Failed Trump Assassination – ‘How Do You Miss’ Trends on X – Others Claim It Was All Staged!
July 13, 2024

Leftists and Radical Jihadists Parade in French Streets Calling for Open Borders and Attacking Police
July 8, 2024

Rapper 50 Cent:  “I know the vibes, we are all in trouble now!” Pays Tribute to Trump During Concert
July 14, 2024

□ [“The Democrat Campaign to Replace Biden Has Ended, and Not for the Reason You Might Think"]

If true, it's very funny.  Not because Biden is senile and Harris is the only eligible replacement.  Not because the big money donors are drying up and Democrats always talk about not wanting money, which they need a lot of money to do.  Not even because the talk about the economy and the war has dropped.

No, it's because Trump just won.  Now you and I know that they're still going to try to steal the election and they have a very good chance of succeeding, but they won't be able to fake it.  Effectively they could just say the vote was 99%-1% for Biden but nobody will believe that, even Biden supporters.  Well, maybe Biden supporters, but nobody else.

They still don't have a way to pick a replacement that everybody would support.  They still have over a month to go before the convention which is going to be hit by massive anti-Israel protests.  And that doesn't do anything about the need to convince everyone to go along with the vote counts.  I could see them turning to BRICS for help, or rushing to nuclear war as an excuse to cancel the election altogether.

Then there's the problem of calling Trump a dictator and threat to the nation.  That's the sort of person who needs to be shot, yet these same Democrats are saying how glad they are to hear he wasn't seriously injured.  Which is it?  They do literally call him "Hitler," how can they be grateful that Hitler only received minor injuries in the 20 July plot?  They're at war, aren't they?

Forbes Deletes Article Titled: ‘Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal To Black Voters?’
July 14, 2024

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