17 July, 2024

Has everybody been trained to fail? If not, why not?

July 16, 2024

July 17, 2024

High ranking Democrat and he's open about it, they can't win if they keep Biden.  This is probably the reason I go back and forth on whether or not they'll drop him.  They're not going to stop so the only thing that can change is that Biden is out for one reason or another.  That's not a good way to run a Presidential campaign.  Well, Biden must like it, but everybody else...

I assume it won't happen for real, but I enjoy wondering what a leftist's response to questions about defying Fearless Leader.  If any of you know Democrats who refuse to change direction, ask them how many Democrats would need to disagree before they see a problem?  Let me know the answer.  And now you can add another question, 'what would it take to make you say "we should have listened to Adam Schiff when we had the chance"?'

Apparently there was also a zoom chat with House Democrats on Saturday, not long before Trump was supposed to quit the race and that didn't go well.  It's said that if not for Trump's intervention, the Democrats would have left the call saying Biden needs to drop out.  He didn't sound good, rambling, losing his train of thought, giving up on whatever he was trying to say with "whatever."

If this story is true, most notable was his rant against Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO).  While claiming he created NATO and demanding more sycophancy with "Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy!” he also blabs "Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son!"

Those are English words, but there's no clue what he's trying to say here.  Crow didn't fall for it, he just pointed out that this rant wasn't getting through to the voters.  This is one of the problems Democrats have to face, they've known the real Joe Biden for decades.  The American public can only see the results and they don't like them.  How do you deal with a senile idiot who thinks he's in charge and will take you down with him?

July 17, 2024

Oh no!  The virus is back!  Everything has to be shut down!  Again!  And Biden has to campaign at home and promise he'll end it on Day One again!  And he has to tell us to get vaccinated again!  And promise again that this will keep us from getting the virus again!

When I saw the first article, I wondered if Biden was actually hinting on a way out.  Not sure if it was deliberate, but even if he has no idea what he's saying, people who listen to him would see options if they wanted him gone.  I don't mean the obvious medical problems he has, typical of old and senile men, those would just be ignored anyway.  I mean that someone could offer his doctors some cash to suddenly discover a new medical condition so Biden has to sadly say goodbye.

Well, here you go.  Now he can't go out to campaign events, he can't be around other Democrats where he might hear what they have to say.  And what are the big money donors going to think?  What about the people who are still wearing masks everywhere, they probably aren't Trump supporters, how are they going to respond to this surprise?

We're also hearing that Nancy Pelosi is on the phones, getting other Democrats to agree to drop Biden.  Several of these people are named but none of it is official.  It's possible that they're actually trying to keep him, it's just the sheer amount of discussion that must be going on backstage that shows how desperate they're getting.  Or maybe it's because many of them think they can replace him.

For that matter, what if Al Gore or John Kerry or Hillary Clinton announce that they're running.  Not sure it would really work, but wouldn't the Party be able to pretend it's working?  They need something different and what else would they get ?  Nancy Pelosi deciding to take over? 

I don't remember the specifics there was a story about the replacement of a Soviet General Secretary.  I think it was after Chernenko had died, everyone on the Politburo was looking at each other, effectively negotiating in silence to see who would have the courage to speak up and take charge, and finally Gorbachev was willing to take the risk.  And of course everyone immediately fell in line behind him.

July 17, 2024

You don't want to help the guy who was shot, in public where everybody could see him and knew his name, so you want to remove the picture of him getting shot.  But leave your name out of it.

Yeahhhhh, that's believable.  Do you need my bank account info and passwords to help out on this?  This is another example of the media going even crazier than they already were.  It doesn't help the media that they want to hide actual pictures of what actually happened because they don't like the results, that Trump isn't dead.

Something also seems to be different about how everybody they report is "unnamed."  The media has always done that, and maybe it's just my perspective changing recently.  There are valid reasons to keep a source unnamed, but there's also an excuse to make something up and it's not like anyone can prove that.

And she quickly decides that was a bad choice of words.  The camera is right there, she's responsible for what she says and there's no escape.  It goes even further, they're stuck with their obsession with Trump.  One thing that the left never realizes is that normal people live their own lives and pay as little attention to this stuff as possible.  The left opposes that and wants to change everybody else.

This is the problem they're facing, how do they obsess themselves with someone and want them dead without admitting what's required to make that happen?  It's like when I talk to my girlfriend about my ex-wife, she agrees with me and says we should do something about her, so we must be right.  Why are you looking at me that way?

July 17, 2024

Is this still going on?  Jeez, that's so 2022.  I'm sure someone is still paying attention to this, but notice how completely it's fallen off public radar, especially for people in Russia or Ukraine.  It's like the rest of us are all in other nations and prefer to focus on what's happening there.

Besides the conflict between Russia/Ukraine, which goes back centuries, this is looking more and more like a deliberate show to distract the west as much as possible.  It would explain why Russia hasn't acted like normal Russia, just sending in forces to wipe out anyone they oppose, regardless of casualties.  It probably also benefits BRICS, but it's not clear how or why, so I won't think about that.

Meanwhile leftist rulers funnel as much money, military equipment and mercenaries as possible into Ukraine.  They also poison their own militaries with *woke* policies, making sure we'll be on the losing side when it really goes kinetic.  As we see with Democrats, Disney, the economy and everything else, it's like they're convinced they'll win no matter how bad things get.

July 17, 2024

We'll see how many blacks are willing to get off the plantation.  Many of them must be tempted but you could say that about anybody.  But they need him to keep being seen in public which means that everybody gets to see more of his senility and complain about that to other Democrats who have to worry about their own elections.

And Trump's actually pushing in liberal cities and states.  They'd have to see the "danger" in their own neighborhoods, and that's not including the iconic pic of him just being shot.  One of the things that represents an organized resistance is the way this is functioning to inspire as many people all around the world of the damage leftism causes and encourages us to fight back.

We all worry about what's going on, we have valid reasons to form a resistance.  Trump can help but he has to be replaceable.  It's why I always advocate senior military leaders get involved, they know how to operate large organizations and can train the next generation, a collective version of being a good parent.  This is what civilization came from and it will end tomorrow if we don't continue.  We can see this with the people surrounding and supporting Biden.

July 17, 2024

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