18 July, 2024

It's not "let's go, Brandon." It's "go away, Brandon"

Bob Newhart, sitcom star, legendary comedian, age 9420240718

Lou Dobbs, tv reporter, age 78 July 18, 2024

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Suggests Biden Surviving Covid is the Same as Trump Surviving an Assassination Attempt
July 17, 2024

Dem NYC Councilwoman Caught on Video Biting NYPD Officer at Homeless Shelter Protest
July 18, 2024

□ [“Biden Handlers Just Threw Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi Under the Bus"]

The conflict continues backstage.  To varying extents, the big names are now ready to get rid of Biden.  They can't say so publicly because then they would be committed.  I do note that Hillary hasn't even been asked and even Obama is being criticized.  Just random comments on unimportant websites, but I have seen people say Biden is the greatest POTUS in their lifetime, which sure puts Obama in his place.

Makes for an interesting view of how things could have been different, according to leftist insanity.  They should have picked Joe in 2008, who could easily have beaten Hillary.  He would have picked the token black guy for veep and after eight years of experience, that token black guy could have beaten Hillary and (maybe) Trump.  Instead, they're all past-tense at this point, and no one's available to replace them.

I've also seen an interesting insight suggesting that Biden isn't the pawn we always thought he was.  Or rather, he's still the pawn, but he's pushing 50 years of experience with the unelected federal bureaucracy.  They're the ones who really stand behind him.  To other liberals, Biden has always fallen into line and was easy idiot to manipulate as needed.

Not sure how much this applies to the Democratic Party regulations, but at least from a federal standpoint, they'll bend the rules to support Biden because he's obedient and familiar to them.  The party itself could be schizoid, they'd operate under similar principles because Biden's been there for over half a century, but they'll also turn against anyone who isn't helpful now.

CIA Analyst Wife of Washington Post Writer Max Boot Has Been Charged with Espionage
July 18, 2024

□ [“Biden Falls Apart During Catastrophic BET Interview"]

It does look like the left is moving over to getting rid of Biden, although they still haven't publicly worked out what that means.  Most of them seem to have gotten through the "denial" phase of grief.  Those who don't will have their own problems, but then you can just show them Biden having no clue who his appointee is, the sixth in line for POTUS.  “And so it’s all about treating people with dignity.  Look at the heat I’m getting because I, I named a, uh, the, uh, secretary of defense, the black man.”

Oh the black man.  That's all you need to know, it's not like you can tell them apart.  He also admits he's losing support from young blacks, along with young whites, hispanics, etc. because they never focus on this until after Labor Day.  And he repeats his usual lie about being “arrested for being on the porch with a black family.”

This may be the final step towards officially agreeing that he's done.  Now he has to take a week or two off while having the pretend virus he promise to stop on Day One.  He was even filmed having trouble climbing the stairs to Air Force One, the stairs that were installed just to make it easier for him.  Any installed leftist as POTUS would have led to the chaos we're facing now, so might as well get some entertainment out of how this pathetic old man is embarrassing himself and doesn't even realize it.

It was already obvious that the first debate with Trump needed to happen as early as possible and there wouldn't be any more for months.  The convention would need to be as late as possible and it looks like that's because they need to figure out who the replacement will be.  It also suggests that Trump was supposed to be dead at this point, but something went wrong last weekend.  They planned for all this disaster, but didn't expect to have to face it themselves.

Nashville Councilwoman Blames Trump For His Attempted Assassination
July 18, 2024

□ [“In Call With Democrat Lawmakers, Staffers Slip Biden a Note He Reads Aloud, ‘You Are Sounding Defensive’"]

This comes out of the New York Times.  The elite media is suddenly reporting about Biden's obvious problems, showing that they want him gone.  I still think to a large extent, especially those in charge, realize how bad they're going to look for all these years of covering up his senility.  For them, it's the "bargaining" stage of grief.  They'll be honest about him now to make up for all the dishonesty.  And, by extension, continue to cover for everyone else who was in on this corruption.

That that won't help the people who are still in "denial."  Nor will it do anything for those who are honest about wanting to destroy anything they don't like.

□ [“'I’ve Moved Full On to the Political Violence Level' Far-Left Streamer Destiny Promotes Killing Trump Supporters"]

Ok.  How many will this guy-who-pretends-to-be-a-woman think he can kill before he gets taken out?  He's the one setting this standard so he can end with it.  Take him out, nobody will miss him.

This is what the real left believes in.  Some of them might lie about it here or there, but they're all in favor of this.  We've just had a week of Democrat politicians saying we need to 'lower the temperature' and none of them are remotely bothered by this guy.  Granted, they've probably heard of him as little as I have, that is to say, nothing at all until this came out, but that's how a war works.  The enemy is still there until you get rid of them all, and these leftists aren't (yet) enemies with each other.

Whether or not Biden goes, the left is still stuck with these people.  Otherwise they'd have even fewer living, breathing voters.  Even worse, they're all individuals who can go their own way, they aren't just groups of uniformity.  And they're all as pissed off as the rest of us have been for three years or more.

MSNBC Uses LED Screen to Make it Appear As Though They Are Reporting On-Site at RNC
July 18, 2024

□ [“Bob Newhart, Beloved Comedian, Actor and Newhart Star, Dies at 94"]

Another piece of sanity has departed.  We can all picture him waking up in bed with Emily, Joanna  and Ginnie.  Thoughtful humor, delightful entertainment, didn't have to make a big deal out of his legendary status.  The sort of person we're glad that we got to know was there.  And now he's gone.

At least that's the version made public.  Like everyone else, I hope that was the truth about Bob.  He stayed in Hollywood for most of his life, so its possible that they may have made something up.  They can do that.  Even if what we know of him is completely false, at least we still have the ideal.  He always seemed to be grateful that he'd become rich and famous and didn't want to impose himself on the audience beyond what his fans wanted.  That's a trait that seems to have gone missing in the last few decades.

Men like Bob Newhart were only possible because civilization, and the leftists of Hollywood are why civilization is in such danger today.  We're about to learn a solid lesson of how easy it is to destroy everything worthwhile and how difficult it is to rebuild.  Those of us who have any sense will try to save what we can from the old world.

I was never much of a fan of the Bob Newhart Show, it was before my time, but I always loved Newhart and watched a few episodes not that long ago.  I was astounded by how they had created such a fun imaginative piece of work every week, just 20-some minutes of enjoyable characters saying and doing things that were worth watching every week.  It's yet-another example of what no longer exists, and most people don't even know what it was.

Large Explosion Rocks Downtown Tel Aviv Near US Embassy
July 18, 2024

□ [“Biden to Drop Out of Race as Early as Sunday, Won’t Endorse Harris – Open Convention"]

This is someone's prediction.  We'll see how accurate it is.  It's also mentioned that he will continue being pretend-POTUS.  That's an incredibly stupid idea but I'll admit there's no better option.  How can he be capable of doing a horrible job now but need to give it up in a few months?  But that said, everyone would see Harris in that job, and she'd ruin everything else very quickly.  Stay on the sinking boat you're already on.

I don't get the point about not endorsing Harris.  They might not want him to get his hands on her (more than he already does) but it wouldn't hurt her to say she'd do a good job as POTUS any more than it hurts Joe Biden to say he'd do a good job, and he already does that.  She'd have to lie about knowing he's a walking corpse, but she's already been doing that.

Ten days ago, there was news that Harris had zoned out after moving from Air Force 2 to Marine 2.  This seemed strange and I'm sure there were jokes about her taking drugs or something.  The impression I had was that she had just been given news and was trying to figure out what to do about it, so I'd wondered what that news was.  It might have been the assassination of Trump, or the removal of Biden.  There are other possibilities but those were the ones I was trying to speculate.  Her husband had just been diagnosed with covid, could that be relevant?

Unless the party actually sticks with her, I assume Harris will vanish the way Joe Biden did in 2016.  Since she has no skills that people want to see on camera, she probably won't be coming back.  So it's unclear what the Democrats' 'plan b' is, and how they expect to get their servants to obey.  We're in for an interesting end of the world.

CNN: Biden “Being Receptive” to Kamala Harris Replacing Him
July 18, 2024

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