22 July, 2024

Bringing you "yesterday"s news tomorrow!

Biden’s X Banner Changes to “Harris For President”
July 22, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Gives Public Statement... from White House"]

So the party is all-in on treating her as pretend-POTUS, Biden's already been forgotten.  Gee, that's nothing like a coup.  I'm ambivalent, do they really think she's going to sell this or are they setting her up for failure so that Hillary or someone can step in to save the day?  If I had to guess, I'd say the latter, just because she's not going to suddenly show any competence and DEI hires like her have a bad rap these days for a reason.

They still have the convention to worry about next month.  If there isn't a vote, it means all the votes for Biden were completely wasted and the Democratic Party is fine with that.  If there is a vote, then all the people complaining that nobody had an opportunity to compete against Biden will jump at the chance, leading to chaos.  She won't voluntarily explain why she's pretended all these years that Biden was healthy and coherent, but *maybe* someone will ask anyway.  See what lies she comes up with next.

This isn't going to work out well for anybody, but definitely not for Democrats.  They can't just unanimously do a 180 and claim they fixed a problem that they spent all this time pretending didn't exist.  Biden hasn't resigned, Harris has no (legal) way to show authority, no matter how much she pretends to have any.  We know Democrats will ignore the law, but they exist for a reason, they can't just pretend she's now in charge.

MLB Player Celebrates a Victory With Now-Iconic Trump Fist Pump, "Fight, Fight, Fight"
July 22, 2024

□ [“Democrats Close Ranks as All 50 State Chairs Endorse Kamala Harris"]

It's like this was already planned.  It was supposed to happen right after Trump was assassinated but something went wrong there.  The people in charge of the party were all ready to go.  None of them needed convincing even though Biden could have dropped out a month or two ago.  If that had happened, they wouldn't be going for Harris now.

There's still further problems.  Biden wasn't the official nominee yet and the primary isn't based on duos, so Harris isn't officially the pick now.  Then there's all the money from donors.  Technically that does go to Biden/Harris but if she's not the nominee, the party can spend it however they want and the donors are screwed.  Some are even speaking out that they donated to Biden, not Harris.

Then there's all the hiding of the truth, from Harris, the Biden family, the staff, Congress, and even the official doctors who examined him and said he was totally fine.  Ok, they flat-out refused to do a mental exam, but, you know, he's obviously healthy and will totally stay in the job.  Until he doesn't but that's not their problem.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Journalist Posts That Trump Assassination Attempt ‘Could Have Been Better’
July 22, 2024

□ [“Biden Hasn’t Been Seen Publicly in Four Days Since ‘Covid Diagnosis’"]

But we're supposed to believe that he's actually quit.  The signature on his official statement to drop out of the campaign doesn't match the signature on executive orders he's signed.  So which one is it?  He's not showing up for appointments, assuming there were any.  He's supposed to meet with Netanyahu this week and that's been cancelled.

If he's still alive, it's suggested that he was forced to step down by his staff and Congress, either he quits or they'd use the 25th amendment.  I'm skeptical.  They might have made the threat and he obeyed, but they wouldn't have gone through with it.  That would damage everything worse than keeping Harris does.

It's also suggested that Biden endorsed Harris specifically as revenge for being kicked out like this.  That's certainly funny, but I don't know how believable it is that he waited so long to step down because he didn't want her to win.  And there are doners who don't want her.

But he hasn't been seen since before this happened.  There's no way anybody should accept this as being real without actual provable evidence that he says this.  Liberals don't care, they don't need evidence as we've seen with them believing everything against Trump, but sane people should be asking what's up with this.

Supposedly he called Harris while she visited his Delaware HQ.  No proof that he was actually him, although she did treat whoever she was talking to like he was stupid.  But if they're right there in town, why not visit each other in front of a camera?  Whatever's actually going on, they're going out of their way to hide it, and their supporters don't care in the slightest.

GOP Senator Demands Kamala, Cabinet Invoke 25th Amendment
July 22, 2024

□ [“Neil Gaiman Appearance Canceled in Wake of Sexual Assault Allegations"]

This is slowly getting more attention.  The "believe all women" movement, which Gaiman totally supported, is still silent.  They've never bothered to determine which "all women" must be believed and which ones are clearly lying.  *Somehow* they just know.

It is interesting that this was mostly in Hollywood and politics where they can get away with anything.  Gaiman is in the literature field, and started out in comics (which, as far as I'm concerned, is where he's really earned his fame, I find his prose fiction uninteresting.)  Some conflict is going on here, but all we can do is speculate because there's very little in the way of real reporting.

I get the impression that something is going on among one level of the elite that we rarely notice, the 'artistic' branch of the tree.  He's the sort of person that you wouldn't expect this sort of thing from, but here it is and he's gotten away with it for decades.  A lot of other famous people could be hit with that.  If would be one thing if they're all rock stars, banging all the hot chicks they want, but these are quieter, less noticed, figures.

As always, I assume this won't really go anywhere, at least nothing meaningful or relevant, but it's interesting for what it is.  I also wonder how deep his ties go to megacorporations, with his Sandman deal with DC and whatever the hell Marvel finally got through with Miracleman.

Biden Abruptly Cancels Nine Trips, Extends ‘Covid Isolation’ at Delaware Beach House
July 22, 2024

□ [“Neil Gaiman never had a shot with Tori Amos"]

This is finally getting interesting.  I say this as someone who never found Gaiman's prose interesting, but in comics he has earned his legendary status, and I was a big fan of Tori for her first few albums.

I turned Mrs. Gaiman's song off halfway through because it was boring, but I was struck by how much it sounded like Tori.  Do you pick a wife - or manufacture one - based on how similar she is to a girl you had crush on decades ago?

One difficulty in analyzing connections between the rich and famous is that they're all surrounded by staff, hangers-on, corporations, etc. so there's no way to know anything meaningful about the connections really are, all we get is what's made public.  That said, I'm curious about the conspiracies going on among celebrities.  On the same album she cited Neil, Tori also cited Nine Inch Nails, whom I am not remotely a fan of but has obviously been very influential.  On the next album, Trent Reznor would do back-up vocals for "Past the Mission."

Reznor has gotten way more attention than he deserves, ranging from Tori (and by extension, Neil) to Johnny Cash to Axl Rose, who spent most of the 90s and 00s trying to make an album like Trent Reznor instead of music people actually wanted to hear which had made him rich and famous.

I haven't paid much attention to the alpha/beta/gamma/etc. so I don't know how these specific definitions work, but I've been developing a theory that Axl Rose definitely falls into that category of being incapable of behaving like a normal or decent person and still getting surrounded by suck-ups to the point where he hasn't had any clue what reality is for decades.

At least Gaiman's fame and wealth came from regularly producing work that a lot of people liked.  Tori may be a psycho witch, but at least she's been productive and must have some fans somewhere.  Axl had rock-star fame and very little to show for it.  Whatever cult is ruling the world, Trent Reznor is obviously higher-ranking than they are.

And just one more note, I've been wondering if weirdos like Gaiman are doing their perverse sexualism for some other reason.  Or Joe Biden for that matter, something that's related to sex but not about getting the act itself.  I have no clue how or why any of them would reach this point, but it's looking like a similar pattern for people like them.

And another note, Tori played Chicago twice on her Under the Pink tour, so we don't know which time Gaiman called. But her first Chicago show was just a couple weeks after Trent Reznor released "Downward Spiral" which Gaiman specified in that call.

The second time Tori played Chicago was in early July, just a few days after the Chicago Comicon. I attended that year and Gaiman did not, but he might have been in the background, hanging out at the hotel or something.

So whichever visit it was, there was *something* there.

□ [“Joe Manchin Might Challenge Kamala Coronation, Fight Her for Nomination"]

It's just a threat, I doubt he'll go through with it.  If he does, he'll get a worse response than Harris did in the 2020 primaries.  Ok, that's a bad example, but you get my point.

But others will see the possibility.  At the very least, they'll expect a a big bribe if they don't move forward.  Then there's just the normal internal chaos as a bunch of various Democrats start inquiring among their friends and allies if they have a chance.  Then there's those who are really in charge who know who's going to be on the ballet, even the ones still labelled "Biden."

Oh who am I kidding, they're all going to follow orders and will still win more votes than Biden did in 2020.  The rulers may want massive chaos and are prepared for that or they expect everyone to obey without question and that's what they'll get.  This was always part of the plan.  Prove me wrong.

Mayorkas Appoints Trump Hater to ‘Independent Review Panel’ on Trump Assassination Attempt
July 22, 2024

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