10 July, 2024

Joe Biden has never drank Rococo Coffee and we'll sue anyone who says otherwise!

AOC Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Justice Thomas and Justice Alito
July 10, 2024

□ [“Trump Challenges Biden to $1 Million Charity Golf Match – Will Give Biden Twenty Stroke Lead!"]

The headline isn't quite accurate, Biden is the one who challenged Trump to a golf match during the CNN debate.  Everyone who watched the debate would see that Biden is the one who said he'd be glad to do it.  Now to be fair, he didn't say that the people in charge would permit him to do it so if he gets told "no," he has to obey, but the challenge is on him.

So of course Trump was willing to go for it, and of course Biden refuses to live up to his challenge.  Might as well ask what else he's totally willing to lie about in front of the world.  He makes false claims about his own abilities and refuses to go through with it, what does that show to everyone else?  You can't challenge someone and then run away when they're willing to take you up on it.

Trump spent the last two weeks fairly quiet - unusual for him - and then suddenly spoke up with this direct personal trap and Biden's people fall for it.  I hope there will be more subtle shots like this.  And Biden's the one that made it happen, there would be no point to go along with a golf match if he hadn't brought it into the conversation and said he was willing to do it.

I assume there was also a subtle comment about 'Biden carrying his own bag.'  Biden told Trump to do that in the debate, and he's the one who looks weak and helpless.  Maybe it's the sort of thing that those who know Biden would understand and everyone else would just ignore.

Biden Reads From Note Cards During NATO Working Session and Still Fails
July 10, 2024

□ [“At Union Meeting, Biden Grabs the Mic and Starts Rambling Before Feed Abruptly Cuts!"]

Perhaps this is just him wearing down over the pressure of pretending to run for POTUS, showing how weak he is when the stress rises.  It also shows that *someone* is watching over him and will shut him up as soon as he's causing a problem.  CNN did this on the debate, but this was just him walking into an AFL-CIO headquarters meeting in DC.

He was already babbling to them, then he suddenly started raving about DEI.  That's when his microphone was cut off and he was escorted from the room.  I still get the impression that it's not entirely that he's senile, it's that whoever's in charge needs to take him around and show everyone what they're stuck with, so whatever plans can be adjusted accordingly.

□ [“Pelosi Refuses to Endorse Biden as Democratic Nominee"]

She was specifically asked on an MSNBC interview and avoided the question, saying that Biden was somehow capable of making decisions and everyone else would just obey him.  She must be wasted, but if it was anybody else, I'd assume they needed to be subtle in this response.  The elite rulers can't just speak directly, they need to avoid specifics as much as possible.

Then she gets asked about this further from a black woman from ABC and Nancy has to ditch her.  This is interesting, they can't be direct even though that would help their own supporters.  So this just increases the problems everybody is having.  Others will see no other option but to pick a side, which will further weaken the leftist monolith.  The rest of us can just be entertained in these dark days.

SAVE Act Passes House 221-198 – Democrats Voted to ‘Protect’ Illegals Right to Vote in Federal Elections
July 10, 2024

□ [“George Clooney, Biden’s Star Fundraiser, Now Demands Biden to Step Aside"]

Just a few weeks ago, Biden had to ditch the Ukraine peace summit to burn fossil fuel and go to Hollywood to get money from a bunch of rich people, now one of the most famous at that fundraiser wants Biden to drop out.  I know this guy from The Facts of Life so he should probably be taken seriously, although I guess he played Batman too, the highlight of his career.

But as fun as this looks, it's not that simple.  If Biden is too braindead to run for POTUS, then why is he still pretending to be POTUS?  Isn't this what Kamala Harris is there for?  And it's not like Clooney and his ilk can really say Biden was in such great shape at the fundraiser a few weeks ago and only now has problems, they'd have to admit they were lying about it this whole time.  You could have avoided this by stealing the election for someone who was less decrepit, but it's too late now.

□ [“George Stephanopoulos Admits He Doesn’t Think Joe Biden Can Serve Another Four Years"]
□ [“George Stephanopoulos Apologizes For Saying Biden Can’t Serve Another Term"]

Not sure why Stephanopoulos would be hit like this and then forced to apologize, although maybe he was just an easier target than George Clooney or Rob Reiner.  But this is showing how even the elites aren't holding it together very well.  They have to do a complete 180 reversal and still expect to be taken seriously, and who do they expect to follow them?

At least right-wingers have jobs and family and religion and it's not all about politics.  This internal conflict must be driving the left even more insane than they already were.  They have to study their elites, trying to figure out what the *real* message is.  This isn't going to get better and it's their own beliefs that are making things worse for them.

Huma Abedin and Alex Soros Engaged
July 10, 2024

□ [“LGBT Activists Oppose CA Bill That Would Make Child Sex Trafficking a Felony"]

Now why do you suppose they do that?  Any wild guesses?  Because it makes gays suffer.  The children can just suffer, it's all about the gays.  Why would they have anything to do with child trafficking?  Any wild guesses?  Another word for "trafficking" is "slavery" and gays really don't want that to be a felony.  Any wild guesses why that is?

In theory, there might be gays who think this is a horrible thing to do, but where are they?  They don't speak up, much less fight back against child slavery and sex trafficking.  In doing so, or not doing so, as the case may be, they're demonstrating why homosexuality is fundamentally wrong.  Otherwise at least some of them would oppose this.  But no, it's all doing whatever they want to the kids.

It's things like this that make me wonder if some of this 'demon worship' came from when Democrats talked to their black slaves after sex.  There might have been some conspiracies developed back then, and after the war, those who held them might have run far away, even to California.  And those people would have sided with this LGBT movement.

NATO Leaders Pressure Canada To Raise Its Low Defense Spending But Trudeau Focuses on Climate Change!
July 10, 2024

□ [“Senator Bennet (D-CO) on CNN:  ‘Trump is on Track, I Think, to Win This Election and Maybe Win it by a Landslide’"]
□ [“In Private, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Open to Dumping Joe Biden"]

Accepting the loss would indicate "depression" and "acceptance" in the stages of grief.  But that would require them to fail at election theft, which just seems unlikely.  This may be why it's so important to hit the true believers in this way, as we've seen since the debate.

Some of them have known about the problem and stayed silent, others knew and lied.  Then there's those who thought everything was fine because they only listened to leftist propaganda and never had to see the truth for themselves.  Then there's the people in charge, and what they say publicly is different from what they say in private.

This is where an organization needs straightforward policies and beliefs which apply to everybody, but that's not how leftism works.  If there's a chance that the election still happens on schedule and can't be stolen, it's because everybody involved didn't know what to do or whose orders they were supposed to follow.  What's their response going to be if Biden quits tomorrow or next week, and how would they be able to recover and carry on?

Of course it's more likely that they'll go kinetic, but even there, who's willing to fight on their side?  They have illegal immigrants to use as disposable forces, but that wouldn't be enough.  They'd need some real plan in place.  Good thing they have biolabs and nuclear weapons.

Maxine Waters Loses Battle with Her Wig in 26 Seconds of Pure Comedy Gold During CNN Interview
July 10, 2024

Sacramento City Attorney Threatens Target with Criminal Charges if They Call Police For Theft Incidents
July 10, 2024

Get Woke, Go Broke: CNN CEO Announces Layoffs for 100 Employees
July 10, 2024

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