30 July, 2024

Have you ever been so humiliated that you couldn't come up with the right meme for the occasion?

Gigantic Retailer Conn's Inc. Closing Doors of 559 Stores Across America
July 30, 2024

□ [“Opposition Leaders Offer Proof That Maduro Stole Venezuelan Elections – Then Regime Blocks Website"]

Well, there's riots all right.  Normally I would be quite happy and encouraging about this, but as a leftist icon for decades, Venezuela has disarmed the populace.  It is reported that the military is siding with the citizens, and if true, that's a definite plus.  But otherwise, there's only one way this can end and that's tyrants are the only ones who get to have guns.  In America, we call them "Democrats."

There's also evidence (or claims) of voter fraud coming out.  It's starting to sound like either Maduro is using Democrat tactics or Democrats use Maduro's tactics.  Or there's just a small number of ways to steal elections so that's what gets used, but there does seem to be a link.  At the very least, Maduro saw what worked for his allies up north.  So now Democrats need to double-down on doing the same thing this November.  Not going to work out for them, because we're armed.

□ [“'Tren del Llano' Gang Leader Issues Warning to Regime’s Security Forces:  Stand Down or Face Consequences"]

A large criminal organization that has sided with the government for years.  They would rather be on the winning side, so it's notable that they no longer think that's the government.  Maduro may be looking for escape options at this point, but I'm not sure where he could go.  All his neighbors seem to admit he lost.  Cuba would have to worry that he'll bring the riots with him.  I'm sure Biden would eagerly bring him in, but not sure that'll happen.  And what else is there, China?  Africa?  He's lived at the top for over a decade, not sure a man like that could accept the decline.

Maybe we'll be lucky and the rioters will find him, or his guards realize the best way to save themselves.  For some reason, I'm remembering when Saddam Hussein was caught and jailed.  I was in Iraq when his life ended, and it wasn't long after Maduro became Minister of Foreign Affairs, a position he held for most of the rest of Chavez' life.

Pro-Hamas Activists Shout "Heil Hitler" During Israeli National Anthem at Olympic Soccer Match
July 30, 2024

□ [“'We Could Have Maybe Stopped Him' – Acting Secret Service Director Testifies to Senate"]

If you didn't already think the assassination was a deliberate plan from the inside, this guy is providing all the evidence you need.  He blames cellular problems for not sending out a drone to check and see if there's any shooters out there.  So if, say, Russia or China wants to shoot Joe Biden, they'll be much more likely to succeed if they have some magic technology which affects cellphones.  Good to know.

Oh, and the Secret Service has to rely on local police to handle things, so it's the police's fault the POTUS wasn't protected.  Can't blame the Secret Service, it's not their job.  It's "persecution" to say they did anything wrong, like maintaining radio communication between the SS and local law enforcement.  Or deciding to send Trump out on stage even though they hadn't fixed the security issues.  Or pulling Trump off stage because of the security issues.  Or denied Trump more security in the first place.

None of that matters.  Acting Director Rowe says "a lot of people didn’t do their jobs" but they are going to keep their jobs.  They get paid for this.  And only one or two people died.  Not the person they wanted dead, but close enough, that's a win.  Why is the Senate being so mean?  It's obvious this won't go anywhere and they'll probably try again.  They only need to succeed once.

An SS counter sniper has recently sent an email about the organizations failure.  I haven't followed this but it's interesting that there's some sort of resistance going on here as well.

And in other news, the FBI claims that the would-be assassin had an account on Gab and posted comments that "appear to reflect anti semitic and anti immigration."  Gab spoke out saying the account only had 9 posts, most of them were pro-Biden and the account hadn't been used since 2021.  You'd think the FBI could have checked that, but they wanted to make this immediately public for some reason.

Olympics Suffer More Embarrassment, Triathlon Cancelled Because River Seine is Cesspool of Pollution
July 30, 2024

□ [“MSNBC Focus Group With Black Voters on Kamala Harris Doesn’t Go as Planned"]

It might be fair to say that the election, if it actually happens, will be determined by how many black men are men first.  The left has always opposed that and they've always owned black, so the percentage probably won't be as high as some of us would like, but there you go.  They have to put up with black women which is enough of a problem, but can they act like men?

No idea how random a group of people chosen for MSNBC can actually be, but they had to air this so it does suggest they couldn't find anything better.  Four black men who all knew black men that would vote for Trump and were not affected by Harris being appointed.  A very minimal survey, but it's nice to see.

It's also a sign that Harris isn't remotely as well-liked as the media is pretending.  Sure, she just got a lot of money - campaign donations, not, you know, the, uh, the way she usually gets a lot of money - but that was because the big money donors refused to give any to Biden.  And all of a sudden the left stopped complaining about campaigns depending on donations.

They were thrilled that Harris was bringing in so much.  A couple weeks ago, these same people were thrilled that Biden refused to drop out no matter what.  No matter what else changes, they never do.

Woke Paris Olympic Games to Allow Boxers with XY Chromosomes to Fight Women!
July 30, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris’ Office Interns Ordered Not to Look Her in the Eye – Only Senior Staffers Had That Privilege"]

This comes from a November 2019 letter written by the father of an office intern.  Leftist females really do like going for this sort of elite behavior.  The few lower class people permitted to be in their vicinity are expected to obey or else.  And she can be as abusive as she wants.  Makes you wonder why she got into politics, she already self-identifies as queen.

□ [“DNC Compliance Manager Trashes Kamala:  'I Don’t Think Kamala Harris Would Win'"]

More James O'Keefe videos.  This lady points out that Harris has no achievements to point to, she's quite unpopular and they're just telling lies to the donors to get more money.  Which is how Democrats handle government, now that you mention it.

Once upon a time, it was normal for a party to have to play the game when they had no worthwhile candidates but needed someone on the ballot.  But this time the party knows they're going to steal the election anyway, yet for obvious reasons they can't just admit it.  There's really no way to get around it, at least not before the election theft happens.  Most of us went to bed on Election Night 2020 with Trump well in the lead.

But the last four years of this top-down uniparty leadership is wearing people out.  Servants of the tyrants are having trouble keeping up with the latest lies, while everyone else is more and more willing to revolt.  And to have stuff like this come out now just exacerbates that.  The people who lied about how great Biden was to stay in the race now have to go along with this?  Even if they're capable of doing that, it's damaging to them and their party.

Kamala Harris Vows to Confiscate Guns in Atlanta Campaign Speech
July 30, 2024

□ [“The Beijing Hamas–Fatah Alliance:  CCP’s Role in Supporting Terrorist Unification"]

They're trying to re-establish the PLO.  They've been broken up since 2007 because voters preferred Hamas.  I don't know why China would be getting in on this, but I guess it's not surprising.  They're moving in everywhere, including Africa and Latin/South America.  You'd think the latter would be forbidden by the Monroe Doctrine but that's why we have John Kerry.

The PLO is supposed to be an excuse for a nation, which shows you how organized the Philistines are.  According to the article, China has been working with them since 1965 - over ten years before Mao died - and recognized them as a nation in 1988.  This obviously hasn't meant much but it's still going.  I really don't see any point to this, why would China want any control here?  Access to the east Mediterranean for their planned transcontinental railroad? 

But this is another confusing piece of the puzzle.  The Arabs sided with Germany in WWI and II, but why would they go with China?  Sure, they assume that at some point China will be Muslim, and they'll get lots of money until then, but still...  Things like this make you wonder when Israel is *really* going to start genocide instead of just being accused of it for decades.

IDF Hits Targets in Beirut, Aiming at Takedown of Hezbollah Commander Behind Soccer Field Attack
July 30, 2024

Venezuela Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Countries Questioning Its Election Results
July 30, 2024

Third Child Dies After Knife Attack in Southport England, Fed Up Citizens Take to the Streets
July 30, 2024

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