24 July, 2024

The question isn't how much wood a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, it's why do we call them woodchucks if they can't chuck wood? That's in the job title, fer criminy's sake!

Four Times as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot
July 24, 2024

□ [“Axios Claim That Kamala Harris was Never Named Border Czar Backfires"]

One of these days, I'd like to make a list of all the special assignments Harris was given in the last four years.  The border was one of them, I think Afghanistan was another and I'd swear there were one or two others.  But none of them are recent because those were supposed to be events where she showed her great abilities and leadership, so they quickly failed and had to be ignored.

This is why the media is complaining about the evil right-wing conspiracy that she was "border czar" even though they reported that and quoted her just a few years ago.  The people working for Axios or CNN don't pay attention to what those outlets say, they certainly don't pay attention to Harris, so they're just told to say she never said that and anyone who says otherwise is lying, and they obey.

If someone smart is in charge, they've set up an obvious trap.  The media spent years insisting that Biden was healthy and totally not senile, then it became too obvious so they had to backtrack and start asking questions.  And now they're eager to do that for Harris with no clue that anything could go wrong.  No one anywhere along the line decides to stop and check to see if Harris ever actually said that about herself, which would explain why the border is ignored by the invaders.

I get the impression that the rulers are being open about this now.  They don't care who knows they're lying, they think they'll get away with it anyway.  As a plan, I've heard worse, but how do they expect this to work in reality?  For that matter, how many of their own employees are lying just to go along with this until they can find an escape hatch?

For the time being, they're stuck with Harris, but they were eager to stick with Biden a month ago.  Right now, we're at the midpoint between the debate and the convention.  Do the leftist media pets really think nothing else is going to change in that time?

DNC Chair Claims Process of Nominating Kamala Harris Will be ‘Fair and Transparent’
July 23, 2024

Rep. Nadler (D-NY) Blames President Trump For Assassination Attempt on His Life
July 24, 2024

□ [“Disney Stock Falls to $91 On Reports of Declining Attendance At Their Theme Parks"]

The theme parks are where they really make their money but the economy is so great and Disney is so popular that nobody's showing up any more.  That doesn't help fund the hundreds of million dollars they're spending on movie and tv failures.  And now one of their major stockholders has ditched everything, Ike Perlmutter (whom I always mistake with Ron Perelman since they both have stereotypical rich Jewish names and both owned Marvel.)

So now the people in charge can do everything they want, the opposition is gone.  This is where I must think it's a large possibility that they're deliberately trying to destroy Disney and all the sub-franchises.  They could believe that this will be really successful, but at some point they'd need to make a public statement that their plans haven't remotely worked, and they stay silent.

I also wonder if they're funneling money somewhere else.  We keep being told that they spent $180 million on the latest Star Wars failure and none of that showed up on screen.  So what did they do with it?  The money might be laundered in Ukraine or somewhere, but it may be going to the enemy in WWIII, since Disney would obviously support whoever that is.

To the extent I can understand what I've heard about the new Star Wars show, it sounds like it was aimed at the demon-worshiping cult among our elites.  It was supposed to become part of the franchise, changing direction and there was supposed to be an audience right there.  Not that different from the female Ghostbusters remake before the 2016 election

Secret Service Confesses Incompetence, Tells Trump It Can't Protect Him In the Outdoors
July 24, 2024

□ [“Wray Says At Least Two FBI Officials Expressed Disappointment That Trump Survived Assassination"]

But they still have jobs.  They're not even identified, much less fired, much less arrested for treason.  Because that's what the FBI does.  We already know the Secret Service went out of their way to help the assassin, giving him as much opportunity as possible.  CNN had always avoided attending a Trump rally but for some reason decided they had to be airing this one live.

What's not known is if this was a deliberate attempt to kill Trump or a set-up to trap those who would do that.  I could go either way, although it's best to assume it was deliberate.  It's quite possible that the goal was to dump Trump and replace Biden immediately.

There's also the possibility is that it was just an excuse to end Trump's outside rallies, since the Secret Service has told him to stop doing those.  Not sure if it's an order or just a suggestion, I think Trump is scheduled for another rally shortly.  I don't get the point of shutting them down, it's one reason I suspect the rulers don't even care about being caught anymore.  Lying, cheating, whatever, they'll just double down.

Elizabeth Warren Says Kamala Harris’s Biggest VP Accomplishment was Visiting an Abortion Clinic
July 24, 2024

□ [“'Allahu Akbar!' – Pro-Hamas Agitators Torch American Flags and Effigies of Netanyahu in DC"]

The latest protests.  Netanyahu was speaking to Congress, most Democrats skipped it, as did the President of the Senate whose name escapes me.  They side with Hamas and want Israel destroyed so there's no point dealing with US allies.  They don't need Jewish votes.  Netanyahu did stop by Mar-a-Lago to talk to Trump about what's going on, we'll see if that goes anywhere.

Netanyahu did mention the hostages held by Hamas, including Americans but leftists don't care about that.  He also pointed out the idiocy of gays supporting Palestine, calling it the equivalent of chickens supporting KFC.

But the protestors are attacking police and screaming that they want a final solution to the Jewish problem.  Things like this make me wonder if this was always the goal of the left, which none of them even realized, but they could always be manipulated into going for it whenever they saw a chance.  Even if that's not the literal reason, it is the same basic effect.  It always comes back to destroying the Jews, as has been attempted for thousands of years.

But it sounds like these protestors have been going all over DC.  If they weren't liberals, they'd be punished for "insurrection" like January 6, but somehow the laws don't apply to them.  As you know, I make up a lot of conspiracy theories and even I'm skeptical about some of them, but I think it's very clear that this is a deliberate war against America initiated by whoever's ruling the world these days.

Justice Department ‘Discovers’ Hur Transcripts of Biden/Ghostwriter Conversations It Claimed Not To Have
July 23, 2024

Pro-Hamas Activists Breach Security at Watergate Hotel Where Netanyahu is Staying: Release Insects and Maggots, and Trigger Fire Alarms
July 24, 2024

□ [“Joe Biden’s Oval Office Address to the Nation at 8 PM ET"]

Apparently it started on time, indicating that they either filmed it over the last several days or used an impersonator.  I've heard that his voice sounds horrible, but he's not resigning.  Obviously I wouldn't listen to it myself, so I'm waiting for other people's comments.  What I've heard so far is that he's very generic, like a campaign ad more than anything else.

So if he's not leaving, then whoever's in charge gets to use him to put out the rest of the *woke* agenda.  It's not like he can be punished for it, and even if he could, whoever gave the orders isn't going to be touched.  And then Harris will follow orders as she always has.

Meanwhile there's riots going on outside against Israel because Netanyahu picked today to stop by DC.  I have no idea why but this must be deliberate.  I'll have to wait and see if Biden mentioned that, he has to prove he hates Israel too but that might be too specific for someone like him to get into.  It really looks like even the supposed Biden supporters aren't going to pretend he's relevant anymore.

The ratings show that, barely 6600 people tuned in to the youtube White House channel to see what he has to say.  All the zillions of people who voted for him four years ago and have already voted for him this year and none of them can be bothered to check in on whatever big news he reads off the teleprompter.  It's just a given, he's way gone.

US Military Intercepts China, Russia Fighter Jets Near Alaska
July 24, 2024

Anti-Israel Protesters Wave the Hamas Flag at Violent Washington DC Protests – Vandalize Statues with “Hamas is Coming” Graffiti
July 24, 2024

Zelensky Attempts To Approach Trump Team – Throws Biden Under the Bus
July 24, 2024

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