31 August, 2024

Nothing to see here! Please disperse!

Rapper Fatman Scoop Dies at 53 After Tragic On-Stage Collapse in Connecticut
August 31, 2024

□ [“Hillary Clinton Drops Out of Kamala Harris Fundraiser in the Hamptons After Getting Covid"]

I get that they're trying to pretend the fake-virus is still a danger, at least for those who were vaccinated, but this is odd timing.  Biden got it just before suddenly dropping out of the race, so why Hillary?  And now she has to send Bill Clinton to the fundraiser alone to see Harris.  Doesn't that raise any red flags?

Even scarier, my theory is that, as far as leftists are concerned, Harris is already POTUS, so that's who Bill would be cheating on Hillary with.  At this point in his life, there aren't too many new thrills Bill would be able to find, after all his time on Epstein island, so this would check one off the list.

And covid?  Remember when that was a thing?  They're trying to bring it back, but it only hits those who are *supposed* to be vaccinated.  The rest of us just have to get through the winter of death Joe Biden promised.  But it hit all these Democrats who attended Chicago.  Maybe Biden brought it, I didn't see any diagnoses that he was clear from it, just that he had it and needed to drop out of the campaign.

Junkies and Migrants Turn NYC Block into Crime-Ridden Nightmare, Burn Two Homes w/Stolen E-Bikes
August 31, 2024

□ [“The imminent collapse of Great Britain"]

This covers their economic connections to Ukraine, specifically how the UK is funneling out way more money than any sane person would to a nation that was already broke before the war started.  They've given £7.5 billion in military and financial aid to Ukraine, whose 2024 budget deficit is $44 billion.  They owe $161.5 billion.  The US, the World Bank and a lot of others have forked over money as well, tying themselves to this collapse.

In July 2022, Ukraine got a two-year break from repayment on $20 million bonds.  Two years later, they begged for more.  Zelensky went to London in mid-July to beg for a break from the EU, Charles and the new Britain PM.  They said there would be a deal, but it wasn't binding.  Is it coincidence that the Kursk attack started in early August, reportedly set-up by Britain?  Don't know why, but there's a link.

The British banks are also collapsing, probably a convenient excuse for the government to arrest anyone who complains.  Send these poor people to jail, that's the best solution for all-concerned.  The US and EU are almost-certainly nearing the same problems - I mean the banks, we already have the tyranny - and are doing the same thing for Ukraine, what a coincidence.

And Ukraine has completely given up on paying its debts.  So all of those who are tied to it are losing out, including the US.  So that's how the war is going, Russia is toying with Ukraine and by extension, all the western countries are ready to collapse.  That's how strategy works, and all the Ukraine supporters are still raving that his troops will be moving any time unless we *DO SOMETHING!!!*

Prince Harry and Prince William ‘Kept Their Distance’ During Funeral
August 31, 2024

I've noticed that the push for digital currency seems to have vanished over the last year or two.  Partially it's the economy, but the rest of it is probably the government.  There's absolutely no reason to trust the people who can shut off the currency with the push of a button any time they want, and they really don't like the majority of their populous.

Ok, put that aside for a moment.  The government is totally trustworthy to oversee your finances.  Doesn't mean they can't be hacked.  You don't think China or Russia would be working on that, just to name two out of a whole world full of cyberhackers?  Oh, but the government would totally be able to protect itself!  It didn't protect Social Security from being completely hacked last December and only reported this month, why would they do better elsewhere?

Consciously or not, most people realize this.  It's understandable why currency should be based on gold and silver, but regardless, people want to see it for real.  Digital currency can be a useful tool but it doesn't work if there's no electricity and we're a lot closer to that situation than we've been in many years.

California State Senate And Assembly Pass Law Requiring Universities to Hire Illegal Alien Students
August 31, 2024

□ [“Pelosi Wants to Grant Citizenship and Free Housing to Illegal Immigrants All on Taxpayers’ Dime"]

She wouldn't treat Americans like that.  Is there any precedent in history of elite rulers inviting in a new aristocracy?  Or even siding with the invaders?  It's one thing in an honest war, calling out to the invaders 'I'm on your side!  How can I help?' (as Ukraine did with Germany in the early 1940s) but our rulers don't even acknowledge that's what they're doing.

The invaders sure aren't going to take it seriously.  They weren't willing to do anything against the nations they came from, and that's assuming they aren't still full-time employees of their real homes.  It's only our masters who can't see this going wrong, or else they actively want it to go wrong.

Haven't been following scripture for a while, but I still think of the parts that I have read, and this just seems like Lot insisting that the brand new guys he picked up at the city gates must be protected.  'Here's my daughters, do what you want to them instead.'  That's what Nancy's doing here, and the results will be the same.

New York County Makes First Arrest Under New Mask Ban, 18-year old male
August 31, 2024

□ [“Georgia Governor Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place"]
□ [“DOJ to Sue Wisconsin Town for Counting Ballots by Hand – to Protect Persons with Disabilities"]
□ [“Pennsylvania Court:  Counties Must Validate Ballots Despite Incorrect Dates on Return Envelopes"]
□ [“Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration with Electronic Signatures"]

All of this happening at once and I might be missing a few articles.  Not only are they bringing in invaders and every form of election theft known to mankind, but their bringing in their high-ranking officials to force everyone to obey.  There's no reason to obey them, the system is already totally broken so just start from there.  They're ready start sending in fake votes any day now.

They can't expect people to comply with this, can they?  Even if our rulers themselves are that deluded, there's no way the people really in charge could be.  They must be intending to cause chaos or else they have some actual weapon ready to go.  I still say we won't even make it to November but obviously with each day that passes, it becomes increasingly likely that we will.

But all these people will still be there, imposing as much tyranny as possible.  They really want to throw out the concept of fair elections and I would suspect that means throwing out the elections themselves.  If they still exist, it's a requirement to take up people's time and energy, with the results already determined.  They've been preparing this for a long time, and they're ready to strike.

Federal Court Says Schools Can Censor ‘Let’s Go Brandon’
August 13, 2024

30 August, 2024

If there's a bright center of the galaxy, this post is the most interesting part.

Kamala Harris Uses Fake Accent During Visit to Black-Owned Café in Savannah, Georgia
August 30, 2024

□ [“First American-Sent F-16 Fighter Jet Destroyed in Ukraine – Kiev Source Suggests Plane Was Struck by Friendly Fire From Patriot Air Defense System"]

So Americans are capable of shooting down their own planes.  That's good to know.  Or are we supposed to assume that Ukrainians had been trained to fire Patriots by the US, just as the pilot learned to fly an F-16?  Sounds like either the US is really bad at teaching or Ukrainians are really bad at learning.

They're all going for the 'easy win' brought by getting some new machine that will handle everything.  That ignores the requirements for the men who pilot or fire weapons, the men who maintain that equipment, the men who provide and transport supplies for maintenance and crew, the men who plan strategy and tactics for whoever is planning the mission.  War is not something that happens between the rulers, it requires a full nation on each side.

Ukraine isn't handling that, nor are Ukraine's allies.  Nor are the 'new world order' elites and their globalist servants.  You need full control and understanding of the military, the economy, the requirements for production of material, the willpower to hold on and stay focused on the task-at-hand.  Then there's the morale needed to maintain everyone involved at every level.

Joe Biden couldn't handle that, he's already said Americans with guns are pointless, "if they wanna take on the government if we get out of line, guess what?  They need F-15s!  They don't need a rifle!" and he's the one who gave Ukraine this death."  Now replaced by Kamala Harris, he was the icon of the leftists who claimed they know what a war is or the requirements of a nation to fight one.

We see this in Ukraine and Palestine, we see this with blacks and white leftists who claim they're at 'war with the white man.'  There's the "war on drugs", the "war on terror" and the "war on poverty," none of who actually get anywhere because they're not even capable of holding themselves up to the fight.  You can fight a nation without being at war, but this isn't it.

“X” Banned in Brazil — Supreme Court Justice Orders Nationwide Censorship of the Platform
August 30, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Falls Apart at Savannah, Georgia Campaign Event"]

“He even called for termination of the United States supreme, the c— the supreme land of our nation – the United States Constitution!”

And this is what she does when she's just following a teleprompter.  How do you think she responds to calls at three in the morning?  Nobody wants to hear this, that's why they had to bus in people from Atlanta - 250 miles away - just to pretend she has real fans who wanted to see her.

The media is having trouble spinning her.  It doesn't sound like her big interview worked that well.  18 minutes taken out of at least twice that much footage.  They try asking Democrats to explain how she can support and oppose fracking at the same time, they can't do it.  They ask dark-skinned non-males who say they want a leader that acts like a real man, not a giggling girl.

No idea how much work her staff and Walz had to do just to get her this far and the more work they did, the worse that looks, given what they had to start with.  Some of CNN's questions might be considered challenging, but Harris and Walz avoided answering them.

Can't remember where I saw the comment, but she's not running as a candidate, she's running as the "system" trying to rule us.  There's basically no personality, no actual achievements, just a tool to be used when needed against the people.  This is the anti-nationality these people really represent.

Thinking about it, this could explain the leftist obsession with Trump.  He's an individual so they pay attention what he says.  What Harris says isn't even noticed by her supporters, even when it contradicts what she's said before about policies they want to vote for.

Arizona Wells Fargo Employee Died at Her Desk – Staff Didn’t Notice Until Four Days Later!
August 30, 2024

□ [“Foot Locker Flees New York’s Taxes, Relocates Headquarters to Business-Friendly Florida"]
□ [“Dollar General Suffers Worst Day on Record, CEO Warns Poor Consumers Are Running Out of Money"]

Our leftist masters provide a never-ending example of how they're the problem with the economy.  They want control of things, not actually running them.  Poor people buy shoes and go to Dollar General, and there's a lot more of them than there are the rich people in charge of us, but they'll just have to suffer because here's the government.

They never actually start a business or figure out how it works, they see business as the enemy.  They always run out of businesses before they run out of enemies.  And by extension, every employee, every customer, every associate, all of whom have their own lives.  This further destroys the economy and far more lives than would have ended if the government just didn't get involved.

And that's just part of what a nation requires.  Obviously there's far more to nationality than local businesses (or national businesses) but they are a cornerstone in what the people see and deal with every day.  They're part of our lives yet it's different for everybody, and our rulers want that all erased.

On Eve of Crucial Election, Germany to Deport Afghan Nationals for the First Time Since 2021 ‘Taliban Takeover’
August 30, 2024

□ [“Star Wars Actress Amandla Stenberg Blames ‘Bigotry’ of Conservatives For Cancellation of The Acolyte"]

Is it her gender, skin color or just being paid a lot of money by leftists that makes her so generic?  She says nothing of value and obviously doesn't have a real job.  Nor does she have any reason to worry about getting one, because no one will hire her again for this nonsense.  She admits that she "lives in a bubble of her own reality" which is a pointlessly-complicated way of saying she ignores anything she doesn't like and isn't going to learn better.

Meanwhile lower-class Hollywood employees are being fired in large numbers because the companies aren't bringing in any money.  Good thing they had those strikes last year.  People pointed out at the time this was a bad idea, but they just went with it anyway.  Now they have to "learn to code."

One thing Hollywood has yet to learn is that people aren't going to pay for this crap.  Movies get a certain respect because they used to be an "event," going to the theater as close to opening night as possible.  But now you can watch youtube commentary on your cellphone which is much cheaper and more interesting than the movie ticket would be, even without the cost of pop corn and soda.  Or you could watch the movie itself with the same phone and often for no extra cost beyond the monthly bill.

The further away you get from the 'theater' experience, the less interesting it gets.  Once upon a time, tv was a very big deal.  We brought it into our homes, but there were only three channels (with some local exceptions.)  If you wanted to watch something on tv, millions of other people were watching the same thing because there were no other options, not even reruns.  Cable made that mostly irrelevant and the internet finished the job.  Now companies are going broke trying to get in on streaming.

And all of that has combined to destroy the decades-old franchises, never mind the *woke* propaganda.  It's stupid to spend that much money for something nobody wants to watch and pretending to be a meaningful IP product, but that's what they've reduced themselves to, and they don't even realize that.

Toronto’s First Black Female Police Superintendent Demoted After Cheating to Get Black Officers Promoted
August 30, 2024

□ [“Hamas Terror Leader Calls for Suicide Attacks on Israel"]

It's been ten months, why haven't they tried this already?  For that matter, has anybody else noticed that they haven't been suicide bombing much for the last decade or so?  I've always wondered if that was one effect of having the US military present for so long, being able to kill them before they exploded as well as teaching the sensible Muslims that there were better options, like killing the enemy without killing yourself.

So I think this means the people in charge of Hamas are desperate.  Not enough to do it themselves, but that's natural.  It might damage Israel a bit, but it's probably intended to get publicity across the Muslim world.  But then, how do they bring in the explosives they intend to use?  Israel would have cameras, drones and computer scanners all over, they would know where this is supposed to happen and by whom.

And these people are supported by leftists and the *woke.*  That's as good a reason as any why they have never bothered to form a nation in thousands of years, with all the religion and economic contact around them.  And none of their supporters mind this, it's all Israel's fault.

Secret Service Failed to Prevent Juvenile from Illegally Entering Mar-a-Lago Compound Last December
August 30, 2024

29 August, 2024

It looks like I took the wrong blog link at Albuquerque

Mr. Kamala Harris Tries to Start “USA” Chant – Audience Stops As Soon as He Does
August 29, 2024

□ [“Harris Camp Fumes After ABC Rejects Kamala’s Last-Minute Changes to Presidential Debate Rules"]

I assume they're just looking for an excuse to drop out entirely.  She's gotten this far staying behind closed doors except in very structured controlled environments.  CNN just released a clip of their upcoming interview with her and her guardian, the interview is 18 minutes long.  It took them hours to put together 18 minutes worth of usable footage.  There's no way she can last 90 minutes with Trump.

Females and elites like to make last-minute changes to show off their position.  I assume that's why Trump was fine with going along with ABC and the established rules.  Otherwise he'd have probably been fine with the microphones not being muted, but they agreed to this change so he'll stick with it.  What's she going to do, cry like a girl?  Maybe she will, for sympathy votes.

I still want Trump to stick with short, simple answers and let her to all the talking.  Just let her be ditzy, showing people how little they want someone like that in charge.  She's campaigning against laws and politicians she supported, the ones who made us so miserable, just give her enough time to show that off.

Brazil Expected to Block X Social Media Platform Any Moment – Starlink Accounts in the Country Seized
August 29, 2024

□ [“Sylvester Stallone Supports New Movie Exposing Child Trafficking"]

And yet I don't believe him.  He wanted to ban guns in February 2013, you'd need those to keep people from trafficking your children.  I don't know how conservative Sly ever was, but he strikes me as, at best, a RINO.  He wouldn't get very far in Hollywood if he wasn't liberal enough for them, starting his career off in porn and Woody Allen movies.

I'm basically skeptical of any celebrity who's suddenly offended now by what they've been working with all these years.  Given Stallone's decades of fame and wealth, he's been around enough to know what they're up to, but he waited until he's in his late-70s to be offended.  I've thought for a long time that whatever Hollywood right-wingers there are have been set-up as puppets to infiltrate and pervert actual conservative groups, and Sly would be an example of that.  I'll just say I don't trust him, or the movie's producer, Vivek Ramaswamy.  

If any Hollywood celebrities were really opposed to child molesting and trafficking, they could start putting everything they know out in public right now.  They know what's going on in private and their status would be helpful to publicize this.  Yet somehow they stay right where they are and remain silent.

‘Bone-Chilling’: Data Expert Says Covid Shots Triggered Explosive Surge in Kidney Failures
August 29, 2024

□ [“DOJ Panics, Threatens Lawsuit as Wisconsin Towns Ditch Electronic Voting Machines For Hand Count"]

If there's any chance to hope we can avoid the upcoming stolen elections, it's if enough people are willing to keep track of the actual vote counts, *and* are permitted to do so by our rulers.  Without that, they're going to fake as many votes as they want, but the rest of us won't believe them.

I still think of March 7, 2010, when Iraq had elections.  Everybody who voted had a purple marker on their finger as proof that they'd voted and couldn't do it again.  I was in Iraq at the time and it was nice to see that the basics were there.  Don't remember how those elections themselves turned out, but there are fundamental requirements and our rulers are ditching them at lightspeed.

□ [“California Senate Passes Law Banning Voter I.D. in Local Elections, So Illegals Can Vote"]

It's like they think everybody else is a 'bot and they intend to control the programming.  Or else they really think voting is worthless and they're proving it to the masses.  I don't see how anything other than chaos can be the result, but that itself is probably part of the plan.  This just a bad bad idea.

You don't invade a place and decide you're fairly allowed to vote.  The city/state/country existed before you and didn't need you in the first place.  Nothing about this can work, and our rulers presumably know that.  That's why they're doing this.

I assume their overall goal is a world government - run by them, of course - and to do that, they need to destroy the US.  So all the elites around the world are supporting these rulers and ignoring what voters actually want.  Only they know best, and they don't need elections.

Pope Francis Sides With Open-Border Globalists, Condemns Those Who ‘Repel’ Migrants as a ‘Grave Sin’
August 28, 2024

Vermont Health Department to Replace Terms ‘Son’ and ‘Daughter’ in Schools with ‘Gender-Neutral’ Terms
August 29, 2024

□ [“George W. Bush Is Contemplating an Endorsement of Kamala Harris"]

Just a rumor, no evidence.  Even if it were true, I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish.  Nobody is sitting around unclear of which side they're on and waiting for GWB to speak out.  A bunch of his officials made a point of endorsing Harris a little while ago, which shows the RINO nature of the uniparty.  I worry about Trump doing that too and especially his appointees.

That said, I still don't see much point in the conspiracy theories of the last 23 years for 9/11, Afghanistan or Iraq.  You want to argue that better decisions could have been made?  Ok, fine.  You want to argue that it was all some massive conspiracy, you're going to need evidence of whoever you self-identify as being responsible actually sat down and thought about how to take over multiple planes all at once and decided the targets.

As for GWB himself, I don't expect much better from him at this point, and certainly not from the RINOs in his administration.  It's really becoming clear that, at best, they were "controlled opposition" and more likely, were all in on the leftist infiltration of right-wing organizations, which had started long before anyway.  If he were running now, he'd be promoting made-up genders and mandatory poison-vaccines.

But based on his personal image - which is nonexistent since leaving office, as it should be - I doubt he'll actually go through with the endorsement.  Unless it's about blowing leftist minds up, which would be funny.

Police Raid and Arrest 11-Year-Old Child For Attending Recent Anti-Immigration Protest
August 29, 2024

CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America
August 29, 2024

28 August, 2024

News of the World

France Officially Indicts Telegram Founder Pavel Durov
August 28, 2024

□ [“Politico Headline 'Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally'"]

I'm sure she's never met the guy, she's such an outsider. One thing we're seeing from leftists is how willing they are to completely reverse themselves without even acknowledging it.  Problem is, you have to keep track of your lies, which is much much harder to do when other people have to do it too.

Harris' media servants are trying to deny that she has any connection to Joe Biden.  If you're just counting votes in the Democratic Primary, it's true that she wasn't listed anywhere Biden was, and got zero votes.  But if you look any further, you can see that they have one or two minor connections, but they're hoping nobody notices that.

In addition to insisting that she has no connections to Biden, Harris and her people have insisted that she'd never force people to buy electric-powered vehicles, despite co-sponsoring a Senate bill to do exactly that.  She wasn't against fracking, despite her own words to the contrary, and she opposed taxing waiters for their tips, despite being the deciding vote on a bill that does just that.  It's claimed that she wasn't "Border czar" even though they all said she was, and that Biden didn't pick her for gender/skin color even though Biden said he did just that.  At no point did she oppose the Biden/Harris administration doing exactly what she now claims to oppose.  Trump was able to put her self-contradictory statements together as an election ad.

In the technical sense, these are lies, she and her staff media saying things that are demonstrably untrue.  But this is denial of reality and expecting all the cult members to go along with it.  If they're stupid, they can't keep track of it and if they're deluded, they'll make up their own contradictions.  Ruled by their emotions, they'll deny this as long as possible, but reality still wins.

Seattle Goodwill Thrift Store Chain Closing Locations, Citing Escalating Theft, Safety Concerns
August 28, 2024

□ [“New Trump 'Scandal' Drops, Press Freak Out Over Arlington National Cemetery Visit"]

In a day or two, they'll be ordered to drop this, but for the moment they need to fill screen time and Trump's the only one who actually brings in an audience.  They say military veterans are "offended" by Trump attending the ceremony, but don't name any.  They whine about some "political ad" but don't ask how the people who invited the celebrity are supposed to get a picture of being with the celebrity they invited.

And they don't ask why Biden or Harris couldn't be bothered to show up.  Isn't it strange how they're both so disconnected from a government that, theoretically, they're in charge of?  Not even Walz showed up and he pretends to have some sort of military authority.  Donald Trump was invited and, guess what, he'll act like Donald Trump.  Who'da guessed?

So the media will be told to go silent on this.  As much as they need to promote Trump, someone might notice that he's willing to show support when military members die and our rulers are not.  Biden insists that no military members have died under his watch, these people never existed as far as he's concerned.

I still say we need a resistance movement and I still insist that it should be formed by ex-service members who used to be senior officers and NCOs.  They'll have a better idea of what needs to be done than anyone else.

Nevada Democrat Murdered Las Vegas-Review Journal Reporter Who Exposed His Corruption, Extramarital Affair
August 28, 2024

□ [“'Chaos' In France; Macron Refuses to Choose a Prime Minister, Leaving Country Without a Government"]

Western countries all seem to have decided to do this at the same time, the government doing what it wants to do and nobody else is relevant.  Of course it should be noted that these other countries don't permit their citizens to have guns.  That's probably why we don't hear anything about the protests after a couple weeks.  Others might come along soon, but they won't go anywhere.

Obviously this is part of the 'new world order.'  Near as I can tell, it does seem to be specific to each nation, since they all deal with things in their own way.  It's even possible this is going on in non-western countries.  I don't mean like Japan, this is happening there too, I mean like Russia, China, India, etc.  It might be happening, but those governments are much more experienced in preventing resistance.

This may explain why they're going after social media right now.  We all use the internet for information and connection, so they need to control that.  They can do that in a quiet way, and I'm sure they are, but they also need to take down the higher figures in the field.  Only the government can be permitted to decide or oversee anything, or even make any plans.  No dissent is allowed.

White Fragility Author Robin DiAngelo Accused of Plagiarizing Minority Writers
August 28, 2024

□ [“Harris Finally Agrees to One Pre-Taped, Edited Interview with CNN Democrat, Along With Babysitter Walz"]

She can't be allowed out alone.  A man needs to oversee her.  Are we sure these people aren't all Muslim?  What other excuse is there?  She can't handle a softball interview by herself, but she can run a nation?  We know CNN will edit it as much as possible - unless this is done like the Biden interview a month and a half ago - but how do they expect this to work?

It's CNN, which should tell us everything we need to know, but in recent weeks, they seem to have permitted a slight bit of disagreement with our masters.  Biden failed the debate, then did an interview which didn't help, then tried a "big boy" press conference, and at that point he was done.  All they could do was diagnose him as having covid and he's been gone ever since.  Could CNN be setting Harris up for that?

The only way the media can cover her is by keeping her hidden.  Otherwise people actually see who she is and only successful election theft can save you at that point.  Of course they're going to steal it and most likely will succeed, but this just seems like going over a cliff for its own sake.

Armed Venezuelan Migrant Gangsters Taking Over Another Apartment Complex in Aurora, Colorado
August 28, 2024

□ [“No U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers Deployed in the Pacific"]

And we can't get to the Pacific through the Red Sea anymore, thanks to the same people in charge.  The only other options are...  South America and California.  Anybody else noticing a theme here?  We didn't even lose a battle, we just quit like wussies.

This won't help Taiwan and Hong Kong because China still has a navy in this ocean.  Then there's Japan and Australia, how ready are they do defend themselves?  Or willing, for that matter, given that they're both struggling against western tyranny.  It only took a few years to make this happen, it's not like they've had a lot of time to prepare.  How long until they join BRICS?

Whatever plans the 'new world order' has, it's clear that either China is in charge of them or just knows it can ignore them.  Either way, they're not going to do anything, they're too busy imposing their tyranny over the rest of us.  And this is all happening without an open war.

Animated Kamala Harris Talks Word Salad to High School Students in Georgia Bus Trip With Tim Walz
August 28, 2024

27 August, 2024

I could write funnier jokes here, but nobody would read them anyway.

Top Kamala Surrogate Denigrates Bill of Rights, Calls Transformational Document ‘A Little Piece of Paper’
August 27, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Now Supports Spending Hundreds of Millions on Building Trump Border Wall"]
□ [“Kamala campaign flip-flops on EV mandates"]

The downside to keeping others on a leach is that you can't get very far away from them, or that's the same as them escaping from you.  You're the one who wants power over them, that's why you put the leash on them.  But now she has to pretend she never had anything to do with her previous claims.  In 2019, she co-sponsored a bill to mandate 100% electric vehicles by 2040.  That's Congressional record.  It never got voted on, but that's probably why Harris likes it.

Which would be more depressing, that Harris is blatantly lying about her beliefs in order to get more power or that she has no clue whatsoever about any of this and is just following orders?  It's much more likely that she believed her previous statements and is only lying now to try to fool people but it doesn't make her look good either way.

□ [“New York Times turns on Kamala, runs a string of op-eds slamming her as 'weak', 'a phony' and 'ignorant'"]

The chances go down with each passing day, but I can't drop the theory that they are setting her up to fail before the stolen election ever gets here.  She doesn't have to do interviews or speeches to give an explanation for any of this stupidity, so even the media realizes that its standards can't get much lower to keep putting up with this.

Perhaps this is some sort of social vaccine against the cult mentality virus - and no, I can't believe I'm using that analogy these days, but there you go - because it takes very little to see the idiocy of going for a brainless puppet who can't say anything or do anything except support the enemy because *TRUMP!!!*  It's disturbing how many people are that idiotic, but there is a limit and I think they're reaching it, much earlier than I'd have expected.

Jack Smith Indicts Trump Again in DC Following SCOTUS Presidential Immunity Ruling
August 27, 2024

□ [“Trump and Kamala Harris to Stick to Old Rules for ‘ABC Fake News’ September 10 Debate"]

Another example of not being able to get away from the leash.  She's so equal to everybody else that she can demand totally new rules for her?  That's not going to fly.  Might as well change the rules of the Olympics so she can win a gold medal by sitting in the stands.  Men would be ashamed if they tried to get away with that, and that's why she's here.

I'm going to be optimistic and say she'll do better than Biden.  There's plenty of obvious reasons to think she won't, but I'll assume she can be trained to say the same phrases she's been paid to say all these years.  Trump could easily surprise her, and I hope he will, but in that regard, I'll be pessimistic and assume he won't.

The rulers can't avoid letting this happen, not without nuclear war or some sort of unpredictable disaster happening.  But there's no way this will work out well for them.  Just a few months ago, Biden was going to do a great job and they all knew it.  Then they were disappointed and tried to find all sorts of reasons for the failure, avoiding the obvious because Biden was still in great shape and promised to not drop out of the race.  They were thrilled when they could finally stop putting up with that lie.

Because of the timing, I've been thinking about the Neil Gaiman issue, and I've even asked Dave Sim for his opinion.  His answer was mostly about adultery, which I hadn't even thought of in Gaiman's context, but it certainly fits Harris' career.  Elites have never liked the 7th Commandment and are always surprised when there are consequences.

Or maybe the debate will start with Trump and Harris making out.  This is 2024, is that really out of the realm of possibility?  I've just seen that CNN has finally gotten a scheduled interview with Harris and Walz, he'll probably do most of the talking.

New Migrant Wave Heading to U.S. Includes Many Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners
August 27, 2024

□ [“Chicago Plans to Launch City-Run Grocery Stores"]

This is only a "study" but it says they can start three stores for only $26.7 million.  That's a hell of a deal.  How much will they have to spend on security to keep the place from being robbed clean the first week?  Just kidding, they'll never get that far.  In five years, they'll need another $100 million to get the first store open because it would be the only grocery store in town.

But in theory, I like the idea.  It's guaranteed to failure and will provide another example of why the government shouldn't be involved in the first place.  The people who voted Democrat all these decades and are left with this will just have to starve, so that's win-win.  It's even possible that a handful of officials involved in this "study" and however far it gets will see why government shouldn't be involved in these things.

There's the building, maintenance, electricity, cleaning.  There's the employees, hiring, background checking, organization, supervision.  There's arrangements with companies that produce food and those who deliver it.  Then there's all the city, state and federal laws and regulations you need to follow.  You'll need lawyers and accountants, who need clerks and secretaries.  And that's not counting the problems of dealing with each other day-after-day, not to mention the customers or the robberies.

I've never ran a grocery store so I'm probably missing some important details, but you really think you can successfully handle that for one store, much less three?  But at least these political officials will probably get raises, promotions and awards for saying how much they care about "fighting food insecurity."  Brother, you asked for it.

California Democrats Vote to Force Taxpayers to Subsidize $150,000 Down Payment on Homes for Illegals
August 27, 2024

□ [“Trump Declares War on ‘Crooked’ and ‘Dishonest’ Washington Establishment: ‘They’re Gonna be Held Accountable’"]

When?  Everybody who matters sees the tyranny and we aren't getting any younger.  We need some actual evidence that you're going to do anything this time around.  I like the idea, not complaining about that.  I even have enough military experience to know that there needs to be a certain mindset that will prepare people for what's about to happen.  But we also need to know what's about to happen.

□ [“Zuckerberg Admits to Massive Govt Censorship Regime:  'We promise to fight it next time'"]

Otherwise we're left with this.  What incentive does he have to fight it next time?  I'm not sure what the current issue with social media is really about, but there's little hope for any of them and none for Zuckerberg.  He doesn't even consider "freedom of speech," much less defend it.  That's how our rulers are, as we can see by their response to Zuckerberg's letter:

“When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety.  Our position has been clear and consistent:  we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.”

Horse hockey.  They give orders to tech companies and other private actors and lie about it being "independent choices."  They push false-information over the truth, as we see with facebook's treatment of the lies about the virus and vaccine.  They don't even admit their own mistakes.  Joe Biden insisted the vaccine would prevent you getting the virus and that he had the vaccine, how many times has he had the virus by this point?

You don't know the truth.  You don't decide what's true for anybody else.  You don't silence or censor people.  You are the crooked and dishonest government Trump is talking about, and we can't trust him either.  That's what freedom is and that's why it's worth fighting for.  If you don't agree, you're the enemy.

German Chancellor Talks Tough, Promises Deportations after Migrant’s Stabbing Spree Rattles German Society
August 27, 2024

□ [“Michigan Secretary of State Says RFK Jr. Will Be on 2024 Ballot Despite Suspending Campaign"]

This is an aspect of civil war 2.0 most people won't understand.  I know I don't, but one of the points to our (former) republic is that each state decides how their election process works.  They're each closer to their people than the federal government is, and it's harder to cheat if you need to take over dozens of different vote-counting states.

So this sounds like a sensible resistance to Democrat election theft.  RFK Jr. is on the ballet in crucial states but not in states Trump will easily win.  It's a way of rigging an election in accordance with their own rules, Michigan is kicking off another candidate, Cornel West, who is a total leftist.  As an added bonus, RFK Jr. is still kept informed of the election-in-process as Democrats steal it, giving Trump access to info he can use against them.

One reason I assume we won't make it to the election is because there's no reason to trust the results no matter what.  The left only goes along when they win, and the rest of us expect them to steal it anyway.  The results will probably be different in each state and at this point, we should just assume they're run by leftist dictators, at least in the capitol cities.  Make sure you have your back-up supplies.

Oklahoma Town Rallies Behind Teen Told By School Officials He Can’t Fly US Flag on His Pick-Up
August 27, 2024

26 August, 2024

If you can read this, you are not a cat. They can't read.

Everybody knows the old saying "Tie the plants up before the butter is loquacious," but no one ever asks what the hell you're talking about?20240826 

Illegal Alien Arrested For Sexually Abusing 7-Year-Old Girl in New York
August 26, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Pushes Special Treatment in Sept. 10 Debate ' Demands Seated Format and ‘Cheat-Sheet’"]

Joe Biden managed to get through it without a cheat-sheet or a chair.  So her people are admitting that she's not as capable of lasting for 90 minutes as well a senile old man did.  Trump didn't need them either, but Harris is the one who wants to be treated "equally."

My guess is those in charge are just trying to find an excuse to cancel the debate altogether.  The elections are stolen, no point in pretending otherwise.  Just make demands that Trump refuses to accept and cancel the whole thing.  Then blame him for it.

There's a slight chance that the rulers actually will make her go through this.  That would mean they know in advance she'll make Joe Biden look like a great debater and it would be an excuse to ditch her like they ditched him.  But there's nobody to replace her with.  Anybody who thinks they have a chance of winning, fraud or otherwise, would rather hold off until the next election.  They wouldn't put themselves into this abuse, like standing for 90 minutes and not using a cheat-sheet.

Hillary's the only one who might be deluded enough to go through it, which is even more unlikely.  If that happens, I would guess that whoever's running the world is just ready to dump the Clintons too, and there would be better ways to do that.  They're old, they won't live much longer anyway, and never bothered to work for the next generation.

Dozens of Rivian EVs Go Up in Massive Ball of Fire at Illinois Manufacturing Plant
August 26, 2024

□ [“Massive Russian Air Strike On Ukraine’s Energy Facilities – Power and Water Outages All Over the Country"]

So really, Russia should be commended for helping Ukraine take a break from causing global warming.  But where are the liberals?  They're at home where electricity and water are still functioning. For the time being.

It looks like this was done by drones and missiles, doesn't sound like there was much air craft involved in the attack.  Reportedly whatever Ukraine has left of an air force is out handling the attack on Kursk.  Supposed to defend their nation and they're out attacking another one, f*king Air Force.

They hit 9 of Ukraine's 27 regions.  That's a lot of cities that suddenly can't have electricity and water.  Is this the first time in this war when the cities had to actually feel like it was a war?  Even Kiev was hit.  In theory that would make the remaining females and old men even more eager for war, but it might go the other way and have them say 'we surrender.'

I do think we're reaching a point where a lot of the forces at war are worn out, and to my limited knowledge, it's mostly on the leftist side.  I don't know where Ukraine civilians stand on that, but it's believable.

Biden Returns to Delaware After Weeklong California Vacation – Starts a Nine-Day Rehoboth Beach Vacation
August 26, 2024

□ [“Trump Visits Arlington Cemetery to Honor US Service Members Killed in Kabul Airport Attack"]

He could have said he's not POTUS, it wasn't his job, but he went to enemy territory for this.  Biden's on vacation and Harris is out pretending to care for the people she wants to be in charge of, so they couldn't be bothered.

At this point, the country seems to be completely broken, and Trump is showing that he can lead whoever stands with him, which would be why he's going for the military for the upcoming civil war.  Some of us know about Arlington, we know about service members killed in action, and we know what our depraved rulers did to our troops in Afghanistan.  A lot of people are trying to be ready when things go kinetic.

If Harris was an actual leader, she'd decide that some things are more important than us and would insist on being there too.  Frankly, it's not even clear she has a clue what's going on or what's happened.  With Biden, it's really starting to look like he's dead and they send in an impersonator on the rare occasion he needs to be seen in public.  Next weekend he'll probably be staying with Bernie.

“Visibly Shaking” Biden Needed Help Getting in SUV Again (But Reporter Held Story for a Week)
August 26, 2024

□ [Mike Zeroh - “Leslye Headland Attacks Kathleen Kennedy After Disney Cancels The Acolyte"]

An interesting theory, Headland is whining that Kennedy didn't do enough to save the show from being cancelled or from keeping Headland from being fired from all the other projects she had with Disney.  It is certainly believable, the left does turn on each other when times are tough.  They have to save themselves, Kennedy's been running a big company for years and Headland has all this blackmail material on celebrities.

Kennedy has put all the productions on hold, which is a meaningless threat, since nobody wants them back.  There's also a rumor that Disney is considering bringing back Lesbian Space Witches from cancellation, although if they do that, it demonstrates how insane they are.  Nobody deserves to be in charge of someone who looks at a $200 million failure and says 'let's do that again.'

Assuming they aren't insane, this is being used to reveal the few dozen people who demanded the show come back and whoever their supporters might be, one of which is Headland.  A number of companies are trying to get away from being *woke,* or at least look like they're doing exactly that, and Disney would have the most cancer to dig out across the company.

This may be why I'm fascinated by this, paying much more attention to Disney than I ever have and not even needing to see any of their movies, cartoons or whatever else they make these days.  The demon-worshipping child-molesters are in charge and they're slowly being revealed.  Who else is on their side?

Texas Governor Removes 1 Million+ Ineligible Voters From Voter Rolls, Including 500,000 Dead People and Thousands of Non-Citizens
August 26, 2024

□ [“Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits Biden-Harris Regime Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans"]

It's been years since Facebook censored people for pointing out the virus was a bioweapon from China, Hunter Biden's laptop was true or elections were being stolen, and he finally admits it.  They were censored even if they were comments for humor or satire, the government will decide whether you have permission to do that or not.

He posted the letter to the House Judiciary Committee Chairman today.  Interesting timing, since other social media sites are being hit by government as well.  And by the way, I don't get why Facebook and Twitter changed their names.  That just seems stupid and destructive to the brand.  Anyway...

But now he says he's sorry that they did that.  Better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.  Ok, that's not totally applicable to this, but you get my point, he could have said 'hell no' in the first place.  But even if he did, his staff would have turned against him, and the government he spent so much money to support.

The rulers wanted the tyranny and social media was an obvious target.  Zuckerberg was totally on their side, and possibly still is.  There's a reason the founding fathers didn't write several Constitutional amendments and then someone asked what they should do about "speech."  We're seeing this happen across western civilization, this part of the destruction was definitely planned in advance.

Four Massachusetts Towns Impose Voluntary Lockdown to Combat Incurable Deadly Mosquito-Borne Disease
August 26, 2024

25 August, 2024

What would be the best joke I could post here? Pretend I did. Now pay me!

Black Chicagoans:  Democrats Putting Illegals Before Citizens ‘It’s All by Design.  It’s Deliberate.’
August 25, 2024

□ [Drinker's Chasers - "Phoebe Waller-Bridge's Tomb Raider Not Happening?"]

They suggest that Sydney Sweeny might be a better choice for the Tomb Raider lead role.  I have little to do with modern movies and nothing to do with video games, but even I know who Sydney Sweeney is, thanks to youtube channels like this talking about that Madam Web movie failure.  Hollywood spent decades insisting that fat ugly women were just as attractive and all that goes out the window with one shot.

If any movie maker has any sense, they'd be paying her to film something every day for a release they can pump out asap.  They'd also be looking for other actresses with Sweeney's two most notable qualities, her bright smile and cheery personality.  Now that I think about this, why don't they do that?

You can basically film movies with a cellphone at this point.  Hire Sydney Sweeney, or some hot young equivalent.  Might not have much money to pay her up front but offer 50% of the profits on the back end and that will probably be a decent amount of money coming in.  Just do it piece by piece until you have enough to figure out a story.

"Ok, we're going to film a movie about you wanting a boyfriend and eventually you get one and live happily ever after.  Get in your underwear, we'll film you getting dressed to go to work in the morning.  We'll add narration later."

"Ok, we hired this actor.  He won't be your ultimate love interest, but you have a 'maybe' about him.  Here's a few lines of dialogue."

"Ok, just walk down the street, looking around.  Guys will be checking you out.  By the way, we're close to figuring out your name, which one of these do you prefer?"

"Ok, we've hired another actress, she's your girl bestie but you're jealous because she's always surrounded by guys and you're not.  Here's a few lines of dialogue."

"Ok, we've brought back that actress and actor.  You think you're going to meet him for a date but when you get there, you see them making out.  You're hurt and jealous and slowly walk away all sad.  We'll add narration later.  You're almost ready to meet the real love interest.  We've narrowed that down to three actors, tomorrow we'll film you with each of them.  We'll probably add narration later for all three but whichever one has chemistry, we'll keep him.  The other two will be used for clips of you dating other guys, so there will be a bit of dialogue."

Would it really be hard to make up all this stuff quickly and have a movie?  A lot of guys would want to watch that and it could easily make a profit.  Just use your cellphone to film it.  Besides showing off big knockers, this would be demonstrating how meaningless the giant expensive studios really are.  I can't believe people aren't already trying to do this.

Ohio Black Woman Horrifies Neighbors by Killing and Eating a Cat on the Lawn
August 24, 2024

□ [“Rumble CEO Escapes France after Telegram CEO Is Arrested for Not Censoring Free Speech"]

The war goes to social media, thanks to the western nations and their tyrants.  Telegram wasn't as willing to censor as the French government wanted, so that's all you need for an arrest.  The excuse is that not censoring makes the CEO "complicit in drug trafficking, paedophile offences and fraud.”

I can see an argument that social media needs more specific rules to police things like this, but arresting someone for lack of censorship is not going to help.  Yet France, Britain and Germany are just going all-in on censorship as the solution looking for a problem.  The US is following the same lines, as is Ireland, Australia, Brazil and the EU.

It would make more sense to work with these social media sites to trap actual criminals, but then speech itself wouldn't be the crime, so that's not an option.  This is one of those things about leftism that is so bewildering, how can you come from a free society and somehow decide this is a good idea?  No argument, no questioning, just "I don't like their freedom, get rid of it!"

Not sure what this will do with social media.  As far as I know, people only use them for convenient connections to whatever they're interested in, but it is all in public and we're being watched by the overlords and their A.I. police.  My use of social media is probably different from most so I can't really speculate on what benefits others get from it, much less how it can be controlled.  But the elites know, so now they have to fight about it.

Trump Trucks Drive Through California Town and Loudly Blare Horns Near Biden’s Vacation Spot
August 25, 2024

□ [“Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) Suggests He Would Join GOP Administration:  'We Failed A Lot of People'"]

He admits the failure but I don't see even a suggestion in this article that he'd work with GOP.  He probably would, he has no other choice and the point is that he's running out to say Democrats aren't fixing anything, especially what they caused.  You either stay on the sinking ship or you try to do something about it.

I assume he'll be accepted for whatever it's worth, because politics, but the rest of us have been facing these problems for over three years. He has made a few comments and attempts to at least distinguish himself from the rest of his party, like actually trying to run in the primary a few months ago, so there is something to point to, but it's a very low bar to clear.

Haven't noticed him having to answer questions about how he intends to fix the problems he helped create and help the people he failed.  Makes sense, because then he'd have to explain why he's not doing anything now.  And this has one of the guys who has the most going for him if the elections go to a fair winner and not to Democrats.

That said, he seems to be working on the assumption that the elections can't be stolen enough to prevent Republican victory and publicly stating that he's willing to help the other side.  He also comes from a family that is higher up on the social ladder than most of us will ever be, his grandmother and great-aunt were "Dear Abby" and Ann Landers.  Point is, more and more Democrats are seeing the real problems brought by leftism and want to get out, regardless of much or little they contributed to those problems.

Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’ Body is Was Cremated 10 Days After Assassination Attempt
August 15, 2024

Horde of Laughing Youths Chase and Assault 62-Year-Old NYC Man on His Evening Walk – $5,000 in Medical Bills
August 25, 2024

□ [“Israel Launches Preemptive Strikes in Lebanon to Thwart Massive Hezbollah Attack"]
□ [“Houthi Attack Blows up Greek Oil Tanker in the Red Sea"]

The war continues in the Middle East.  In the case of Israel, it's an interesting parallel to their 1967 preemptive strike on Egypt which began the 6-Days War, which was when the real mass-hatred of Israel started, officially.  All those attacks on Israel for 20 years but Israel dared to take initiative and it's all their fault.

The Red Sea conflict is a different matter.  Houthis are servants of Iran and the Red Sea is a shortcut for ships to get from Asia and east Africa to the Mediterranean.  This means Iran is taking over this entrance to the continent and trade for nearby continents.  That's a big deal, but it's not even getting much attention.

From this perspective, it looks like the US and EU are behaving as puppets in the matter.  We're opposing Israel and supporting Iran, despite its alliance with Russia and China whom we claim to oppose.  Basically they know western leaders are stupid enough to go along with this so they're going to take every to expand while the expansion works.  Maybe they've got the 2024 elections sewn up, maybe not, but either way, I suspect they have a plan.

I don't know what Israel will do about it.  I hope they have a plan too, but it's not going to be fun, no matter what.  All we can do is hope that the 'climate change' crowd is offended by all the oil spilling into the ocean, but they probably don't care as long as it can be used against Israel.

□ [“Russian Nuclear Doctrine Threshold Gets Lowered; Navy Prepares for Preemptive Tactical Nuke Attacks"]

The navies of BRICS nations are growing and training, the navies of NATO and western nations are doing the opposite.  The US Navy is preparing to remove 17 ships out of the 296 total in some "great reset," a term which is always associated with leftism, so...

The Russian Navy has @370 ships, the Chinese Navy has over 300.  Russia has planned this lowered threshold since 2014, it's like they're actually preparing for something beyond what we've heard about their constant defeats for the last two and a half years.  Anybody hearing anything interesting from that one solitary Ukrainian division on Russian soil for some reason?

□ [“Ukraine's Defenses in Donetsk Are Folding; Putin May Soon Take Key Region of the War"]

Gee, that one division might be really useful right now, but they're off doing something in Kursk.  80 years ago, there was a battle in Kursk where the losing side brought in 50 divisions, two tank brigades, three tank battalions, eight artillery assault divisions comprising 2,700 Tiger and Panther tanks, 2,000 aircraft and 900,000 men.  No word on how many Ukrainians sided with the Germans in that battle, maybe that'll make a difference this time.

To a large extent, this whole war looks like it might be a fake.  The battles are probably happening for real, but it's all about PR rather than whatever is really going on.  No idea who would be responsible or why, but this is clearly World War III yet NATO members are clearly unwilling to do anything about it.  Their rulers want to expand their own tyranny over their own populace, which is not how you go about defeating the real enemy in a global conflict.

If the war was rule and our rulers weren't siding with the opponents, wouldn't they be trying to strengthen the military rather than what they've been doing for years?  You don't need to get someone's made-up pronouns correct to fight in a foxhole and if you're so wussy that you scream when someone calls you a pronoun you don't like, you should be shot on sight anyway.  That's what BRICS is doing, and our masters oppose that.  So which side will you fight for?

Trump Campaign Announces White House Transition Team
August 16, 2024

Tim Walz Falsely Claimed Nebraska Chamber of Commerce Named Him ‘Outstanding Young Nebraskan’
August 24, 2024

Woke Colorado High School Teacher:  Leonardo Da Vinci Was "Gender-Fluid" as Seen in “Mona Lisa”
August 25, 2024

□ [“Trump Doesn't Fall for Trap, Refuses to Attend Security Briefings as Candidate"]

Makes sense.  If he went to them, they'd leak whatever they're telling him and then blame him for the leaks.  Now they'll have to find some other lie about him to use.  I do wonder how else his security status changes as candidate, but then I don't get the point of giving candidates the briefing anyway.  I suppose it makes a bit of sense for professional politicians, as governors or congressmen would already have clearance, but even there, how much would you tell them?

But Trump obviously has enough experience - four+ years of the highest clearance - to know how important it really is.  There's also a benefit many people may not think of, he can say whatever he wants without risking saying something he couldn't.  When I had a security clearance, I made sure not to learn anything I didn't need to know, so that whatever I did say or wrote only came from public sources or just something I made up on my own.  It was easy for me, I didn't want to know and was busy working for people with much higher clearances.  For Trump, it's obviously a different ball of wax.

Then there's all the problems our intelligence agencies are having, as well as the basic problem of intelligence info itself.  How do you know if it's remotely true?  That's one of the problems he's trying to fix, so who knows if it'll go anywhere.  I do hope he wins, but at this point, even if he does, I'm not optimistic.

Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Rip Kamala Harris’ DNC Speech to Shreds
August 25, 2024

Taliban Announces New ‘Vice and Virtue’ Laws Banning Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public
August 25, 2024

Trump Tweets "Who Is Negotiating the Middle East? – Sleepy Joe is Sleeping – Comrade Kamala Is Doing a Campaign Bus Tour with Tampon Tim”
August 25, 2024

Lefty Journalist Admits Why Kamala is Hiding from the Press ‘She’s Trying to Win the Election’
August 25, 2024

24 August, 2024

My 5.56 self-identifies as 7.62.

There are western troops now on the front lines in Ukraine, even Beau Biden.  I hope he's safe.20240824

University of Tampa Student Training Scenario Has Student Feeling “Threatened” By MAGA Roommate
August 24, 2024

□ [“Disney CEO Reportedly 'Exhausted & Overwhelmed' After Multiple Box Office Flops"]

This story came out a year ago but for some reason it's getting attention now, along with news that Bob Iger is looking to retire.  It's interesting because we've been hearing the same thing about Kathleen Kennedy for the last week or two, and she's only a bit younger than Iger.  They've both led their respective parts of the studio to failure and going further is war against each other.  Someone has to go for the other one to continue the delusion that they know what they're doing.

They're old, so this must be constantly on their minds.  All those years striving for wealth and power and this is where they've wound up.  There's also been rumors for the last week or two that Kennedy is totally a figurehead, which is believable but might also be falsehoods spread by those who want her gone, up to and including Iger.  For convenience sake, I'll assume she wouldn't be where she is now without a strong work ethic [or at least her wealthy husband.]

But they're old!  They're taking up space that younger people could be occupying.  But what really stuck out for me is this is basically what we've been seeing from Nancy Pelosi for the last month or two and she's over a decade older than they are.  And what has she been doing for the last few months?  Trying to convince people that Joe Biden was strong and healthy.

If it could happen to Joe, it could happen to them too.  And let's not forget that they're all in California, where Dianne Feinstein spent decades as a major figure.  It takes a lot of effort just to stay old and in power and you reach an age where that's just too much work to bother with.  Sports fans see this with athletes getting older and still having to compete against the youngsters.

To an extent, I'm not that interested in how these individuals are facing those challenges, I have to face them too.  But all these people I mentioned are elites and if there's really a cult to seize leftist power across the world, they're all part of it.  But the chain is only as strong as the weakest link, so we might be looking at one or more of them ready to snap, especially after how they turned on Biden.

“Arab-Looking” Man Shouts "Allahu Akbar," Stabs 9 and Kills 3 at German Diversity Festival - ISIS Claims Responsibility
August 24, 2024

□ [“Trump Announces Presidential Commission on Assassination Attempts – All JFK Files Will Be Released"]

That's fine.  I'm not a JFK buff but it would be nice to finally put all this out.  He's not just going for this assassination, he would include others, although the attempt on him is the only one named.  So we'll see how that goes.

I'm of the opinion that we need a lot more classified information declassified, and hopefully Trump would do that, although it's not clear.  He will have to explain why he didn't do that previously.  I know there are methods that classification is done, otherwise he could just spout off whatever he decides to declassify today.  Which, again, I'd be fine with, but that's not how it's done.  What he should do is explain how it is done.

But it'll be interesting to see Democrats' response to this.  My guess is it will mostly be ignoring it or just whining that he could have done it four years ago (and I would agree with that.)  What they can't do is point out that whoever's in the White House these days could do it right now but has decided it must remain hidden from Americans.

So that's another problem Democrats will face.  How do you defend keeping the JFK assassination secret because revealing it might help Trump?  That's why I assume they'll mostly ignore it.

I checked on Democratic Underground and they were discussing it.  Mostly it was the expected anti-Trump rhetoric, but more than a few were interested and arguing that there's no reason it should still be secret.  How long until Harris says she promises to release it and then face the fact that she could demand it now, *if* she actually had a real position in the White House.

Black Chicago Pastor Blasts ‘Defund the Police’ Dems for Spending $75M to Protect Themselves at DNC ‘We Get Nothing’
August 24, 2024

□ [“'It Is Huge, It Is Everything' – CNN’s Erin Burnett Reacts to RFK Jr.’s Endorsement of Trump"]

It might just be a leftist bimbo babbling whatever she's paid for, but I'm starting to wonder if winning over RFK Jr. and whatever fans he has is actually a strike against the media.  The Kennedys were a big deal back when mass media was started, and tv networks would have established their policies and traditions which they still follow, like pay attention to the Kennedys.

□ [“Daily Show Host Jon Stewart Gives Major Takedown of DNC's Hypocritical Scams"]

Talk show hosts are doing the same, they're actually daring to criticize the Democratic Party, although we assume they'll still fire any employee who doesn't vote for Biden Harris.  It's been several years and they're finally getting around to saying something, what's changed?  Other than the economy?

It's probably not just RFK Jr, he's probably more of a symbol of the problem.  The economy, the tyranny, the wars, they've been going on for years and now the rulers effected a coup against their own nominee to replace him with someone nobody voted for.  If this was exactly what they built towards over the last four years, what would they be doing different?

So Trump is clearly working on appealing to a wider audience than either party has in a long time, if ever.  He is going for what unites us rather than divides.  Blacks in Chicago are complaining about the crime, and the hypocrisy of Democrats who have their own guards while billionaires are up there saying others have too much money.  Michelle Obama says it's suspicious to take more than you need, and owns three mansions.  The pantsuit she was wearing costs $2800 and her shoes were another $1000.  There are people who can't spend a thousand dollars on one full set of clothes, including makeup and hair.

Anyway, this is just speculation, no evidence, but it does look like a lot of leftists are finally getting worn out.  They're all old and tired and we haven't even gotten to the actual kinetic part of the war yet.  This is what they've put us through so nobody's going to work to save them when it finally falls apart, and some of them are now publicly realizing that.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Hospitalized for Six Days with West Nile Virus, Now Recovering at Home
August 24, 2024

□ [“Batman is Cooked!  All DC Comics Outsold by Transformers in May 2024?!"]

It is speculative.  The stores don't totally rely on Diamond Distributors anymore (which is a good thing) so that means they only get participating stores from around the world sharing their sales info.  Marvel and/or DC (I forget which) aren't giving up their actual sales figures anyway but this is obviously very bad.

Marvel and DC also keep rebooting the comics too, trying to get in on the 'new #1' trend and using multiple covers which I really thought would have died by now.  They keep relaunching the franchises and when that fails, relaunch them again.  There's the *woke* activism, but there's also no making comics for the sake of making comics.

Another problem is how they're covered loses by the megacompanies that own them now.  DC has long been unprofitable but Warner Bros. used it to maintain their trademarks.  There's also the way comics are just test material for movies.  At least an individual title made by one or two people would be something they wanted to do, but they need to reboot X-Men to fit in to the upcoming Marvel Movies, so telling a fun story is irrelevant.

The cost of comics also makes it fail.  I haven't been to a store in years so I don't know what they cost now, but for 20+ pages, there's a limit to what people will pay in this economy.  Maybe there should be a focus on something that isn't decades old corporate-owned men in tights who punch people to solve problems.  I keep saying this, but I'd trade every X-Super-Bat-Spider-Avengers title for a black-and-white monthly title about two kids and talking dog.

German Warship Sails Up Thames River Blasting 'Star Wars' Darth Vader Theme. WTF?
August 24, 2024

□ [“This Is About to Get Ugly"]

They will continue to pretend otherwise, and resort to tyranny in the near-future, but Democrats are starting to face their actual problems.  The balloon is getting ready to burst.  The convention didn't have any real impact, especially since they had nothing to promote except the results of the coup.  Harris is basically out of her honeymoon phase and won't say anything worthwhile.  And everything keeps getting worse.

Even the media is (slightly) turning against them, asking questions like how can Democrats have run the White House for 12 of the last 16 years but everything is Trump's fault?  They could answer that Trump is competent and Democrats aren't, but that's not a good look either.  They side with invaders and made-up genders instead of actual Americans, but the right wing is the problem?  They're Americans too, or did you forget that?

This is why we are in Civil War 2.0, our rulers imposed that on us.  They are a direct descendent of all the liberal viruses of the last century, or even longer, given how Democrats have always had control of blacks.  Haven't heard "black lives matter" for a while, have we?

Still don't know if we'll even make it to November, but we need to go on strike and be ready to fight back, because as Trump said years ago, they're not after him.  They're after us.  The more I look at it, the more it seems like all the lines of history have tied together to impose their tyranny on us, building on every previous attempt.  Both world wars, the cold war, Marxism, the French Revolution, everything going back to the Magna Carta, which England itself is now willing to ignore.

It's going to be big and it's going to be horrific.  A lot of people are going to suffer from this, even more than have already been suffering.  But those who can accept reality have a better chance than our deluded rulers.  Don't see a better way to put it, this is why we're here.

Telegram CEO Arrested by French Authorities for Refusing to Follow Censorship Laws
August 24, 2024

Public School Students Left Without Bus Service as Massachusetts Funds Buses for Illegals
August 24, 2024

23 August, 2024

The hills are not alive with the sound of music. That is an evil lie!

What's the news across the nation?
I have got the information
In a way I hope will amuse
I just love
To give you my views
Well la da de da...20240823

Boulder, Colorado Bridge Destroyed, Fuel Spilled After Two Trains Collided
August 23, 2024

□ [“30 nations flock to join BRICS as a potential ‘counterweight against U.S. economic hegemony’"]

Most of the countries aren't listed except for Malaysia and Thailand, so this claim cannot be verified, but how many of them have any significant number of white people?  If you want to say Russia is a nation of white people, ok, but their population is less than 150 million.  China and India each have over a billion and the other BRICS members will only lower the percentage of white people.

So BRICS is basically the extension of leftist views on race, that all the non-white countries should get together to oppose the white countries.  If that was their actual goal, what would be doing differently?  China and Russia certainly know what leftists want, and they're also experienced in mass obedience.

□ [“BRICS Leader/Indian PM Modi Goes to Poland and Ukraine With a Message of Peace"]

Then there's possibilities like this.  I assume it's just for show, but what will Democrats do if this non-white Russian ally stops a war Democrats support?  And if this happens before the election, what would Kamala Harris have to campaign about in her speeches and interviews?  Maybe they need a few more assassinations to happen soon.

FDA Approves Fresh Round of COVID Vaccines… But Americans Simply Aren’t Interested
August 23, 2024

□ [“Trump Introduces RFK Jr. to Thousands of Supporters in Glendale, Arizona"]

Kennedy had no chance of winning, he's a typical rich leftist with very few diversions from the norm.  But he did show how leftists refuse any sort of challenge.  They made sure he had no chance of beating Joe Biden and major news networks even shut him off in his speech about withdrawing from the campaign because he talked about that, as well as how the DNC led a coup against Biden.  They previously did that with Bernie Sanders.

Yet Trump could win him over.  I think this is the main benefit of the RFK Jr. campaign, that it got enough attention for people to notice it, then showed how Trump could negotiate.  If RFK Jr. had any real supporters, they're probably going with Trump now, and the Trump supporters are glad they're aboard.

And where?  Is Kamala Harris?  She's at home, washing her tights.  She can't unify anybody who's not already on her side.  She can't even speak.  Neither can RFK Jr. but people were willing to put up with that from him.  But those people aren't leftists, they're tolerant instead.

Fed Chair Announces Incoming Rate Cut… Just in Time to Boost Kamala Harris
August 23, 2024

□ [“CNBC Destroys Elizabeth Warren for Defending Kamala’s Soviet-Style Price Control"]

At last someone finally brought up to our elites who keep blaming business for inflation that if that was true, they could have been doing inflation for decades.  It's so strange that they all just woke up three years ago and decided to massively increase prices, but our government thinks it's because they just want money.  I've been saying this for years and I'm probably not the only one.

It really comes down to "supply and demand."  Individual businesses try to meet that as their owners and employees see fit.  They succeed or not.  All government does is tilt the scale the way it wants, because it doesn't have to worry about anything.

Their only solution to every problem is more government control.  This is the "hive mentality."  They don't produce anything, they just have queens and slaves.  They can't perceive of anyone else being different, which is the mentality their government masters bring to every issue.  Giving them more power won't produce anything, but it will solve everything, according to people who don't do anything.

Trump on Kamala Harris’ DNC Address – ‘Why Doesn’t She Do the Things She’s Complaining About?’
August 23, 2024

□ [“Democrats Freak Over RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement; Harris Campaign Calls Him ‘Failed Fringe Candidate’"]

Maybe there's something more going on than most of us can see with this RFK Jr. thing.  The Trump convention didn't bring in big names, even still-alive Republican POTUS or Veeps.  Democrats brought many of them and other famous people like Oprah.  Trump had to speak for himself, Harris' campaign is that you have to elect her to find out what her policies are.

So RFK Jr. being there may be a big deal, not because of RFK Jr. himself, but he's one of *them.*  Rich, famous, elite, leftist, he ticks all the boxes, but he turned against them.  Trump faced a dozen candidates in the primaries, Biden didn't because he insisted he wasn't leaving the campaign.  So when he did, all the votes for him were handed to someone else who wasn't even on the ballot.

Even Gavin Newsome is either joking or bitter about being pushed out, claiming "We went through a very open process, a very inclusive process, it was bottom-up.  That's what I've been told to say."  He doesn't say by whom.  He also adds in an interview that California's homeless problem is Democrats' fault, “I mean, because of our own policies and neglect.  We put up our feet, and we’re resting on our laurels.”

The elites are turning against each other, having not gotten what they wanted, all in the name of leftism and pretend-democracy.  They were even promising some 'mystery guest' on the convention's final night, and it turned out to be Harris herself, just as she was scheduled.  Were they really trying to get someone there - although who would be more famous than Oprah? - and it didn't work, or just trying to hype people into paying attention.  This isn't working.  Another thing to blame on Trump.

16 Republican AGs Sue the Biden Administration Over Amnesty Plan
August 23, 2024

□ [“Washington Post Declares Philanderer Doug Emhoff a ‘Progressive Sex Symbol’"]

The media is being weird again, trying to promote Harris' husband as a modern version of the 1980s male stereotype.  Basically sissy which is somehow sexy to women.  So sexy that she didn't take his name when they got married, but I digress.  Somehow, despite MGTOW increasing, men have somehow become sexy again.

Given how prominent adultery is among our elites, and how it increasingly looks like the women married gay men for the status, I'm wondering what else they're promoting by doing this. With the increased public interest in molesting children from leftist allies, that would be the most obvious guess.

And of course they push it through the media, as always.  They haven't been promoting women being sexy because apparently they're not capable of doing that, and somehow the genders get together despite that.  But no reproduction!  And...  What's the point to this?

This is just coming off as desperate, in the same way more and more women are posting on the internet about how strong and bold and unrepressed they are and why can't they get a boyfriend.  As with "supply and demand" in economics, the reality of the genders still exists, regardless of what leftists demand.  In the 80s, at least they had popular movies and music to cover up the propaganda, now they have none of that.

22 August, 2024

If you can read this, give me a cookie.

□ [“TikTok Influencers Pressure Kamala Harris To Support Hamas"]

This article is about how, as soon as Biden quit, these people rushed to get Harris to support Israel's destruction.  More than she already had.  For all that she and Biden had supported Hamas, they still supported Israel's right to exist.  No idea if they really meant that or it was just a way to get Jewish donations, but it wasn't enough.

From there the conflict grows.  The non-white female DEI promoter needs the votes of Hamas supporters and, even to leftists, the contradiction becomes obvious.  If it didn't, the pro-philistine movement would just get louder.  Harris is supporting Israel's existence simply by not bending more to Hamas and its supporters more than she already has.

They're very angry about this, attacking other Harris supporters who just want a non-male, non-white DEI appointee to push gay rights and abortion.  They really don't like blacks who don't comply with everything, but blacks respond that they'd complied with everything and it's never enough.  If these pro-Muslim supporters really want this non-white drunken lesbian elected, they need to give a little.  Otherwise they're just hurting her chances.

Well slap my face and call me "Curly," when was the last time you heard leftists of any skin-color taking that position about anything?  They probably hate Israel as much Hamas does, but unlike the pro-philistinians, they have other problems in their lives that government needs to fix right now and whining about Israel doesn't do anything to help.

It's working against their own interests to attack Harris and fellow Democrats, but that's all they know how to do.  That's what Hamas is there for.  It's why Hamas wins elections in Palestine, or they would if any elections are permitted.  Fatah can't allow any elections because Hamas would win and everybody knows it.  Hamas could at least permit elections in Gaza but they won't, and nobody cares.

Before Hamas was in charge, that's also how Yasser Arafat worked.  He had been running things since the 1960s and that was barely twenty years since Israel was established, which the philistines unanimously opposed.  All these decades of support and what has it gotten them?  Nothing!

And that's why they're still doing it.  That's why they've gotten the left on board as much as possible, except that the leftist elites know they'll lose everything if they really go through with it.  That's what the so-called land of 'Palestine' has always been about and that's why they have never been and can never be a nation.

And that's why they hate the Jews.  This is where they came from but have always been distinct from the other people there.  The Jews are capable of doing something useful, as individuals or as a group.  Palestinians can't even go to other Muslim countries that support them, because they've done this before and needed to be permanently banned.  They sure as hell can't run their own nation.

We'll never know the truth, and I know very little about any of the theories, but I've been wondering how close this region was to other relevant Biblical locations, such as Sodom and Gomorrah.  We already know they were right next to Egypt which did not have the most moral of leaders.  I could even speculate on far-away Babel and Persia, but the point is that these were the sort of societies that existed when God created Adam and Eve to get a lesson started through the generations.

I think leftism has more in common with an injury or disease inflicted on people who turn away from God, so the similarity to the philistines may only be coincidental, but they are the example which the left always turns back to until they are defeated again.  And even some Harris supporters may be realizing that.

Bill Clinton Lies to DNC Crowd That Joe Biden ‘Voluntarily’ Gave Up Power
August 21, 2024

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona’s Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote
August 22, 2024

□ [“Secret Service Agents Placed on Leave After Trump Assassination Attempt"]

It's been clear for quite a while that Trump was supposed to be assassinated and inside sources were involved.  We can see that with the way Democrats desperately want to ignore it and this is the closest there's been to any actual punishment for any federal employees who helped it to happen.  Now there is a convincing argument to be made that Trump was involved in the conspiracy in some way, but I'm not going into that right now, at least not directly.

There's just obvious questions like 'why did the people trying to prevent assassination leave such a clear shot for a shooter who nobody bothered to notice the whole time?'  This was intentional, but we don't know the who or why, so I might as well toss in a conspiracy theory I just invented.

There's been 60 years of theories about the JFK assassination being set-up, although they seem to have dwindled along with people who were alive at the time.  Safe to assume that every President goes to look that up as soon as they take office, and probably anybody else who would have access.  So whether Trump was involved in the decision-making or not, could this assassination attempt be set-up the same way, with clues that the people who handled this would recognize?  That would include people who were involved (or their descendants) in the JFK assassination.  Federal documents were supposed to be released over the last year or so, but Joe Biden denied that.  Wonder why?

Furthermore, I wonder if this what's involved with the Mar-a-Lago raid.  Once again, people who would hide JFK assassination info could see clues that others would miss. Those could be the files he'd removed the classification status so they can't arrest him, which means they can't punish him, but they also want it to stay hidden.  And the agents involved in the raid itself would know what they'd seen.

So this could be a set-up Trump arranged for the government oppressors, dating back to something they wanted to keep secret.  It's why they can't do anything but they need to convince everyone that they can, up to and including assassination.  They've done it before.

This may also have some relevance to RFK Jr. getting some publicity, but I really had no interest in him, so I can't speculate on that.

Democrat Delegate Robbed at Gunpoint in Downtown Chicago
August 22, 2024

Cochise County Police Arrest Man Who Threatened Trump Assassination Today On His Arizona Visit
August 22, 2024

□ [“California Democrats Push Bill For Illegal Aliens to Buy Homes with Zero Down Payment and 0% Interest"]

They're trying to bribe the invaders.  There's wanting to be rescued from your oppressor, there's not carrying what happens, 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss,' then there's declaring the invaders are the new elites.  Why don't they give Californians this sort of deal?

The invaders aren't going to be able to keep up payments on the house, so what's the next step?  Make the houses free, but only to those who had never been in America until two weeks ago?  Or will they put taxpayers on the hook for this?  Or both, I guess that would work.  And they'll expect the federal government to step and pay for this.  And push it on every other state because it works so well here.

I don't pretend to understand real estate, but why would any bank go along with this?  This just seems like a good way to get them to move out of California.  Guess what, that means the state doesn't get their money either.  Neither does anybody stupid enough to stay in California.  Best of all, the invaders will see nothing in California to treasure.  They can burn it all down and move on.

Migrant Who Beat 2 NYPD Officers at a Manhattan Shelter Arrested Again, Already Free Without Bail
August 22, 2024

□ [“Pelosi Accuses Harris of ‘Taking Advantage’ of Biden’s Troubles"]

Nancy's having some problems.  Don't know if there's internal party conflict or if she's just an old woman who feels bad.  She says "many of us" wanted an open election.  She doesn't name anybody else, but that's the way leftist elites are.  You don't need to know who they talk to and make decisions with.

But that young tramp "took advantage" of a weak old man.  "But anybody else could have gotten in."  Is she trying to convince herself or someone else?  Probably the former, but with her decades of experience among the wealthy and powerful, I do assume she's at least trying to go after others too.

Going through what I've written over the last few months, I've noticed how many public Biden defenders up through early July were people we know from the Clintons.  And they were the ones who really didn't want Biden gone, but it's not clear if that was because they know him as well as Nancy or just because Harris obviously won't do as well.  It looks like they were the ones who needed the most convincing.

Otherwise, what is Nancy trying to say?  That she was outsmarted by Kamala Harris?  The Vice President made a move nobody could see coming?  Harris is the only one who came across as less relevant to this administration than Joe Biden, you'd think Nancy would have known that.  Or maybe she's just drunk and babbling like a senile old woman.

Trump Announces Reinstatement of Discharged Military Members Over Unconstitutional Covid Mandate
August 22, 2024

The recent Disney Space Lesbian Witches failure is getting worse.  They're no longer even offering toys to sell, because they weren't selling anyway.  There's rumors that Hollywood in general is finally seeing the problems of being *woke* and although Disney is last in line, they might be doing it too.

Kathleen Kennedy must be desperate.  She insists she wants to leave after a hit, meaning it will be years before she can leave.  Everybody wants to know what blackmail she has on those in charge of Disney because all these years of failure should have ended years ago with her leaving.  Now even Disney head Bob Iger is saying he wants to get out.  Isn't he going to fix things first?

The actresses are also desperate.  They're out of work and has this on their resume, a show so failed that it's going be remembered like the Willow tv show, erased from public record so the company can at least get a tax break.  And all these actresses can do is attack the fans, what incentive is there for anybody to give them a job in the future?  Well, maybe Harvey Weinstein, but you get my point.

8 billion people didn't watch this show and they're all bigots?  Well that's the "power of many."  None of these people even acknowledge that $180 million minimum was wasted on this.  It's fascinating to see such giant franchises be destroyed.

Jeff Bezos Opposes Global Warming, Buys 4th Private Jet for $80 Million
August 22, 2024

Why do we never hear about the girl who cried "wolf"?  Because she's too hot and bothered by it?20240822

CNN Host:  ‘Democrats Have Controlled White House for 12 of Last 16 Years But Everything is Trump’s Fault?’
August 22, 2024