30 June, 2024

If you can read this, that's like the most awesome wonderful thing in the whole wide world.

Antifa Street Militia Try to Shut Down German AfD Convention, 28 Police Officers Injured, One Critically
June 30, 2024

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump the Candidate with Dementia Before Having Her Own Senior Moment"]

Nancy seems really off, talking way too fast and she got the wrong word a couple times.  I also counted one video edit, showing this wasn't done live.  I am charitable about the "senior moment," because I try to be positive about these things.  Not out of respect for Nancy, just that I tend to avoid assuming something is done for the most negative reasons.  It looked to me like she was blanking on the word so she peeked at the script, which only took a second or two.  If I'm wrong about that, fine, it just makes her look worse.

But this desperation isn't going to help.  She was talking way too fast, her voice slurred like she's drunk or drugged, and how many illegal immigrants are really watching Sunday morning CNN State of the Union?  Or any other potential Biden voters?  This isn't going to convince anybody who's not already on your side, but it might encourage some to stop being on your side.

Nancy Pelosi is older than Biden for criminy sake, and he's already nearing the status of houseplant for his intellectual and decision-making abilities.  That leads to the conflict with 300 million Americans.  You can't convince all of them that a houseplant will defeat Donald Trump.  All the people who voted against the houseplant will know the election was stolen.

Ok, ignore that, a houseplant is totally capable of winning a fair election.  What decisions will that houseplant make against Russia?  Regarding the economy?  Signing laws passed by Congress?  No one who voted for Trump will comply in the slightest and everybody who voted against him will suddenly see major problems with their choice.  Anybody who can see this will already know that the people supporting Biden are the problem, and can wish they were so oppressed again as they were when food, gas, rent, etc. was so much more affordable.

Macron Crushed in French Parliamentary Elections – Marine Le Pen’s Populist National Rally in First After Round One
June 30, 2024

□ [“Hunter Encouraging His Father to Stay in Race During Emergency Camp David Family Meeting"]

Well of course, who else would be guaranteed to protect him from law enforcement?  He might die of "suddenly" like Beau, and then he wouldn't get any high-paying jobs in Russia or Ukraine.  No, Dad just has to keep working, no matter what.  How bad could it be?

I still don't think Biden will drop out voluntarily, he'll have to be pushed out.  But leaving aside the problems with that, or the difficulties in finding a replacement, there's just the issue of timing.  Obviously I was wrong when I said they'd have a final decision within a few days, because that ends tomorrow, which is a Monday.  You don't put out big news like this Monday morning.

Even worse, this week has a holiday right in the middle, the best holiday ever for patriotic Americans to see an end in sight to this tyranny.  But if they don't make an announcement tomorrow, that would be the worst of both sides to wait until Friday evening, which is when government usually releases bad news.

So how's the family meeting going?  Of course we won't be told the truth.  For some reason, infamous lesbian photographer Annie Leibowitz will be there, she who made sure to get a picture of John Lennon just a few hours before he died.  At this point, I don't think that's a coincidence, the elites have these things planned, regardless of what the official record is.  So it might be an interesting time for the Biden clan.

If there was a real media, they'd want to be filming this, so voters can see how a competent Biden speaks, instead of what they showed a few days ago.  This is a problem they created for themselves, they need to provide proof that Biden isn't as senile as we know he is, but that means he needs to be seen more often, and that's what they're trying to prevent.

Dr. Jill Escorts Feeble Joe Down Air Force One Stairs So He Doesn’t Suffer Another Embarrassing Fall
June 30, 2024

Notice that Democrats keep reciting "convicted felon" when mentioning Trump, but never cite what the felony was.  You'd think if they actually cared about justice, they'd be willing to do that much, but that's how we know they don't.  Corrupt government waiting years to go for some accusation they could hit anyone with, and the jury didn't even need to cite what they were voting for as long as it was "guilty."  Who is this supposed to convince?

They never call Hunter Biden a convicted felon, even though you can specify his crimes.  He illegally purchased a gun while lying to the deal and on the forms about his illegal drug use.  Those are actual specific crimes.  Malcom X was a convicted felon too, but liberals never complain about that.

I'm blanking on if any date for sentencing has been set, but I'm pretty sure it's in early/mid July.  At this point, what are they going to do?  This is why even totalitarian states need to keep several levels of operation, you can't just have the tyrant jailing political opponents who kicked their ass in a debate, they need someone else who can do that for them.

I can't even think of a precedent for this, clinging to this desire to jail anyone they don't like for a ridiculous reason and see no way this could go wrong.  One side realizes we're in Civil War 2.0, the other one doesn't seem to have a clue about that but they're the ones pushing it.  This is why Trump has pointed out that they're not after him, they're after us.  He's just in the way.

Chinese Border Signs Direct Illegal Crossers Where To Go In CA
June 30, 2024

□ [“Former WH Photographer Spills the Beans, Details How Aides Hide Biden's Decline From the Public"]

If the building is burning, you immediately start warning people.  That will show others what they need to do, which spreads to even more people.  Even if other people refuse to listen or respond, there's still the need to escape as soon as possible.  It starts slowly, then it all happens at once.

This could be an entertaining July Fourth with all the fireworks going off.  As always, there's no reason to think that's a coincidence.  I might be a little stereotypical, but doesn't that seem like the sort of thing Trump would do?

Given that it's virtually all I've been writing about for the last few days, I've been looking back at what I've covered regarding Biden's senility.  I knew it was obvious and anybody reading this knew it was obvious, but it's actually startling how much coverage there was even before the debate.  And now millions of people are shocked while millions of others can just shrug and say 'we warned you, you didn't listen.'

Except for the truly brainwashed, everybody else will have to wonder that if the rulers and their pet media lied about this, what else have they lied about?  And does that have any connection with the wars they're getting us into and the economy they've destroyed and the poison-vaccine that doesn't get any attention anymore?  We're going to need payback, big-time, and the Fourth of July would be a good time to start.

Native New Yorker Now Living in Israel to Jews in NY and LA:  Get Out, You're Not Safe
June 30, 2024

□ [“Big-Money Hollywood Donors Threaten to Cut Off Democrats Unless Biden is Replaced as Nominee"]

I don't pay attention to political donations.  I wouldn't do it and have no clue why anyone else would.  Nor do I get why candidates need it.  There is the point where they have to convince people to give money without sending men-with-guns to grab it all, and obviously there are tax laws covering this, I'm just not a fan of the concept and fortunately have never had to learn anything about it.

But others disagree with me, so what are they going to do about this?  There's the famous people in Hollywood but they aren't the only rich donors in the country, or the world.  They don't want to throw their money in a bonfire, no matter how fun that would be to watch.  And they'll get more attention than the peons Democrats pretend to support.

I assume they're solid leftists, so this is more of a threat than anything else, but the Party has to worry that cutting Biden off will hurt the other stolen elections at lower levels.  But then, keeping Biden on the ticket could have the same effects.

Another problem the left has to face all down the line.  Their leaders are senile, or they work for senile people, or they work for those supporters, or they pretend everything is fine no matter how bad it gets.  I really didn't think this was where the collapse started, but here it is, up close and personal.

Riots Break Out in France – Antifa Is Vandalizing Stores After Massive Right-Wing Election Victory
June 30, 2024

29 June, 2024

Ray, when someone asks if you want to get rid of Biden, you say yes!

Haitian on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ Indicted For Raping Disabled Massachusetts Child, Freed on $500 Bail
June 29, 2024

□ [“Bill Clinton Defends Joe Biden After Horrendous Debate"]

The elite must be seriously worried.  They need to speak out immediately, describing how much honesty it took to claim no troops had died under Biden's watch and how the Border Patrol had endorsed him and they finally beat medicare.  Well, it was just a tweet, there's no proof Bill Clinton was even aware of it, much less gave the orders for someone to tweet this message.

But it shows how worried they are that they need to speak out immediately in unison.  The servants need to receive orders and fast, or they might see other problems.  This does confirm my suspicion that they're going to keep Biden, no matter what.  Otherwise they'd be holding back a little bit on these public statements.

The more they keep doing this, the more nervous they'll make their own crowd of supporters, not to mention everybody else in the world.  Not that long ago, Vladimir Putin showed he could give long, deep thoughts on a variety of subjects.  You really think Biden can win a war against that guy?  Or stop China from moving into Taiwan?  Or punish his soldiers for not using all the proper pronouns?

But no, they'll just double down on rhetoric about Trump lying, without ever citing what lies they're talking about.  They're just repeating what they've been told to say and have no clue how others see that.  Those who admit there's a problem may have been unquestioning believers or they may have been hiding the truth all this time, but at least that's a start to fixing a problem.  But how many will actually do that?  In public?

DOD Fact-Checks Biden’s Denial of Military Killed Under His Watch: “We Have Certainly Had Service Members Pass During This Administration”
June 29, 2024

□ [“Democrat Bigwigs Discuss 'Intervention' Led By Obama to Remove Biden from Ticket"]

I still think they'll stick with him, but they need to at least discuss the possibility.  They've obviously know for years what kind of shape Biden is in, yet they continue to lie about it.  They must have enough experience to know the problems that causes their subordinates and they need a plan.

Apparently a lot of White House employees didn't show up to work the day after.  They were too "traumatized."  If true, that's a very negative look for them, so it's probably true for a lot of them. But others might be looking for new jobs, or even deciding that it's time to put out more info before it's too late.  It's suddenly reported that Biden is really only functional between 10am and 4pm, so the debate was really at the wrong time for him.

Probably not related, but this reminds me of the night of the Benghazi attack, when Hillary Clinton had decided to go home and not answer her phone calls.  That's the kind of situation Joe Biden is in every evening.  No wonder Hillary supports him.

Anyway, there's also more info starting to come out.  Some of the media has to admit that they've known all about this, if they want to keep their integrity.  Others are just pretending they didn't blame the public just last week for believing fake videos of Biden acting like this.  Or they blame him for having a "cold" or not getting a live audience.  If the elites don't address this soon, it will get worse for them.

Then there's an interesting note, that three states - which voted for Biden in 2020 - have laws that he cannot be removed from the ballot even if he gets replaced.  Only death or the 25th Amendment can permit changes now, otherwise a vote for Biden in those states will be thrown away if he's not the candidate.

Martin Mull, actor, age 80June 27, 2024

Watergate Journo Bob Woodward Belatedly Sounds the Alarm — Debate Was a 'Political Hydrogen Bomb'
June 29, 2024

The new Star Wars product keeps losing viewers.  The first few episodes were out of morbid curiosity.  Then the audience dropped, and they're probably not going to come back, at least under Disney.  Safe to assume there won't be a second season, although that hasn't been confirmed.  The destruction of a franchise can still be entertaining even when you spend no money on it.

Marvel is having similar problems.  The Falcon movie is reportedly still doing reshoots, which they've already spent a long time doing, and its budget is supposedly getting close to $400 million, not counting marketing.  At least the real Falcon can be entertaining, but  a team-up with Buckie who died in WWII, how could anybody spend this much for it?

Disney must be doing this deliberately but the why is a complete mystery.  Destroying everything all the way down in such a wasteful way.  Chasing out someone who tried to bring rational thought to the board of directors.  Saying they don't have an agenda when one would be required to use the DEI propaganda they insist on.  How can they think this will work?

Democrats in Full Blown Panic — DNC Holds Emergency Meeting as Biden Campaigns in New Jersey
June 29, 2024

□ [“Clinton Official Paul Begala:  First Dem Politician Calling for Biden to Step Down Will ‘End Their Career’"]

"They may be right in the eyes of a lot of Democrats, but if you‘re the first one through the door, you‘re gonna get shot and I think they all know that.”

Democrats are allowed to say they'll shoot people and everyone knows it's just an analogy.  It's still a threat, ordering everyone to stay in line and obey like good little slaves.  The highest ranking Democrats are discussing this problem but they'll let everyone else know what the decision is.  That's how democracy works, so shut up.  Or else.

The party's internal conflicts are going to get real big, real quickly.  The obvious solution would be to dump Biden, but because they've kept this so hidden for so long, they have no believable way to pick a replacement.  Harris isn't an option for obvious reasons, so they'd need to throw away every rule and tradition of Democracy, while pretending to save it.

Media figures will pick sides, which will make them plenty of enemies.  Businesses will realize very quickly that they need to stay out of it entirely, and it's a good thing for them that the Supreme Court suddenly dropped unelected bureaucrats pretending to write laws.  Democrats may be going even faster towards what they always accused Trump of doing, and this doesn't even get into what this means for WWIII or the "new world order."

Biden Feels ‘Humiliated, Devoid of Confidence’, Will Have Family Discussion on ‘Future of His Re-Election Campaign’ Sunday at Camp David
June 29, 2024

□ [“Biden Campaign Memo Claims Debate 'Did Nothing to Change the American People’s Perception'"]

The denial is strong in this one.  It's an obvious tactic, but they don't offer any proof of investigating the American people's perceptions.  Or how they measured it.  Sensible people could see multiple options, but that's now you get to be in charge of Democrats.

There are people who see the problems and want Biden gone.  There are people who see the problems but believe Biden can fix them.  There are people who still don't see the problems.  There are people who don't care about the problems, they have their own priorities, and Biden may or may not fit into those.  Those are just obvious differences and doesn't count people who have real jobs and don't have a lot of time to think about this stuff, or people who just don't like Biden anyway.

Within each category, different people will have different motivations and abilities, so they'll be going in different directions no matter what.  This is why leftism fails, because they assume they can define everybody in basic terms that never come close to reality.

The Democratic Party is starting its own civil war and there's no way to know how that will work out.  But it's also an example of why I assume our rulers have made a plan, because they need as much time as possible to take care of this.  That's why there's only two debates, one as early and one as late as possible, along with the convention.  They know Biden won't be there much longer.

Biden Supporters Erupt in Loud “Lock Him Up!” Chants at North Carolina Rally, Grinning Biden Declares “There’s a Time for That”
June 29, 2024

And just like that, Biden was gone.20240629

28 June, 2024

If you can read this, you aren't Joe Biden.

ISIS Entering Through the Southern Border
June 28, 2024

Not sure how much there is to write about tonight, Biden's disastrous performance at the debate supersedes everything else, even some important Supreme Court decisions.  The left does this differently, but I have the same complain about Trump, you cannot focus everything on one man and expect that to work.  Biden and Trump are both old, which means they aren't going to get any better, no matter how big a supporter you are.  And they'll die soon, so who are they leaving behind?

This was where the rulers had really set everything up for Biden to look good and it completely failed.  While the debate was still underway, his campaign was already putting out that he had a cold and *that's* why he didn't sound as good as expected.

Oh really?  Are there any other health conditions he has that you know about but hide from the voters?  Health conditions that may prevent him from behaving like a coherent and non-senile old man?  Because that's really the sort of things voters should know.

Say, was he on any drugs regarding this "cold"?  Because the Trump campaign did say there should be a drug test before the event and the Biden campaign totally refused.  What other facts that voters should know have been hidden because it makes Biden look bad?

FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants
June 28, 2024

Even the pet media has to be having major problems from promoting Biden's behavior.  It was only a week or so ago they insisted that it was a total lie to see footage of senile Biden wandering around lost in public.  So now they need to say CNN was lying by showing Biden live, or they need to realize that Biden is the problem and they've been covering it up all this time.

They need to ask themselves if they were true believers who accepted what they were told without hesitation, or if they were in on the lies.  Even if the media themselves doesn't have enough sense to ask this questions, their audience will and that won't be any better.  Everyone else who trusted liberal media needs to be wondering if it was all a lie.  I suppose there are a few people who believe Biden did a great job, but even if that's a vast majority of voters, they will deservedly be ignored by everyone else.

The media is still telling us that the economy is great and the southern border is secure and everybody needs another covid vaccine and Russia has been totally defeated by Ukraine so let's send in our troops to continue the attack.  Leftist media doesn't know this, but that's the thing about integrity, it's easy to lose.

Michelle Obama Snubs Biden Over Hunter’s Treatment of Ex-Wife, Who She Has Close Ties To
June 28, 2024

Biden's debate failure also expands the problems all the way down the line.  Those who thought they could rely on him now see that he has no clue what he's saying or doing.  Those who knew that but thought they could make use of it have to question those around Biden who must have known about this.  What else could they be hiding?

That applies to businesses who have to deal with the Executive Branch, why are they obeying this guy?  Congress and the Supreme Court, do they think they have any more influence him than whoever's paying Hunter Biden?  And that's not counting what the average American has had to do deal with for the last three years, imposed by Congress, Court, media and this administration who pretend they won the election.  And that there are dozens of genders.

I assume they'll just double down.  The only alternative would be to admit they've lost, which our rulers cannot do.  They don't have to look good, they just need to stay in power.  And expand power.  And show how much better they are than the deplorables.

But I think we're also at a point where enough people have had enough and they will refuse to take part in this.  There's no way Biden could win a fair election and we'd known for years that Democrats don't permit fair elections.  The more our rulers try to win, the more resistance they'll inspire.  If this is what Trump has really been trying to do, then I totally respect him, regardless of his foibles.

Massive Walgreens Pharmacy Chain to Close ‘Significant Share’ of Stores as Locations Struggle
June 28, 2024

□ [“Biden Admits He Is Feeble After Disastrous Debate"]

The whole thing makes everything worse for Biden and his campaign.  He'd spent a week hiding away from the world, supposedly to "practice" for this debate, and this was the result.  Maybe he should give up that part-time job in the Oval Office so he can fully practice for the next debate.  He might have a slight chance of doing better next time.  Well, probably not, he's not getting any younger.

Apparently he did do a campaign rally today.  That's the other problem, he can't hide.  Not if his people insist he's fine and he ended the pretend-virus on "Day One" as he promised four years ago.  He may even get more people to show up than normal, just to see if he really looks as bad as he did on television.  I'm still ambivalent that they actually use duplicates, but that's just my skepticism on the matter.  It's entirely possible, I just don't know what proof would be needed to convince me.

I've seen leftist complaints that the people who helped him practice for the last week all need to be fired.  This was all they had to work with and I'm pretty sure they did the best they could with it.  Other leftists have said that the problem was that there was no live audience, despite the fact that it was Biden's campaign staff who refused to permit a live audience.  Trump would have loved to have one, you can't oppose that and then whine about making that decision.

It might be part of their self-absorption that I don't pretend to understand, but leftists always ignore the point of being a commander.  That comes from a military background, the point is that the commander is ultimately responsible.  Moreover, he gets the blame for failure, while the people who actually did the work get credited for success.  But leftism always opposes this, it's never the leader's fault despite his approval being required every step of the way.  Unless it's Trump, in which case he's responsible for people doing things he never knew about.

So now Biden needs to go out after this humiliation and his staff who set him up for failure need to make that happen again, as often as possible until the upcoming stolen election.  It doesn't work to say how great he is in private with no cameras.  Show, don't tell.  Yet they can't do that, wonder why.

RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket
June 28, 2024

□ [“Obama Breaks Silence on Biden’s Debate Performance, 'Bad Debate Nights Happen'"]

They need to cover up for Biden, so now we'll see more of the people really in charge speaking out, since they can actually be coherent.  But the left is having a lot of debates behind closed doors, starting from CNN during the debate and going down through the media to the public.  Are they actually going to keep Biden or do they have a replacement available?

If I had to guess, I would say they'll keep Biden.  Anything else would be admitting that they've been hiding his problems all this time.  I haven't seen any specifics, but there's also an implication that they can't just fire him without his permission.  Not sure how that works, he already says and does whatever he's told, but there may be one or two details I don't know about Democrat Party policies regarding presidential campaigns.

They have nobody to replace him with.  Nancy Pelosi's nephew and Willy Brown's mistress have the best chance, and nobody except their fellow elites actually likes them or thinks they can do anything useful.  Even California wouldn't want more of that, not counting the other 49 states.  But then what are they to do?

I haven't even gotten around to really reading the couple dozen articles I've loaded since last night about leftists panicking at realizing who they've tied themselves to, but when I get around to that, I'm sure it will be entertaining.  And this is just what they're saying in public, it must be far worse in private.

Popular Gay Porn Star Arrested for Sharing and Receiving Hardcore Pornography of Children and Infants
June 28, 2024

□ [“Supreme Court Rules Cities Have Authority to Clear Streets, Ban Homeless Camps"]

So cities can decide for themselves what laws there are against living in the streets.  The punishments aren't harsh and they apply to everybody, same thing as spending months in camping or parking spaces, on public property.

□ [“SCOTUS Overturns Use of 1512(c)(2) in J6 Cases, Massive Win for Political Prisoners"]

This is a law against burning documents when you're being sued, a federal case against businesses shredding their corporate info to hide it.  One line indicates that it applies to other aspects, which "otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so."  This "otherwise" is an excuse to put people in jail for whatever reason you want, as we see with the January 6 protestors, who did nothing of the kind, yet are still in jail without trial.

□ [“SCOTUS Rules Unelected Bureaucrats Do Not Have the Power to Create Laws"]

This is a big one.  These unknown government officials make up their own rules which somehow get treated as official laws.  The Supreme Court had said in 1984 that this was totally fine.  Now they've reversed it.  The Executive Branch can't just make up its own laws, that's Congress' job.

This doesn't eliminate the practice, but it does indicate that courts should not support the bureaucrats, and gives a lot of reason for people to sue as revenge for what the government has imposed for the last forty years.  Covid vaccines and DEI requirements, and basically everything else leftists want, there needs to be actual reasons for it, not just unelected would-be dictators who think they know best.

Hosts on The View Clash Over Whether or Not Biden Should be Replaced
June 28, 2024

□ [“Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced"]

He doesn't think it will happen.  Gavin Newsom was asked if he'd replace Biden and immediately said no.  In both cases, and probably anyone else being asked, there's no reason to believe them.  They know whatever they know and it's not the right time to be honest about it.  Like it or not, that's how they roll.

But big doners are pissed, Obama probably has to "speak for" Biden a lot more, Kamala Harris isn't happy that no one thinks she'll replace Biden.  It's rumored that the big names are trying to convince Biden to step down and we'll see if he's going to go through with it.

I'm assuming the final decision will be reached soon, probably within the next few days.  But if Biden resists, they may need to use tactics against him that they used against Trump, which will just look wrong to people for various reasons.  It didn't work against Trump and they were willing to do whatever it took, now they'll turn against the guy they claim to support?  Who else will be willing to rely on them after that?

They can't use the audio of his recent interview that Biden's appointee Attorney General is defying Congress to keep hidden.  The interviewer even said Biden wasn't in good enough mental shape to be put on trial.  Biden has publicly stated that he's not resigning and thinks he's capable of doing the job, because the stakes are too high.  Any sane person would realize that's when you have to really question your own capabilities, but we're talking about Joe Biden.  Not gonna happen.

They might just need Biden too much to give him up.  The old rich white man is the one to turn to because everything else leads to collapse from the activists, the trans movement, the different skin colors, those who hate whites, those who hate the rich, those who hate males, and those who remember the 1960s when they were protesting against old people.

I very much hope that the upcoming collapse hits the Democratic Party first.  Probably not, but it's nice to think of that.  They're trapped with each other, and that's the first ones they'll turn against.  Now the issue is how much damage they'll do to everyone else in the process.

Biden Looks Scared and Lost as Nurse Jill Claims Her Husband’s “Strength is Unshakeable”
June 28, 2024

27 June, 2024

Today is the day to end all days. See you tomorrow.

“Trump! Trump! Trump!” – Trump Arrives to Atlanta to Crowd of Cheering Supporters
June 27, 2024

□ [“North Korea Will Reportedly Send Troops To Help Russia in Ukraine War ‘Within a Month’"]

So are they expendable?  They're not white so liberals may not care anyway.  And they're ruled by communists, so liberals may want them to get support from our government.  I'm trying to make a joke of it, but this is the next step for a world war, bringing in troops from other countries to handle the front lines.

At this point, it's a given that we have US troops on the battlefield.  The US government is already sending in military contractors, along with whatever other forces they've sent in without telling us.  If other NATO nations have any soldiers to spare, they're probably sending them in too.  It seems unlikely that BRICS members would do this for Russia, but here's North Korea so there might be something.

Even without the nuclear aspects, there's a point where they have to start fighting and there will be a big battle.  Russia has at least had two years of experience in modern war on the front lines, what do the NATO members have?  It will only take one big loss to cause major problems for every one of them.

This can't just be about the money funneled and biolabs in Ukraine.  It's possible this is mainly based on hatred of Russia, but even that seems increasingly unlikely.  It's like this only works if our rulers are Russian puppets anyway, so they're just pushing on what they've been told, but that still doesn't explain why this is so important to anybody.  What is the deal with Ukraine?

Tractor Supply Vows to Eliminate DEI Programs and Stop Sponsoring Pride Events After Backlash
June 27, 2024

□ [“Reporter Tests EV Chargers in America’s Heartland, Comes Away ‘Less Than Impressed’"]

They keep demanding that everybody be forced to buy these expensive worthless toys, and then when they finally get around to trying it themselves, they don't like it.  But they never rethink any of their initial points or even question who made them do this.

It should be obvious that man has tried for many years to build functional long-distance vehicles in every form they could think of, and gasoline is what works.  That's the way it is.  Accepting reality is a better decision than denying it, and the people who deny it insist solar power does everything and obedience will stop global warming.

They don't even consider the various needs for transportation, they just assume it must be done everywhere, no exception.  Except for the elites, who obviously get to use gas-powered cars and planes, but they're special.  It's fun to pass more anniversaries of leftists saying the world will end in however-many years but they never even acknowledge they were wrong, much less question why they thought this in the first place.  

Massachusetts Governor Travels to Border to Tell Illegals Not to Come to His "Sanctuary State"
June 27, 2024

□ [“House Judiciary Committee Holds Biden Ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer in Contempt of Congress"]

He's obviously part of whatever crime Biden was doing with that classified information and deleted the files Congress demanded, so why just go with contempt?  They could send men with guns to his house to see what he's got stored there.  The law applies to everybody, doesn't it?

Depending on how protected he is, there may still be a chance to break him down.  Assuming Congress actually does anything about it.  Yeah, I doubt they will too, this is probably just a distraction, but there's still a chance something is being done about it.  Zwonitzer might decide he can get a better deal by turning against Biden.  Congress just needs to send another couple strongly worded letters.

Probably just fantasy on my part, but maybe Trump will open tonight's debate with some announcement that, coded or otherwise, refers to whatever is in these documents.  It's something the rulers would have to respond to but wouldn't know how to do that without telling the rest of us what the real problems are.  Despite this fantasy I invented, I really am coming to think that something is going on at this level and it will become public before long.

Jet Set Jill Biden Takes Her Own Government Plane to Atlanta Debate
June 27, 2024

As I write this, the debate has started.  For whatever that's worth.  I live in an unusual place for me, where there is a working television in the vicinity, so I did walk by it and whoever is there did have the debate on.  Biden's voice sounded forced and monotonous, and he only blinked once in the short time I spent looking at it.

Obviously I'm not going to pay attention to what happens or what is said, I'll hear about it afterwards.  Biden being seen in public, or at least with a few other people in the room and a working camera, is itself an unusual event these days.  Apparently even the White House press corps is required to watch it from a building across the street.  This sort of thing just makes it look like CNN has some major plan going on, or else they just like giving orders.

□ [“Biden Glitches Out!  Can't Finish a Sentence!  He’s Completely Lost"]

Oh what the hell, this includes a video so I pushed 'play.'  The things I do for you people.  Biden was trying to get to a point about something, the video started in the middle of his speech, so it's not sure what, but he said he made every single solitary person eligible for, uh, what he's been able to do with, uh, with, uh, covid.  Then he paused, realizing that wasn't the right word, took a few seconds trying to think of the right word, and that didn't work out.  So he started a new sentence trying to regain lost ground, but had run out of time after the words "Look, we finally beat medicare."

Then the question goes to Trump, who is ready to start, 'he's right, he did beat medicare to death.'  Trump moves over to social security and repeats "he's destroying social security" several times in his response.  Didn't think Trump looked good while waiting for his time to speak, but he did respond well.

Being as positive as I can be towards Biden, he *kind of* looked ok while Trump was talking.  At one point, he seemed to be sort of smiling, like he had an amusing thought to what Trump was saying but wasn't going to respond to that.  Otherwise he just looks lost, unsure of what he's supposed to say or what they're doing here.

There will be more videos coming in tonight.  I've already seen one, as Biden says women are raped by their brothers and sisters, and then try to arrest them when they cross state lines.  The pro-Biden host interrupts him and says "thank you," letting him know it's time to stop talking.  Who knows, this could be more entertaining than watching the current Star Wars product.

Just what little I've seen or heard, Trump comes across far more coherent and Biden barely a step away from collapse.  So of course Democrats and pet media will universally declare him the winner and say there's no need to even have an election.

Ahead of Iranian Presidential Election, Brutal Regime Renewing Crackdown on Headscarves
June 27, 2024

26 June, 2024

If "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" is true, then does that mean Supergirl and Batgirl's relationship is safe?

Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine
June 26, 2024

□ [“Merrick Garland Has Until Friday Morning To Turn Over Tapes Or Be Taken Into Custody"]

What would Richard Nixon do in this situation?  If he had been recorded for hours being senile and babbling to the point where his own administration admits that he couldn't be put on trial because he's not mentally competent enough.  If Nixon was more like Biden, we wouldn't be nearing the 50th anniversary of his resignation.

Will Congress actually go through with this?  Odds are they won't, but there's a reasonable chance that they might.  This is the sort of thing that even some Democrats might realize that there's no point to having a Congress if they can just be ignored like this.  And although I'm sure they'll never make it public, they're probably mentioning to each other that if Trump had ignored them like this, they'd have yelled and screamed and impeached him even more than they already did.

Beyond that, I'll assume Garland will edit the tapes and send them in because he respects Congress so much.  AI Biden will be constantly interrupted by crucial phone calls and meetings, intermingled with dictating a translation of his latest dissertation into Swahili.  He may even mention that time he and his son Beau went to see the movie Zorro but afterwards they were attacked by a mugger, Joe Chill, who killed Beau, so now Biden vows revenge on all criminals.

Anyway, I hadn't noticed it but now that I thought of it, Watergate doesn't get much attention anymore, does it?  It was where the left seems to have organized from the 60s and started the propaganda about how Republicans were always evil, owning slaves and segregation and all that.  I still don't get how that worked, but they were obviously very successful.

Korean Air Boeing 737 Drops Almost 27,000 Feet and Flies in Circles for Five Minutes Shortly After Takeoff
June 26, 2024

□ [“Biden Campaign Balks — Won’t Commit to Drug Test"]

Oh yeah, he'll be loaded.  Unless they use an impersonator, and maybe even if they do.  Would you really want to be pretending to be Joe Biden and trying to look good for the public without heavy intoxication?  Just learning how to stand up is taking all his time.  The guy hasn't even been seen in public for a week.

That is strange.  Most candidates make a point of showing how energetic they are, how they can deal with different things like running the country and campaigning and meeting those icky commoners.  Trump is out doing that, even talking to black people.  Biden would never do that, he'd just tell them if they're black or not.  His staff isn't even sending out pix of him preparing for the debate.  There certainly won't be any video.

I'm ambivalent about what Biden's health will be.  On the one hand, given his age, anything could go wrong and there's really no way for anybody to see that coming.  On the other hand, the POTUS basically has the best medical care anywhere, and for some reason those people are hanging around with Joe Biden too, so if anybody could pump in chemicals that will make everything better for a little while, it would be these guys.

Tomorrow we'll see if they have anything planned.  It's rumored that something will happen, but there's no clue what it will be or which candidate it will be aimed at.  This will probably come to nothing, like most presidential debates themselves.  I would say they should be much simpler, just the two candidates going at it against each other for all the world to see.  That's why I don't have media access.

‘Christians Against Trumpism’ Co-Founder Arrested for Soliciting Sex from 15-Year-Old Boy
June 26, 2024

□ [“The FBI and CIA Were Deeply Involved in the Lie that Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Russian Propaganda"]

This has been coming out in recent days from the House Judiciary Committee.  The spy organizations made such a big deal of "former intelligence officials" announcing in October 2020 that it was all a lie from Russia, but that's fallen flat.  Directors, Deputy Directors and contractors all worked to make this happen, in full collusion with the Biden campaign.  One email from acting CIA director under Obama Mike Morell even said this needed to come out as soon as possible.

I don't get what the rush was.  It certainly didn't keep them from stealing the election, and pretending the election wasn't stolen, it wouldn't have changed the result.  It wouldn't have helped Trump win either, so this must be about keeping their own secrets that are on Hunter's laptop.  They've known how much Hunter was getting from Ukraine for the last decade and still haven't released that.  Did Hunter have copies of Hillary's emails?

□ [“Jack Smith Admits FBI Doctored Evidence to Produce Stunt Photos of Classified Docs in Mar-a-Lago Raid"]

They're allowed to rearrange classified documents to send pix out to the public, but Trump is the bad guy so government agents can't be punished.  That's why I think the Mar-a-Lago raid was deliberate on Trump's part.  Still don't know why, of course, but there's a reason they haven't been able to punish Trump for anything.

But that may not have been the real goal, they've used the Mar-a-Lago raid, along with January 6, as an excuse to expand government spying and tyranny.  Part of the conflict is going on here, which we don't get to see.  I think they're all connected, but it's unclear who's on what side.

FBI Arrests Proud Boy on January 6 Charges… 3.5 Years Later
June 26, 2024

□ [“Hamas Sympathizer and Insurrectionist Rep. Jamaal Bowman Loses Reelection Bid"]

This could be a hoax, the guy who sets off fire alarms without punishment was just a temporary, he'll be replaced by a serious leftist.  That is quite possible.  Or it could be a moment of sanity among the Democrat party.  They might just be fed up with this guy and others like him.  Even New York has its limits.  Maybe.

Bowman gets all this publicity but it didn't show up for him.  It was a big loss.  He had been endorsed by AOC and others of her ilk, appeared on national tv, all that stuff.  But what did that do for actual real voters, not the fake ones used to steal elections?  Having said that, Hillary Clinton endorsed his opponent, take that for what it is.

Whichever way it goes, our rulers are having their own internal conflicts, and what little I've heard about AOC's recent public delusions indicates that people like her and Bowman are the idiots the left needs to replace the aging, decrepit old farts.  They couldn't possibly win fair elections and they may not be capable of stealing enough of them to matter.  My guess is they'll find a reason to cancel November.

Attempted Bolivia Military Coup – Troops Storm Presidential Palace To Depose Luis Arce, but Withdraw
June 26, 2024

□ [“James O’Keefe:  Disney Television’s Director of Production Reveals Who Disney Won’t Hire"]

This is not what you might expect, they won't hire "non-white, non-Jewish" people for C-Suite roles, i.e. CEO, CFO or COO.  Wait, what?  They discriminate based on religion and skin-color for the people who make the media products but discriminate the oppose way for those in charge?  I can't even say that's evil or racist or anything like that, it's just messed up.

But it could be an indicator of the cult mentality running through this corporation, and basically all the others.  Because you can't just pick which skin colors can do which jobs, an organization like this would need ways to promote the ranks, and to go through this would require a particular type of person, regardless of skin color, who would go along with it and know what they were getting into.

This is another guy who's going to be placed on vacation very quickly, but the first one was horrendous enough, the fact that there are two high-ranking Disney executives like this, with supposedly-contradictory beliefs, indicates how huge the problem is.  There are many many more, and they really only hire their own kind, at least for anything relevant.  Star Wars, Marvel, the theme parks, all that stuff, this is the sort of thing they're into and we're just getting a taste.

I've stated my views on Judaism many times, so I won't go into that again for the time being, but it is probably very relevant as well.  If you really need a conspiracy that ties together everything that opposes God's gifts to the world, who else would you rely on?

400 ISIS-Affiliated Human Smuggling Illegals in US, Unknown Whereabouts for 50+
June 26, 2024

25 June, 2024

I have altered the Star Wars franchise. Pray I do not alter it any further.

China’s Change 6 Probe Returns to Earth With the First Rock and Soil Samples From Moon’s Far Side
June 25, 2024

Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes; DOJ Says Prosecution is Legally Risky
June 24, 2024

□ [“Hillary Clinton:  Expectations For Trump So Low That If He 'Doesn’t Literally Light Himself on Fire…. Some will Say He Was Downright Presidential'"]

Does anyone else get the impression that whoever's in charge is writing these scripts about Biden and then at the last minute, change the name to "Trump"?  Then they give this to whoever will put this out in the news report.  Or in this case, someone wrote this for the New York Times and put Hillary's name on it.  Does anyone think she has time to sit around and write something for a newspaper that few people pay money to read?  In this economy, most of us don't.

“He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather.”  Is this really about Biden or is she just describing how to win over non-white voters?  She could also be showing that she's not remotely intelligent enough to comprehend what Trump is actually saying.  That would actually explain a lot about leftists.

But given that it's the New York Times and someone put Hillary's name on this, I do assume it's about sending a message to the elites.  There would be code words for those 'in the know' so the rest of us wouldn't get the message, but that's the only point I can think of doing this.  And does anybody notice that Bill Clinton doesn't do anything?  When was the last time the public actually heard him speaking, at least in anything relevant?

Kremlin Summons US Ambassador Over American ATACMS Used in Crimea Beach Attack
June 25, 2024

□ [“Obama Reportedly Anxious About the Election and ‘Increasingly Involved’ in Biden’s Campaign"]

That's believable.  The guy who's officially supposed to be in charge is busy trying to learn this new skill called 'standing up,' so someone else is needed to make actual decisions.  Obama has said he would like to the puppet master behind the Oval Office and it's quite likely that this is what he's been doing for the last three years.

There would have to be barriers in place to limit or reduce such control.  It's probably common for every POTUS, including Trump, so there must be ways to keep them in place, probably more about preventing outsiders to get access.  Bribes, assassins, whores, those are the sort of people that need to be kept out.  Just give them to the First Lady.

You could make the argument that Obama wanted to do this with Hillary, or that Bill (and Hillary?) did this with Obama.  There's also the way spouses seem to be getting more and more relevant, as the unelected sidekick of the person supposedly in charge.  Of course there's also all the unnamed officials in the building and executive branch, most of whom were probably in the Obama administration or could endorse new people for Trump and Biden.

But that gets closer to everyone having to admit that the orders all come from Obama, which means he gets the blame for everything.  Can't have it both ways, even among leftists.  We saw that with Biden insisting he had no authority to control gas prices as they went up but demands credit when they go down.

Pro-Hamas Protesters Assault Jews Outside LA Synagogue — LAPD Ordered Not to Intervene
June 24, 2024

Biden's Surgeon General Declares That Gun Violence is a "Public Health Crisis"
June 25, 2024

□ [“Kenyan Parliament Erupts in Flames, 8 Shot Dead by Police in Protests Against $2.7 Billion Tax Hike"]

Not sure what other problems Kenya is having, but the collapse is starting to spread.  This is an obvious reason, people don't want more taxes but government does.  There needs to be a fight over this and, unfortunately, most of the authority goes with the government, who's fine reducing the population.  Kenya is officially a republic, no clue if that's for real, but not sure that really matters anymore.

Apparently Obama's half-sister was there.  From what little I've seen, she supported the protests.  So is she following her brother's orders and if so, why does he oppose tax hikes?  Or is this one of those things where Muslims can oppose feminism and Ukraine can demand borders and black-on-black violence is fine, it's just wrong when American's do that?

But our rulers should see this as a signal of what is going to happen to them at some point.  All around the world, people are getting ready to stand up against the tyrants.  This is usually the point where the people who got power by promising to destroy the system realize that the system is the only thing keeping them there.

Hooters Abruptly Closes 40 Locations, Citing Rampant Inflation
June 25, 2024

It does look like the attention has left whatever the latest Star Wars show is up to.  I don't track ratings and am not sure how they're measured on streaming, nor am I sure they could be trusted even if I did follow them closely.  That said, what I've heard is that the new show's ratings are dropping badly.

That's $22 million per episode and it's a small fraction of what previous releases had gotten, even those that were considered failures.  The third episode was known to be ridiculous in advance, so it got the most views because watching a train wreck can be very entertaining.  Then the viewers left and all that's left is youtubers who need to put out a certain amount of commentary videos.

In theory, a few people might give the next show a chance - there should be one debuting in a few months - but nothing is expected from it, or anything else from Disney.  I haven't noticed that there's little talk about what's being done with Marvel.  Pixar does have a hit out in theaters right now, so that is something, but it needs to be a gigantic hit to even begin paying for the rest of the company's losses.

But they're going to stick with this.  The first step to solving a problem is admitting that there is a problem, but the people running Disney are the problem.  Just look at how degraded their franchises have become in a few short years.  But no liberal who hates capitalism complains that they're being paid too much, no matter how many employees get fired.

It’s Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity
June 25, 2024

□ [“CNN Contacts Social Media Companies to Censor Conservative Media During Presidential Debate"]

Which shows their support for tyranny.  In a free society, everyone would be encouraged to put out whatever they wanted, no matter how offensive.  But that's not the way our rulers operate, or tell their pet media to operate.

I would assume their reason is that reporting what actually happens *might* inspire some insurrection, which itself shows how far away from reality they are.  Maybe this time millions of people would show up with armed weapons, if we're lucky.  But my first thought is that it *might* tell people how much CNN supports censorship.  Oh wait, they're fine with that and anyway, would say it *might* *not.*

CNN says it's about controlling their property, i.e. only they are permitted to show visuals.  They don't own Trump, they don't own Biden [insert joke here] so everybody else should have complete freedom to air it however they want.  Nobody is going to turn on the channel to see the CNN studio it will take place in.

This is really showing how unimportant the POTUS is to our media.  Otherwise they would be expecting everyone to see what is said and done by two competitors.  But that would require integrity and this is CNN.

Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon ‘Manta Ray’ Discovered on Google Maps
June 25, 2024

24 June, 2024

Tell me you're ignoring me without saying it.

California’s $20 Minimum Wage Force San Francisco McDonald’s to Close After 30 Years
June 24, 2024

□ [“London Mayor Bans Taxis From Displaying English Flags During European Football Championships"]

This mayor should be banned before the English flag does.  They should all start displaying that flag and not just during the championships.  The police would be told to obey the master and if we get that far, I don't think they'd go along either.  Stand up, England.

They say this flag would *could* distract people and *possibly* cause road accidents.  Why is the English flag the only one that would do this?  He doesn't need to explain that, he just gives orders.  It sounds like the majority of the population is Muslim, so at least they'll be getting rid of gays and feminists.

The scary part is if they don't stand up.  They haven't yet, not in any meaningful way.  Nor has England itself, much less Great Britain or Europe.  Soon they'll be acting like South Africa.  Don't need to produce anything any longer, it's all imports, but oppressing white people is all that matters.

"Be ungovernable" is the term we need to follow.  We don't follow our masters' orders.  So many people that they have no chance of punishing anybody.  The more they try, the more will resist them.

Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict
June 24, 2024

□ [“White House Visitor Logs Reveal Maryland LGBTQ Leader Visited White House Three Times"]

Well of course.  He met with one of Biden's Special Assistant.  That's a thing?  Anyway, this is how we see that they're all in line.  It may not be specifically about molesting children, they have other things in common too.  For instance, they need to work out how to steal more elections.  They also need to organize children to send to the high ranking officials.

He's not going to be fired, he'll just be moved to the side.  It's possible they'll give him a big reward because he's so oppressed.  That wouldn't make sense to normal people but they aren't normal people.  This is all about gathering power and taking advantage of everybody else.

I'm sure there's more to it, but effectively, this is the conspiracy that's been ruining our lives.  Not just in the recent stolen elections, that's just where it became obvious.  They've stacked everything in their favor, except for numbers and reason.  I really support a complete purge of these monsters everywhere, but there's a lot of them.  We will need to think this through in advance.

Homelessness in Chicago Has Tripled Since 2023 as Illegal Aliens Flood City’s Shelters
June 24, 2024

□ [“Israel Is Moving into Lebanon to Fight Hezbollah Directly"]

I support Israel, but...  Hezbollah works for Iran, which is known to have total support from the US *and* Russia.  At least there's reasons to be skeptical about Russia because, well, they're Russia.  Nothing about BRICS suggests they wouldn't turn on each other whenever they see a need and, though I'm blanking on any specific examples, I think Russia has at least slightly supported Israel over the last year or so.  Our rulers don't have that option.

Iran is also discussing actions against Israel with the Taliban, who have a lot of power and weapons thanks to Joe Biden.  As always, it's iffy how much control any Muslim region could have over another, that's why they've never been able to form a large organized religion.  But they have influence and the shared desire to destroy Israel.

 If we lived in any other time, I would be sure that Israel military leaders and those from the rest of the free world would have plans in place for this war.  But we don't live in a time where there is a free world so I'm not sure there's an option.  Then there's the other parts of WWIII going on or getting ready to start.  Then there's the fact that the US has given Muslims massive training and equipment over the last twenty years to avoid previous mistakes.  Sure, they can still make new mistakes, but at what cost?

Trump Calls for Biden to be Drug Tested Ahead of Debate, Says He'll Also ‘Immediately Agree to One’
June 24, 2024

□ [“Zelensky Orders Purge of Department of State Protection After Members Arrested for Alleged Assassination Plots"]

Another aspect of WWIII which doesn't get much attention.  Of course there's no to know if any of it is true.  It could be a purge because that's just what tyrants do, or there may have been actual plots against government officials, including Zelensky.  These are the state guards, that's what they're there for.  And protection too, I guess.

Zelensky has already purged government officials before, so this could be an excuse to purge more, or it could be people realizing that there was no other option to save themselves.  There's no way to trust what anybody says about this.  That's what the war is here for.

One thing that is amusing is that Zelensky's comments could have the word "Ukraine" replaced with "USA" and Democrats would totally oppose it immediately.  They'd support an active invasion of any country that said something like that.  Yet here we are, the one exception to that rule.

Four Other States Launch Lawsuits Against Pfizer, Deception of Covid Vaccine Safety and Efficacy
June 24, 2024

□ [“France’s Macron Warns of ‘Civil War’ If He Loses Next Month’s Parliamentary Elections"]

Well there's another vote against Macron.  I'll start mailing in my fake ballots immediately.

He's not just being French, he's saying what Democrats are saying these days.  Does he have all the elections rigged too, so he can say everybody really supports him and how much he hates the minority?  Maybe he really is worried, but otherwise I don't see the point to this.

We don't hear much of anything from the rest of the EU.  If they weren't already worried, they would be watching France have these problems.  I'm sure they have back-up plans to escape and naturally they're pushing tyranny as long as possible, but is this really want they want to do, give the people a chance to show they've had enough?

And if they really are worried, this would be the ideal time to ask how they got themselves into this mess.  They'll just say the people were brainwashed but these would be the same people who [officially] put them in charge, so we're back to getting themselves into this mess.  Oh, it's the evil media, the ones who couldn't stop you before but somehow managed to find more people who agree.

23 June, 2024

A short, short time ago in a galaxy very close by...

Trump Vows to Shut Down Department of Education to Combat DEI, CRT, and Woke Sexual Content
June 23, 2024

□ [“Biden Wins Crucial Coin Flip"]

The winner gets to decide which podium to stand on, *or* who gets the first 'closing statement.'  Biden's team chose the podium.  WTF?  He's *supposed* to be competent whichever podium he's on, and it's a long established show-business tradition to go be the last one on stage, the one who the audience will remember.  Trump of course wanted to be the last one speaking, so he got that.

Whatever scheme the rulers have to try to get Biden through this, I hope Trump uses the completely unexpected strategy of being quiet and restrained.  I know, it won't happen, this is Trump, but wouldn't that be awesome?  He gives whatever short, specific answers he needs to, cites whatever information is relevant, then immediately falls quiet.

Give Biden the chance to do as much talking as possible.  He used to be an experienced politician so he would have known how to babble endlessly, but between his senility, all the drugs pumped into him, and whatever his masters have trained him to do for the debate, all that would go out the window.  The audience would be left with a deteriorating old blabbermouth who thinks he's in charge getting all attention while Trump stays quiet and just stands in the background.

Arizona Dad Dies After Being Pinned Under Car For Hours as Bystanders Robbed Him Instead of Helping
June 23, 2024

□ [“Brooklyn Jewish Family Assaulted at 5th Grade Graduation As Attackers Scream 'Death to Israel'"]

This is the sort of enemy we're fighting.  They are totally willing to violently attack complete strangers at a local public event because they want Israel destroyed.  And every leftist supports that, or at least will stay silent.  There's no reason to think they're worried about being attacked if they speak up, they just won't get involved.  That includes every school official at the graduation ceremony.

I'm starting to think this has been a direct line of attack since 9/11.  And before, since it's about destroying Judaism, but that's where it was really brought to American soil.  Since then, Muslims have supported leftism which is completely anti-Islam, pushing this insanity on everyone.  They have time, if it doesn't happen in their lifetime, it'll happen later.  Leftists, on the other hand, just rush to tear everything down, leaving space for Islam to triumph.

Because they line up this way, I think it shows how this was the reason God created Judaism which led to Israel and the next two religions which center around Him.  At this point, I think it's pretty clear that this is the overall point.  It's different for each nation, region, tribe, family or individual, but it all falls under God's plan.  This is the war.

Several States Now Allow Illegals to Vote in Presidential Elections With No Proof of Citizenship
June 23, 2024

□ [“Five Police Officers Dead, Priest Beheaded in Church and Synagogue Attacks in Dagestan, Russia – Officials Allege Terrorists Were Using NATO Supplied Weapons"]

*THIS* is why you don't get involved in the problems of faraway nations.  There's no good way for this to end.  Dagestan isn't right next to Ukraine but it's not too far away.  It's on the east side of the Caucasus Region, next to the Caspian Sea.  The west side of the region is on the Black Sea.  The two states are several hundred miles apart and their capital cities are over 1100 miles apart.

It's believable that NATO is weaponizing terrorists elsewhere in Russia for things like this, it's just as believable that Russia is doing it themselves and blaming NATO.  Or a third party is doing it for some reason.  Or Russia/NATO are working with third/fourth/fifth parties and this is the result.  Or anyone along the line is lying about this [up to and including me, but at least I'll admit that it's entirely my speculation.]  So who do you blame and how do you expect to get anybody to believe you?

Or does it just get ignored because there's nothing wrong with killing civilians?  Not a good move.  That's why I mean by there being no good way for this to end.  And the only reason it's an issue is because our rulers insist on war with Russia and anyone else who disagrees with them.  Anybody who wants to be in that situation should be arrested on sight.

White House’s New Associate Communications Director Compared Police to Slave Patrols, Wants to Abolish ICE
June 23, 2024

□ [“Brawl Breaks Out at New Jersey High School Ceremony — One Hospitalized, Several Injured"]

Not a brawl so much as two fights going on at the same time, not too far apart.  All of them were female.  The males were just watching, probably making sure no one else tried to get involved.  They can't read or do basic arithmetic, but they can start punching people as they go out into the world as adults.

Nobody will want to hire them, even if the economy was better.  Their parents are obviously incompetent or they would have raised better children.  No males are going to want a serious relationship with them, much less provide and protect.  That's how quickly a civilization can fade away.

The view wasn't good enough to determine their skin color, but they've spent their whole lives being taught how oppressed and entitled they are.  For young females, that's the ideal time to attack each other because they believe they can get away with it.  This is the way their teachers wanted it, and the masters above them.

I would assume home schooling has better results but even there, kids still have to live in an ocean of propaganda from the rest of the world.  As adults, we simply don't get that because we've already been through it.  Just comprehending what's changed and what's stayed the same is a guess with few specific details to point to.  These kids will crumble very quickly and beg for a savior, i.e. the government.

Parisians Poop in Seine River to Protest City Spending Over $1 Billion to Make River Swimable
June 23, 2024

□ [“Maxine Waters Fears For Her Safety If Trump Wins, Warns ‘Millions’ at Risk of Violence and Killings"]

Gee, we just went through all those millions of people dying because we weren't vaccinated against covid.  Look how serious that was.  Or maybe she's just letting people know that her highly-paid armed bodyguards will turn against her.  Obviously no one around her dares to ask why Trump didn't do that the last time he was in charge.  That would require thought, which Maxine isn't capable of.

It's this emotion-based nonsense that makes people like her look so worthless, which would be true if she wasn't officially in a position of authority.  Those in charge would know how to emotionally manipulate her and she's never questioned that for all these decades.  I wonder if this could be the real source of leftist 'projection' onto others what they desire even though they know it's wrong.

And no one asks why she wanted *other* members of Congress to be attacked in public.  Just a typical example of a mindless leftist not wanting to be treated the way they want to treat others.  And so many of them are rushing out these days to promote this rhetoric, although it's not clear who they think is stupid enough to believe them.  They know they deserve to be punished and they're trying to delay that as long as possible.

Biden Campaign Establishes “Task Force” To Counter The 100% Real “Cheap Fake” Videos
June 22, 2024

San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke
June 23, 2024

MSNBC Host Scolds Guests for Saying ‘Illegal’ Immigrants:  ‘We Don’t Use the Term’
June 23, 2024

Snopes Finally Admits Trump Didn't Praise Neo-Nazis or White Nationalists as “Very Fine People” in Charlottesville Hoax
June 23, 2024

Arkansas Governor Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax
June 22, 2024

Climate Change Protestors Disrupt Final Round of PGA’s Travelers Championship
June 23, 2024

Chinese Naval Forces Board and Seize Military Boats of Philippine Navy
June 23, 2024

22 June, 2024

This is the first post of the rest of your blog.

What events lead to international opera star Enrico Pallazzo working as a baseball umpire?  He got attention for saving Queen Elizabeth's life, but had just been in the news for lying on top of her with her legs wrapped around him.  It was rumored that Pallazzo had also broken into a sexy woman's apartment, carrying a concrete dildo.  I don't think we're being told the whole story.20240622

Two Venezuelan Illegal Aliens Arrested for Murdering 12 Year Old Girl in Texas
June 22, 2024

□ [“Maryland’s Democrat LGBTQ Diversity Council Chair Busted After Meeting Up With 14-Year-Old Decoy"]

The cops weren't involved.  They knew he was looking for children and quite open about wanting to rape them.  He said that in his own words in internet chat with people he thought were kids.  But the police see nothing to go after.  This is what they're about.  And Maryland, he's not far from like-minded people in DC.

I think this is basically why homosexuality and the rest of it has always been considered illegal or immoral.  It's not just the act itself, it's the fact that those who go for it are immoral or ignorant enough to be easily enough to sway into much worse things with no recognition of decency, much less morality.  Not all that different from pot being considered a 'gateway drug.'

This is what civilization is about eliminating, or at least minimizing as much as possible.  It's never going to be completely successful, sin will always happen, but reduce the chances of someone choosing it, and minimize the damage.  Less than 50 years ago, this was supposed to be kept behind closed doors.  The internet deserves a lot of blame for this being pushed out, but that was happening before.  Thirty years ago, it was supposed to be "don't ask, don't tell."

50 Cent Claims Hacker Accessed His Account To Orchestrate $300 Million Cryptocurrency Scam
June 22, 2024

□ [“Disney VP Takes Leave of Absence After Date with Undercover Reporter for James O'Keefe"]

He met some chick on a dating website and got a date with her.  She must have been hot because he was totally willing to open up about how the company he works for totally bases hiring practices on skin color and knows how to ignore whatever laws there are against that.  She works for James O'Keefe, so that's now on the internet.

The guy wasn't fired, which is probably a surprise.  You'd think that would be the first thing they do, giving away company secrets and embarrassing them.  But if they do that, they might lose the influence they have over him.  It's a bit iffy, I don't know how much Disney can censor past or present employees and how much leeway there is to sue Disney who fired someone for talking about company SOP.

And what is Disney supposed to do?  Are they going to keep paying this guy for the rest of his life?  Then they've got to replace him with someone who's at least as *woke*, hopefully someone who isn't attracted to women, and where would they find someone like that?  Then there's the customers who might not support this company policy.  Then there's the stockholders, how many of them knew all about this and agreed with it, and how many didn't?

The attempt a few months ago to add someone to the board of directors who wasn't *woke* and who actually owned Disney stock may have been a distraction against those in charge.  They point may have been to lose while gathering as much info as possible to put out after the loss.  Now every Disney executive and stockholder has to accept that this is what they voted for, or they'll be very pissed off.

1 Million Illegal Aliens Admitted into US By Biden Regime Under CBP One App and CHNV Parole Program
June 22, 2024

□ [“Virgin Atlantic Boeing Jet’s Windshield ‘Cracked At An Altitude of 40,000 Feet’ During Heathrow-San Fran Flight"]

Yet another Boeing flight has to turn around and return to its takeoff sight so passengers can be put on a completely different plane.  At this point, I would hope Boeing makes sure to reassure the passengers by not putting them on a Boeing flight, but I don't get why anyone is willing to buy a ticket on them in the first place these days.

They're obviously doing the same thing that Disney, Bud Lite and the rest have done, push the agenda no matter what.  Boeing made sure to announce how high their safety standards are.  But given all the other flights that have suffered these problems, they should be fixing the problems instead, but they aren't.  You only need to be wrong once.

Things like this make me wonder if Boeing is just taking one for the team, making sure to show that the woke agenda will get people killed.  I don't know why they'd do that, but I don't know why else they would be doing this in the first place.  Planes are supposed to work.  The ability to keep planes working needs to be the priority when hiring aircraft maintenance, not DEI.

China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially Compromised
June 22, 2024

□ [“Trump Supporters Line Up Hours Early Chanting 'USA!' in Deep Blue Philly"]

They'd need to show up hours early.  There's a long line and you'd have to get through security, can't just decide to go on the spur of the moment.  This is a large part of their day, if not all of it and into the night.  Has any Democrat had that much popularity since Obama's first term?  I suppose some people went to see Hillary, but anybody else?  Certainly not Biden.

We want our country back.  No idea if that's doable, but that's the mindset being pushed here.  I hope Trump has the chance to get some footage of various historic sites around town, Liberty Hall and such.  I think it would be cool if he just does a live half-hour speech at one of these places on the spur of the moment, although that would probably be too late.  But you get a contact on social media that says Trump is speaking now, click here if you want to watch.  That would ruffle some feathers.

I'm trying to avoid optimism, but I'm very glad to see that a lot of Americans are starting to come forwards.  It doesn't matter how many fake votes there are, the tyrants will still have get through all of us.  Events like this are showing how many of us there are.  And where are the anti-Israel/pro-trans protestors at this event?  There must be some in Philadelphia, are they all busy on a Saturday night?

There's no way Biden's masters can prepare him for something like this, he's too busy trying to figure out how to stand up straight for an hour.  He's just a puppet, nothing to do with what's going on, but he is effectively the symbol of what our rulers are doing to us.    That's enough, we want our country back.

Biden Using Taxpayer Money to Put Up Biden-Harris Yard Signs
June 22, 2024

□ [“Ted Cruz Puts Trump’s Tax Idea Into Bill Form, Quickly Gets Support from Fellow Republicans"]

Well, leftists?  Here's something that would actually help people and there's a chance to get it passed so Trump can't push it to get votes in the election.  If you oppose it and/or delay it, you're the one giving Trump that much more leverage and support.  Yes, it's Trump's idea, so he's going to get credit for it regardless, but are you really going to let that stand in the way of helping poor Americans?

Nancy Pelosi or AOC could have come up with the same idea a year ago, but they didn't, because helping poor people is not one of their priorities.  They're too rich to care about that.  So is Trump but he still came up with it and put it out there.  To his credit, Ted Cruz is following that lead.

One can ask a valid question, why didn't Trump come up with this in the first term?  But then, one could also ask why Biden doesn't just make it happen tomorrow with another executive order?  This is a clever idea in every way, and I definitely want sane people to follow through on it, as well as cutting every other tax in existence.  What else could Trump be ready to suggest?

MSNBC:  Trump Tying DA Bragg’s Political Persecution to Biden “Dangerously and Perniciously Racist”
June 22, 2024

21 June, 2024

If you can read this, do you know any hot chicks?

Professional Boxer Collapses Mid-Fight in Apparent Seizure During First Round of Team Combat League Match
June 21, 2024

□ [“Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) Laughs at News Coverage of Illegal Alien Who R*ped Teen NYC Girl"]

Not sure if there have been multiple recent incidents of leftists laughing at the invaders raping girls or if was just this event and I've seen multiple articles covering it.  [The latter.  A couple days ago, the DHS leader dismissed a different chick being raped to death.]  But something about this seems bizarre.  In theory, they may genuinely approve of raping girls and this is just a natural response.  That seems believable, but there's a much-less likely aspect to this, why would they spend decades pretending to be liberal feminists and then suddenly turn around because they no longer have to lie about what they really want?

But what other possibilities are there?  Does she assume it's a lie that the girl was raped and that's what she's laughing at?  Maybe, but they'd need to have completely forgotten 'believe all women.'  It's like Bill Clinton is back in the White House.  Or Harvey Weinstein is important again.

Or they could be looking forward to the trans movement getting this privilege and the sissy girls with vaginas have to just shut up and take it.  There's also the possibility that this is just why women should be ignored because the longer they spend thinking they're important, this is the result.  Whereas men would just bring in a few guns and the rapist, and his supporters, would be gone forever.  And that's why leftists don't want men in charge.

Female Black Atlanta Judge Arrested At Downtown Bar After Assaulting Police Officer
June 21, 2024

□ [“Biden Arrives at Camp David Where He Will be Holed Away Until Next Week’s Debate"]

He keeps looking worse and he doesn't have a real job to keep him busy for the next several days.  How encouraging.  He's not bothering with any of the wars and he doesn't even need to campaign for the pretend election.  Only losers need to convince voters.

There's suggestions that will need to be radically dopped up just to get through it.  That just seems like the sort of thing that could go wrong in many ways.  If he can actually behave coherently for an hour, wouldn't his supporters ask why he doesn't do that at other times?  The better he comes off, the more they'd want to see him doing that, but he doesn't.  Is that just some wacky fluke that he can never do again?

There's also a possibility that whatever tools they used to steal previous elections aren't working as well this time around.  I will stay very skeptical about that until proven otherwise, but it is believable.  We see this with very rich Democrat doners and black celebrities announcing support for Trump.  At some point, Democrats could lose what they've always relied on, and they may have failed to set up any back-up plans.

So it seems Biden's preparation involves practicing to stand up for a long time.  I get being weak and needing to sit down, but standing isn't really something you get better at beyond the age of 2.  And how is he supposed to present himself if he's focusing on not falling down?  One reason they can't permit a live audience is because someone would bring along small children and Biden would be focused on nothing else.

Hakeem Jeffries Says House Democrats Are Fighting to Make Life More Affordable for Americans
June 20, 2024

Pakistani Muslim Mob Lynches and Burns Tourist Alive Over Allegations of Desecrating Koran
June 21, 2024

□ [“Trump to Rally in Philadelphia Tomorrow Following Biden’s Disastrous 'Rally' Last Month"]

This is the sort of thing he should be doing.  Going to the places Biden has actually been to and showing how many more people show up for Trump.  How many people want to avoid a political candidate they're so eager to vote for?  You can steal the election but that makes it tough to pretend there were really voters.

Trump couldn't rely on this entirely, he wouldn't get to have many rallies if he's just following Biden around.  But the basic idea is workable, that Trump gets actual people to attend his appearances and Biden can only get his fake voters.  And maybe a few employees or students who are required to show up regardless.

I'm ambivalent on what's more likely, that Democrats dump Biden while there's still time or if they just double down to pretend he's popular.  The first possibility is more sensible, the second is more leftist.  Rational human beings realize when they have no chance of winning, at least if they need to hide their full tyranny that got them this far.  Otherwise, if you're already at a point where Joe Biden is your best hope, ditching him is unlikely.  Wile E. Coyote should use him to help bring in dinner.

DHS Intel Unit Declares Trump Supporters Domestic Terror Threats to Target in Internal Documents
June 21, 2024

Maybe it's just the recent issues in my life, or the fact that I hear about all this from the internet, but it really looks like the recent attention to the latest Star Wars bomb has dropped.  To an extent, we knew that consciously, but it seems like it was understood that this was the point where the franchise was dead.

There's a small number of people who watched the show to see how bad it was, a much larger number of people who watched youtubers commenting on this, and of course the rest of the world just went on suffering under our tyrants.  But they don't count, it was those who believed in Star Wars that mattered.  And they're done now.

Now those who are curious what's going on will still watch the youtubers, but that's about it.  Even some of them have said they're bored talking about this franchise.  At least actual horrible work can be entertaining for its own sake, it's long been pointed out is that the real death is when the "haters" just lose interest.  That's the impression I get from what's happening from now on.

So now the females in charge have no idea what to do except repeat the same rhetoric they've always had.  They're the last ones to realize that the audience is gone.  Haven't heard much about Marvel recently but they're undergoing the same problems, run by people what insist on sinking the ship they're on.  So what is Disney going to do about it?

MSNBC Notes Trump’s Recent Explosive Fundraising, Suggests Democrats Should be Concerned
June 21, 2024

□ [“Defense Department Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Laboratories"]

Nothing suspicious about that.  They say that the tracking is to limited to work properly.  Partially that's government incompetence, it's also keeping highly secure finances secret.  Corrupt people who get access to that part of the system can use it in their own ways.  There's also the fact that men trained with military and spy strategy would have created this whole system, so it will very quickly become too complicated for anyone to understand, no matter how experienced they are.

They're hiding information of the bioweapons they're using against us, all of these factors are brought into conflict, at least those that aren't already taking orders from China.  This isn't even considering the information they share with the biolabs in Ukraine, or elsewhere in the world.

Basically with an article like this, there's no reason to trust anything about it.  So it's, at best, a distraction.  Maybe somewhere down the line we'll learn this is relevant but even if we did, who would believe it?  Or care, given the other problems we'll be facing by that point.  This is definitely part of WWIII but not an aspect we should care about all that much.