04 June, 2024

When are the fools going to prove the plan?

The question isn't 'what does God need with a starship?' The question should be 'what doesn't God need from a starship?'20240603

Maui Fire Department Battalion Chief Arrested for Child Sex Crimes
June 3, 2024

Arizona GOP Files Lawsuit Against Secretary of State After Learning 1.3 Million Illegal Voters on State’s Voter Rolls
June 4, 2024

□ [“Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-Penn) Proposes Automatic Registration for Wartime Draft"]

But she only wants to draft one gender out of dozens.  How do you pick which gender to make government property?  And why didn't Republicans ever try this?  Aren't they the ones who want war and consider everyone else to be their property, sending them to die.  But I guess you'd have to declare a war for that, and Congress doesn't do that anymore.

Who do they think will obey this?  The kids who've spent their school years being told how horrible this country is?  They're going to need females and transgenders just to keep the numbers up and they won't obey either.  Otherwise they'll just stay home and demand equality.

Once upon a time, liberals pretended to oppose the draft.  Then they spent decades reminiscing  about that, and now they're demanding it.  It's just a natural thing for elites to do and that's what they are.  And of course the ones making this decision only want the important ones to obey, i.e. men.  But they'll still have to be vaccinated and memorize all the DEI requirements.

“We Didn’t See Him All Day” – Karine Jean-Pierre Stutters and Struggles to Say What Biden Did All Day
June 3, 2024

Army Vet Fighting as Ukraine Mercenary Extradited to US, Prosecuted for Murders in ‘a Three-State Crime Spree’
June 4, 2024

□ [“Thousands of AT&T Customers Hit by Cellular Outage Nationwide"]

There's been a couple of incidents like this around the world recently.  My guess is that either BRICS is attacking or it's just the economy and businesses as the collapse becomes real to them.  Either way, communication and social media are going to be among the first to break down, which will lead to further problems.

□ [“$517 Billion in Unrealized Losses Cripple US Banking System, 63 Lenders on the Brink of Insolvency"]

Whether or not BRICS is behind the specific attacks - the New York Stock Exchange was broken down yesterday - the economy is going to get the priority because it's more relevant to our daily lives.  Banks don't know how to keep track of $517 billion?  Then why do they have this job in the first place?  Doesn't matter, they're in charge and can do what they want, the rest of us have to pay for it.

Even the media is starting to admit this, probably because everybody but those in charge are suffering from the effects.  The people in charge are suffering too, but they ignore reality, so their handlers have to do the work.  The internet might be the first thing to break down, but the banks will probably be next.  We've never lived in a society without banks, so how will that work?  Digital currency won't be an option.

Trump Announces He Will Declassify Files on Epstein, JFK, and 9/11
June 3, 2024

Beloved California Restaurant Chain Rubio’s Closing 48 Locations for ‘Rising Cost of Doing Business’
June 4, 2024

□ [“Black Panther Party Founding Member Supports Trump, 'He’s Always Been a Friend of Black People'"]

Well as Joe Biden would say, he's not black.  Of course, that's the guy who says Beau Biden was killed by cannibals, so maybe not.  And just to be clear, this guy says he went to college with Trump, so they knew each other personally, and Trump gave them money.  I think this might be relevant, but not because of what this guy is specifically saying.

That said, he's also been around blacks his whole life, so he might know something about them about what they think these days.  Those who were raised by wealthy white leftists are all part of the cult, but we're getting to a point where those who are sensible are going to shut them down, simply by refusing to take part.  That's part of the basics of human resistance, and the rulers are amplifying that up every day.

There's also a valid question about how well the Panthers actually organized.  For that matter, how much if it is based on Islam, especially after the last few decades.  That could lead them in very different ways, but I doubt it will help Democrats, except in the sense that they want chaos and destruction.

But we are seeing different groups of people who realize where the light comes from, societally and morally.  In doing so, they can see where the problems come from, and it's our rulers who are causing this.  And what are blacks going to do, go back to Africa?  None of them want that, proof is that none of them are doing it.

Biden Makes a Beelines for the Kids at the White House Congressional Picnic
June 4, 2024

□ [“EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Close France-Spain Border and Paralyze Brussels"]

I'd be more excited if this hadn't happened before and doesn't seem to have gone anywhere.  But the fact that they keep doing it does mean something, as well as the symbolic closing of the borders.  I say that because even the weak-ass European Union governments could push them out without much effort.  But do they have the guts?

The sensible thing to do would be for the rulers to step back, but that's not how tyrants work.  They'll need to shut this resistance down immediately, which will only create more.  We'll be seeing more of this everywhere, the people have had enough and our masters disagree.  It's going to get worse for everybody, especially when the people who grow food aren't working.

As I said, I do support the farmers resisting, I'm just dubious about this because, you know, Europe.  But it's another example of how society is breaking down and as much as I insist the rulers have some actual plan, it does look more and more like they don't have just gotten away with it all this time.  We're definitely at a point where people need to get their own supplies and group together with the like-minded.

Biden Looks Lost After Giving New Executive Order to Give Thousands of Illegals Asylum Every Day
June 4, 2024

I deliberately don't remember what it's called, but there's a new Star Wars tv show premiering today and it's expected to be a bomb like all the others.  The timing seems interesting, like they were expecting it to be a big hit after the WHO announced the 'new world order.'  Everything I've heard from the poor, stupid bastards who saw it early says the first couple episodes are, at best, boring, and then the third episode will destroy Star Wars forever.

I have to admit, this actually sounds kind of interesting, and I'm sure it will get many views just based on how horrible it sounds.  Those who saw previews signed non-disclosure agreements, so they can't say anything relevant, but the suggestion is that the force really is female.  Sounds like basic demon-worship, aimed at 'mother earth.'

There's also the notion that the sith are actually heroes, which is something I've expected Hollywood to be doing for a while.  I think that's what they did with Thanos and, although I haven't paid attention to any of it, this sounds like what they're doing with the Joker.  It makes sense, if nothing else, they have to degrade the actual heroes so promoting the main villain would be an obvious choice.

But the Disney Star Wars leaders seem to be bonkers, they really expected this to work and can't accept the reality.  I also think this was a long-range scheme to finally take them down.  I must admit, although I'm not watching any more than I have in many years, I'm genuinely more interested in Star Wars now than I've been since I was a child.  It's time to take the emperor down.

11 Convicted Felons Charged For Tennessee Election Fraud, Illegally Voting in 2020 and 2022
June 4, 2024

Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles
June 4, 2024

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