19 June, 2024

My cult wanted to purge me so I made them illegal.

Portland Baseball Team Becomes First Sports Team to Legally Sell THC Products During Games
June 19, 2024

□ [“Joy Behar Fears Donald Trump Would Cancel The View If He Wins Presidency"]

It's just standard leftist tripe about accusing other people of tyranny, but something about the monotony seems strange, especially since they're all doing it at once these days.  It would be one thing if this was the national convention or "election season," but it's not even summer yet and they're pushing this already.

A few months ago, Trump made some comment that he absolutely would be a dictator for one day, if he wins the election.  Even at the time it seemed odd that he was aiming for something specific, even if there weren't any details.  But I'm reminded of that as leftist elites keep pushing this, which makes me wonder if there's some actual law he was referring to and, consciously or not, that's what they're responding to.

That is, he would have very specific authority to silence/arrest/imprison/execute traitors with a very clear authority, and those speaking out now know they would fall into that category.  Or at least whoever tells them to say this would know.  They know they've broken whatever laws would apply.  If nothing else, they know what can be done because of all the investigations to go after Trump.

Which lines up with the fact that Trump never remotely did any of this last time around.  For our side, it's just a sign that he won't do it this time either, but they have reason to worry.

Major Obama Fundraiser Allison Huynh Deserts Democrats and is Now Backing Donald Trump
June 18, 2024

Louisiana Becomes First State to Require the Ten Commandments be Displayed in All Public Classrooms
June 19, 2024

□ [“White House Accidentally Labels Kamala Harris As 'Madam President'"]

Not clear where the mistake was made.  I'll assume it was genuinely a mistake but it was more about showing what they don't want the peasants to know about yet.  They pretend Biden is POTUS and they probably do the same for Harris.  I still think they probably tell Biden that Harris is POTUS because that's all he knows, being veep.

But the technical workers along the lines have this ready.  They may even believe it like Biden does, just without the senility.  The self-appointed rulers have a rank structure that the peons are ignorant of, and all the elites assume Harris outranks Biden.  They aren't putting this out for us to learn about, the problem is that they're incompetent.  I think it was just a basic mistake that could be made by any ignorant or untrained worker.

The event was a celebration of celebrities of some gay/trans tv show.  Don't know if they have any serious rank structure or if they just won a lottery or something.  I think they really needed to make a point about this before the collapse but don't know or care why they picked these things to visit.  There was probably an orgy going on, but that's just a given.

Hundreds of Muslims Die at This Year’s Saudi Arabia Hajj Pilgrimage Under Mysterious Circumstances
June 19, 2024

□ [“Hungarian PM Chooses ‘Make Europe Great Again’ as His European Union Presidency Slogan"]

He's already getting the European elite pissed off at him, MEGA will just make that worse.  Or better, as the case may be.  This is a positive thing about Trump, that he's spreading this resistance.  Hungary's neighbors will have the same result, the people are fed up with this and the elites, if they have the slightest clue, are worried.  If they don't have a clue, they'll be the first to die.  Maybe the second, once the citizens have a reason to fight back.

This is the nationalism that the elites want to erase.  It's not really clear how much of the world actually understands what a nation is, but Europe does.  That's why they're the ones aimed at being wiped out first.  Nobody's sending in illegal immigrants to China or India or Africa.

Not sure how relevant the Russia/Ukraine is to what's going on here, but I'm sure Russia is watching this and basing its strategy accordingly.  The EU elites have been on his target list for a long time, and that's probably why Russia's been so slow on crushing Ukraine.  It was about a distraction, the goal is to take down the real enemy, the 'new world order.'

Biden Struggles Getting Into SUV After Virginia Fundraiser
June 19, 2024

□ [“Climate Cultists Vandalize 3,500 Year-Old Stonehenge Rock Formations to Battle Global Warming"]

Wasn't Stonehenge supposedly built by blacks?  They're obviously racist.  I'm definitely surprised there were no guards who immediately jumped in to stop them, but then, I'd be fine if they bashed these thugs in the head with a baseball bat.  Or bullets.

They're vandalizing history just to promote their cult beliefs.  I've seen a number of recent comments about how this actually qualifies as a pseudo-religion, which makes sense although I haven't paid enough attention to that aspect.  I suppose a coherent universal structure and scripture would be the only thing separating them, and of course they're too incoherent to form that.

At least Spinal Tap was talented when they included Stonehenge in their act and people still ignored them.  And it was a fake story anyway.  These people don't even have that much going for them, which makes them more pathetic.  How does anybody even get this far?

Seattle Father Beats the Hell Out of Uber Driver For Sexual Assaulting His Daughter in Backseat of Car
June 19, 2024

Buffalo Bills Are Helping Create a New Gay Flag Football Team
June 18, 2024

Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers
June 18, 2024

□ [“Solar Co. Collapses, Customers Furious as Dems’ Favorite Power Source Leaves Homeowners High and Dry"]
□ [“EV Start-Up Fisker Files For Bankruptcy"]

These fossil-fuel using companies funneled a lot of government money to pretend they oppose fossil fuels.  They may have also given jobs to people delusional enough to believe global warming is real, but it was probably mostly about laundering the cash.  Rich people do like these companies.  No one else does, which is why they can't sell their products.

I wonder which is more important, supporting the cult or destroying the economy, but this helps them do both.  Just look at how much cheaper life would be if our rulers permitted anyone but themselves to use oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear energy.  But then they wouldn't be the elite, so obviously that's not allowed.

But these businesses are probably very supported by China and India, and BRICS by extension, since they produce far more global warming than anyone else, and they have no interest in this stuff.  Right there is half the world's population and you need to ignore them just to pretend forcing people to buy this junk means anything.  So basically it's an updated version of Obamacare.

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