27 June, 2024

Today is the day to end all days. See you tomorrow.

“Trump! Trump! Trump!” – Trump Arrives to Atlanta to Crowd of Cheering Supporters
June 27, 2024

□ [“North Korea Will Reportedly Send Troops To Help Russia in Ukraine War ‘Within a Month’"]

So are they expendable?  They're not white so liberals may not care anyway.  And they're ruled by communists, so liberals may want them to get support from our government.  I'm trying to make a joke of it, but this is the next step for a world war, bringing in troops from other countries to handle the front lines.

At this point, it's a given that we have US troops on the battlefield.  The US government is already sending in military contractors, along with whatever other forces they've sent in without telling us.  If other NATO nations have any soldiers to spare, they're probably sending them in too.  It seems unlikely that BRICS members would do this for Russia, but here's North Korea so there might be something.

Even without the nuclear aspects, there's a point where they have to start fighting and there will be a big battle.  Russia has at least had two years of experience in modern war on the front lines, what do the NATO members have?  It will only take one big loss to cause major problems for every one of them.

This can't just be about the money funneled and biolabs in Ukraine.  It's possible this is mainly based on hatred of Russia, but even that seems increasingly unlikely.  It's like this only works if our rulers are Russian puppets anyway, so they're just pushing on what they've been told, but that still doesn't explain why this is so important to anybody.  What is the deal with Ukraine?

Tractor Supply Vows to Eliminate DEI Programs and Stop Sponsoring Pride Events After Backlash
June 27, 2024

□ [“Reporter Tests EV Chargers in America’s Heartland, Comes Away ‘Less Than Impressed’"]

They keep demanding that everybody be forced to buy these expensive worthless toys, and then when they finally get around to trying it themselves, they don't like it.  But they never rethink any of their initial points or even question who made them do this.

It should be obvious that man has tried for many years to build functional long-distance vehicles in every form they could think of, and gasoline is what works.  That's the way it is.  Accepting reality is a better decision than denying it, and the people who deny it insist solar power does everything and obedience will stop global warming.

They don't even consider the various needs for transportation, they just assume it must be done everywhere, no exception.  Except for the elites, who obviously get to use gas-powered cars and planes, but they're special.  It's fun to pass more anniversaries of leftists saying the world will end in however-many years but they never even acknowledge they were wrong, much less question why they thought this in the first place.  

Massachusetts Governor Travels to Border to Tell Illegals Not to Come to His "Sanctuary State"
June 27, 2024

□ [“House Judiciary Committee Holds Biden Ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer in Contempt of Congress"]

He's obviously part of whatever crime Biden was doing with that classified information and deleted the files Congress demanded, so why just go with contempt?  They could send men with guns to his house to see what he's got stored there.  The law applies to everybody, doesn't it?

Depending on how protected he is, there may still be a chance to break him down.  Assuming Congress actually does anything about it.  Yeah, I doubt they will too, this is probably just a distraction, but there's still a chance something is being done about it.  Zwonitzer might decide he can get a better deal by turning against Biden.  Congress just needs to send another couple strongly worded letters.

Probably just fantasy on my part, but maybe Trump will open tonight's debate with some announcement that, coded or otherwise, refers to whatever is in these documents.  It's something the rulers would have to respond to but wouldn't know how to do that without telling the rest of us what the real problems are.  Despite this fantasy I invented, I really am coming to think that something is going on at this level and it will become public before long.

Jet Set Jill Biden Takes Her Own Government Plane to Atlanta Debate
June 27, 2024

As I write this, the debate has started.  For whatever that's worth.  I live in an unusual place for me, where there is a working television in the vicinity, so I did walk by it and whoever is there did have the debate on.  Biden's voice sounded forced and monotonous, and he only blinked once in the short time I spent looking at it.

Obviously I'm not going to pay attention to what happens or what is said, I'll hear about it afterwards.  Biden being seen in public, or at least with a few other people in the room and a working camera, is itself an unusual event these days.  Apparently even the White House press corps is required to watch it from a building across the street.  This sort of thing just makes it look like CNN has some major plan going on, or else they just like giving orders.

□ [“Biden Glitches Out!  Can't Finish a Sentence!  He’s Completely Lost"]

Oh what the hell, this includes a video so I pushed 'play.'  The things I do for you people.  Biden was trying to get to a point about something, the video started in the middle of his speech, so it's not sure what, but he said he made every single solitary person eligible for, uh, what he's been able to do with, uh, with, uh, covid.  Then he paused, realizing that wasn't the right word, took a few seconds trying to think of the right word, and that didn't work out.  So he started a new sentence trying to regain lost ground, but had run out of time after the words "Look, we finally beat medicare."

Then the question goes to Trump, who is ready to start, 'he's right, he did beat medicare to death.'  Trump moves over to social security and repeats "he's destroying social security" several times in his response.  Didn't think Trump looked good while waiting for his time to speak, but he did respond well.

Being as positive as I can be towards Biden, he *kind of* looked ok while Trump was talking.  At one point, he seemed to be sort of smiling, like he had an amusing thought to what Trump was saying but wasn't going to respond to that.  Otherwise he just looks lost, unsure of what he's supposed to say or what they're doing here.

There will be more videos coming in tonight.  I've already seen one, as Biden says women are raped by their brothers and sisters, and then try to arrest them when they cross state lines.  The pro-Biden host interrupts him and says "thank you," letting him know it's time to stop talking.  Who knows, this could be more entertaining than watching the current Star Wars product.

Just what little I've seen or heard, Trump comes across far more coherent and Biden barely a step away from collapse.  So of course Democrats and pet media will universally declare him the winner and say there's no need to even have an election.

Ahead of Iranian Presidential Election, Brutal Regime Renewing Crackdown on Headscarves
June 27, 2024

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