07 June, 2024

If I could read this, I wouldn't have to write it.

Don't call me chicken.  It scares me to death.20240606

Google Snubs D-Day, Celebrates ‘Lesbian Chicana Activist’ Instead
June 7, 2024

Florida Man Wearing Only a Women’s Shirt Crashes Car into Jail — Rants About Trump, Throws Oil, Rubber Snakes on Floor
June 5, 2024

□ [“As California Faces Massive Deficit, Newsom Wants to Cut Funding For Police, Prisons, And Public Safety"]

They never cut their own salaries or office funding.  They're the ones spending all this money, they should be the first ones cut down.  Newsom's aunt is very rich, just take her money.  She can get more, and may not even notice it's gone.  They both want to take other people's money to promote DEI and global warming, regardless of the debt for their spending.

And notice how much this decision helps criminals, the best way to make sure there will never be fair elections ever again.  They know the best way to ignore the laws and keep in contact with the people in charge.  Except for blacks, some of them might be changing their mind, but the rest of the criminals are full Democrat.

Is Newsome doing this out of desperation or is he just trying to keep his name out in public?  For the time being, Democrats are fully supporting Biden, but at this point, the odds of Biden dropping out are increasing.  Like it or not, Newsome is the closest they have to a national candidate, although I'm not sure he could even win a stolen election.

□ [“Crime so Bad in Oakland, California That City Workers Feel Too Unsafe to Fix Potholes"]

Government employees, crime, incapable of doing basic public duties.  That's how Democrats want it.  Your mileage may vary on if they can actually see the connection between all this.  But it's California, so they've made their voters as ignorant as possible for the last half-century.  And that's why they're in this shape.

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Physically Attacked in Copenhagen
June 7, 2024

US Embassy in Lebanon Targeted in Shooting Attack
June 6, 2024

□ [“Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain"]

He says this has nothing to do with the brand-new bioweapon, the guy died of kidney and respiratory failure.  The WHO is going to need to take him down, and anybody who might agree with him.  Won't be hard, it looks like Mexico, Canada and the US basically all have the governments, which are spreading through South America as well.

□ [“'Enough Is Enough!' – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO"]

It's Switzerland, so I don't know how relevant this is, but the guy did stand up against the virus imposed on us by the WHO and their subordinates.  We need more of that everywhere.  It is clear that the WHO already thinks they're in charge and, as all leftists do, moves for open totalitarianism as soon as convenient.

Although they did not get their official 'new world order' document signed by everybody, it does sound like they basically were able to add all the amendments they wanted to whatever documents already exist, so the effect is the same.  They just don't have anybody in charge that the populous has ever heard of.

In a way, that makes sense for the time being.  As collectivists, they can just say the collective gives the orders, none of the individuals are relevant.  The problem, if that's the word for it, is that they're all composed of individuals, as much as they want to deny it.  So they'll have to hide it and expect everyone to obey their orders.  That won't work.

Globalist Pope Francis Remains Under Heavy Criticism Over His Foul Mouth and ‘Homophobic Slurs’
June 7, 2024

□ [“Dem Congressional Candidate Wants ‘Reeducation Camps’ for MAGA Supporters"]

Paula Collins, running for Congress in New York, says what all Democrats really want, to send men with guns to gather up tens of millions of people they don't like and put them in camps until they say otherwise.

"Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp.  I don’t think we really want call it that.  I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it."

Change the name, keep everything else.  They'll need more men with guns to make sure nobody tries to escape.  That will require a lot of men with guns, so they'll need organization and rank structure, not to mention supply, logistics, transport, maintenance, computers, communications, medical care, accounting, plumbers, janitors, and more.  Just don't say it's about "re-education."  Hey, are they going to need teachers too?

Although the basic concept isn't bad.  If there's a resounding MAGA wave, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we've gone through this nightmare and basically, re-educating.  Yeah, that sounds like a 're-education camp' and we should probably not call that, but we'll find another term to use.  Who's with me?

Woke Culture Defeats Beauty: Morbidly Obese Female Wins Miss Alabama USA, a Male Wins Miss Maryland
June 7, 2024

Jimmy Kimmel Live Forced to Refilm After Code Pink Radicals Disrupt Kamala Harris
June 5, 2024

El Salvador’s President:  MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals
June 5, 2024

US Embassy in Lebanon Targeted in Shooting Attack
June 6, 2024

New, Highly Contagious Sexually Transmitted Infection Spreading Overseas Has Arrived on U.S. Soil In Gay Man
June 6, 2024

□ [“Sean Hannity Attempts to Persuade Trump to Go Easy on Biden’s DOJ When He Returns to the White House"]

This sort of thing just spreads distrust against people who are supposed to be on our side.  I do not trust Sean Hannity.  Nothing to point to, but he just strikes me as a RINO.  So either Trump doesn't know that or they're allies one way or another.  Hannity does have an audience so Trump has a legitimate reason to go on the show, I get that, it just doesn't seem like a good idea.

The uniparty is getting more obvious nowadays, especially the media.  Don't know how Hannity falls on that line, but this is why a resistance movement is needed with alternate forms of communication.  Even there causes problems.  No matter how right-wing various media figures have been in the past, their fame and wealth always seems to make them part of the leftist elite, and that's assuming they didn't start out that way in secret.  This is why the "swamp" has been building for so long and why I'm worried Trump is actually part of it.

And the Justice Department is far more than a few individuals, they're an enormous number of people who have always been part of the leftist conspiracy, which has always been opposed to the American people.  Leaving everything else aside, I don't see any way Trump could win just by being in charge, and he's not giving any details about what he'd do.

Ukraine To Get French Fourth Generation Mirage Fighter Jets That Had Been Dismissed as Obsolete
June 7, 2024

□ [“'Transgender' Mass Shooter Audrey Hale's Journal Leaked"]

At this point, I don't even remember what happened.  There was a lot of leftist propaganda about how evil right-wingers caused this and how oppressed the murderous trans was, but it immediately went away.  The authorities had its journal so they knew that it was a devout leftist.  They just wanted to keep the rest of us from knowing this.  No wonder I forgot about it.

But someone along the lines had access to this journal and has leaked several dozen pages.  There's obvious insanity, a girl insisting on being a boy and hating everyone for stopping her.  So basically little girls are brainwashed to the point where they'll insist they're boys and shoot people as a result.  It looks like the intent is to inspire boys to start shooting people for the same reason, that'll really increase the 'population reduction.'  And they want to keep the cause hidden.

That said, a lot of this seems to have been quieted, the trans violence and the movement in general.  People are really not interested in putting up with those who think they can make up their gender, or shooting people, so it's like our rulers expected something to have changed by now and are very surprised that it hasn't.

I'm sure this is what the new Star Wars thing is about, by Harvey Weinstein's former assistant, why it was timed for now.  Whatever their goals are, our rulers expected this to be a lot farther by now, and they won't be happy by the failure.  We will need to be punished for not obeying.

Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine
June 7, 2024

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