17 June, 2024

I don't enforce the rules, I just make them.

Maryland Police Offer Free Slushies in Bizarre Bid to Combat Exploding Youth Crime Rates
June 17, 2024

Where does our food come from?  Santa Claus just brings the groceries every Christmas to the good grocery stores.20240617

□ [“Chuck Schumer Deletes Father’s Day Post After Embarrassing Raw Cheeseburger Photo"]

He posts about how great it is to have a father's day barbeque, showing himself handling the grilling.  One group of hot dogs are well-cooked, the beef is totally raw but has already been covered with cheese for some reason, only one of the three burners is on and the grill is a gas-burner, which will kill the earth, but Schumer just wants raw hamburger to celebrate men who didn't have abortions.

Ok.  Fine.  He can do that.  But why does he delete the post when people start pointing this out?  That's really the punchline, that he's so eager to look good that he'll post this, but then hide it when it fails.  It should be left in public for everyone to see, that this guy has no clue what he's looking at, no resistance towards doing what he's told and/or isn't capable of complicated tasks like making a cheeseburger.  Your voters should know why they're getting.

He could admit that he has no clue what he's doing and is just following orders.  He could say he saw this looked stupid and fought against it, but lost the battle against (whoever.)  He could say he just likes cooking beef with cheese already on it.  I don't know if any of that would make him look better, but neither does pretending it never happened.

People should keep asking about this.  Call his office, bring it up in press conferences, or doing what Maxine Waters said and confronting him about this in public places.  How long has he been posing for public pix at events where he had no clue what he was doing?  Who told him to do this and why?  Don't let this go, does he even know what father's day is or is he just repeating the words he's told to say?

Wild Video Captures Brawl at Los Angeles High School Graduation for Students on Probation, Ends in Shooting
June 17, 2024

□ [“Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Filed Motion for New Trial in Federal Gun Case, Only to Withdraw It Minutes Later"]

Ok, that's just weird.  Two appeals had been attempted and denied because the trial wasn't done yet.  Now that it is over, why would they file an appeal and then immediately quit?  Something about this is going on backstage.  It's like they were threatening to make an appeal to get a pay off and were either beaten or else they're getting the pay off, but we don't know who would be sending this signal or why.

He might have been told to shut up and go along.  Biden will probably pardon him or otherwise commute the sentence.  The content of Hunter's laptop has already gone to whoever can make use of it and they need to keep that from becoming public.  They also need to pretend the laws apply to *everybody* if they hope to keep the attacks on Trump going.

What we do know is that Hunter can't go to jail.  He knows too much and would crack too easily.  The only reason the people in charge were willing to go after this case was as a distraction since his father had nothing to do with it.  He could be looking at years in jail that might get cut down a ways if he gives details on his business association with his father.

Biden’s Failure:  US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier
June 17, 2024

□ [“Dementia-Ridden Joe Biden Just Proclaimed ‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’"]

This has to be a joke, probably the people in charge are laughing that the old man they abuse just obeys and makes up a brand-new national holiday.  It lines up with how more people are admitting Biden's senility, or are actively denying it.

MSNBC has decide Trump is the one going senile, citing one mistaken word he made in some speech.  The guy talks a lot, so there's a lot of room for mistakes.  That's natural, but Biden says almost nothing, so the percentage of gibberish is much much higher.  But he's pretending to run for POTUS so he needs to have the chance to make many more mistakes.

There's already a few videos from his sucking up to Hollywood rich people last weekend.  With Obama right there, he babbles, “You know, my, my, my son says, you ought to have a, uh, you know, we all have, uh, various short-term descriptions for your jobs, for what you’re accomplished. You should say, ‘Joe jobs.'”  Soon he was frozen up and Obama had to drag him off stage.

Which son said that, Joe?  You've only got two of them (that we know of) but they're both alive and healthy and willing to contribute ideas about economic opportunities.  Or maybe you were just looking around for young people and trying to remember a word that rhymes with "joe jobs."

Biden to Deplete Oil Reserves to Artificially Lower Gas Prices Months Before Election
June 17, 2024

□ [“Connecticut Bar Association Warns Lawyers Not to Criticize Lawfare Against Trump"]

They're trying to silence anyone who can disagree with them legally, why do you suppose anyone would do that?  This is part of the tyranny's operations, it's probably going on in other states as well.  It's like what they're doing with illegal immigrants, destroying the economy and logistics and trying to bring back the draft.

This is the scary part, they see nothing wrong with any of this, so there's nothing to stop them.  It's the war on Russia that sticks out to me, it's a nuclear power.  Don't start a war with a nuclear power, but the people who believe in multiple genders are doing just that.  They never seem to ask what Ukraine thinks of transgender or abortion, same as they ignore that among Muslims.  The mentality required to put all this together is not someone who can draft soldiers to attack a nuclear power.  That's just total destruction.

The rulers know where the resistance will come from and that's who they're trying to take down first.  That's why the rest of us haven't been doing anything meaningful to stop them.  With the lawyers here, we see an example of the old saying about 'breaking the law costs less than obeying the law.'

Morgan Freeman Slams Black History Month: ‘I Detest It… My History is American History’
June 17, 2024

□ [“Kansas Sues Pfizer — Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed Covid Vaxx as ‘Safe’"]

There will be many more of suits.  Pfizer misled the public, not informing them about the myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths they'd be getting.  They lied and said it would prevent the virus, which it didn't, or transmission.  They had no proof for these claims and were proven wrong, so they worked to censor people on the internet for pointing out the truth.

I still pretend the fake virus/poison vaccine will be the motivation for resistance.  There's other stuff like the war, the pretend genders, etc. but the rulers used the virus as an excuse to impose tyranny and have been getting away with it ever since.  They're already trying to put out a new bioweapon virus and they expect people to just obey.

Many will, no question about that, even in states like Kansas.  But this is what shows that, in addition to starting WWIII, we're on the brink of Civil War 2.0.  We cannot live with these people any longer and they want us all "population reduction."  If Bleeding Kansas is where it's going to start, might as well get on with it.

CNN Data Reporter Shocked at Trump’s Level of Support with Black Voters
June 17, 2024

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