11 June, 2024

If you can read this, you'll love the upcoming sequel!

Mass Shooting Erupts in Downtown Atlanta at Peachtree Center Mall
June 11, 2024

□ [“Jurors Find Hunter Biden Guilty of All Three Felonies – Faces Up To 25 Years In Prison"]

Which is a joke, he actually committed these felonies.  He lied to a licensed gun dealer and on ATF Form 4473, in October 2018, saying he didn't use drugs and illegally kept the weapon he wasn't allowed to purchase.  Those are crimes which are actually listed, unlike Trump.  However, Hunter is less likely to face prison than Trump, because the laws apply to everybody.

Hunter didn't even bother to testify in his trial, probably because it wouldn't have helped.  There was testimony from a number of women he's stuck his dick into.  Ex-girlfriend/stripper Zoe Kestan described him as a very heavy crack smoker in their time together, December 2017 to October 2018, even when he went to rehab.  Ex-wife Kathleen Buhle described his years of heavy crack smoking which helped end their marriage in 2017.  Ex-girlfriend/sister-in-law Hallie Biden also described his heavy crack smoking and she was the one who threw away his gun in 2020, which was discovered and turned in to law enforcement, similar to his laptop.

This is showing that much of this is all a front.  He could also be charged with being an unregistered foreign agent for his being paid by Ukraine and Russia without putting it on record.  That's also a federal offense, but an investigation would have to look at his father, so the DOJ isn't interested.  Same with his laptop.

In late May, Joe Biden even made a visit to Hallie.  We don't get to know what they talked about, but it probably wasn't how Beau died failing to protect his wife from the abusive drug user.  Most likely, it was telling her not to mention.  He was also supposed to give a speech today about banning guns, but it was delayed after he had to suddenly rush to Delaware after the trial ended.

This won't go anywhere.  Biden has said he won't pardon Hunter but who's going to care if he was lying about that?  He'll have to pardon the rest of his administration, why would he skip one guy who lied to Congress about his income from foreign powers?  I was amused by a suggestion that Trump should pardon Hunter, as a nice peace offering.  Wouldn't matter, and at this point, I have no interest in such a thing, but it's a neat idea.

Popular 40-Year-Old YouTube Star Dies in an Undefined “Unfortunate Accident”
June 11, 2024

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Caught on Videotape Admitting She Had Full Responsibility for January 6th"]

Another piece of fluff.  She self-identifies as House Speaker, can you believe that?  But she does show what it's like to have a woman in a leadership position.  Apparently her daughter was filming her, probably hoping to get this result, but for some reason this wasn't made public at the time.  She kept the National Guard out, which Trump had said should be involved, then the Capitol Police weren't up to the challenge.

She flat-out says she's responsible for this and then spent the next 3+ years blaming Trump for everything those men without guns did to overthrow democracy or something like that.  The Speaker is in charge of the Capitol Police and that's how actual leadership works.  The commander is responsible for their decisions or lack thereof.

But as liberals, they're never responsible for anything.  We see that with Biden having no clue what the military does even when they're following his orders, like running away from Afghanistan.  You can understand why there hasn't been any trials on all the people jailed from January 6, because this info would have to be brought up.

I haven't paid much attention to January 6 since it happened, so I assume nothing will come of this.  But some might disagree, and this will be used as, what's the word, ammunition, for further attacks on the people who run the Capitol.  And like everything else, it's strange that this is just now coming out.  Security has been saying the whole time that they wanted the National Guard involved, and Congress has certainly investigated this.  I'm saying this will go nowhere, prove me wrong.

Animal Rights Activists Vandalize Creepy King Charles Painting Into a Wallace and Gromit Cartoon!
June 11, 2024

□ [“Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow Fearmongers About Trump Sending Her to Immigrant Camps"]

This just keeps happening, people famous enough that even I've heard of them, even if I have no clue what they do, but they need to go on tv and recite the most simplistic rhetoric imaginable about how Trump is a tyrant and anything possible must be done to stop him.

Don't they realize they're just making themselves look worse by doing this?  There's no way they can convince anybody who isn't already a mindless servant and even some fellow leftists can see this is a bad idea.  This is definitely a cult mentality, trying to keep everyone in line which just drives more and more people away, because that's what cults do.

I'm starting to think that the goal of whatever resistance movement there is - and I do believe there is one, even if we don't see it - is to push leftists to the point where they have no way to successfully steal the election.  It's not just faking the vote count, they'll be able to do that, but there's no way that real people are going to put up with it any longer.

And it's not just America, it's the entire world seeing this.  Anywhere people yearn for freedom.  Every country and region will have their own individual way of seeing and responding to this, but the leftist tyranny is basically the same everywhere.  And that's why the biggest danger is that our rulers will just go for global destruction when they realize there's no better option.  Rachel Maddow will be right there to promote that too.

Clinton-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Florida’s Ban on Sex Changes for Children
June 11, 2024

□ [“Biden Puts Conservatives on Notice:  'If They Wanna Think to Take on Government if We Get Out of Line, Guess What?  They Need F-15s!  They Don’t Need a Rifle!'"]

Whoever wrote this speech has no idea what he's talking about.  The men with F-15s know they need men with guns.  So do the men who maintain those F-15s, providing fuel and other supplies, as does the command structure they all fall under.  So that's just not going to work.

Second of all, the men with F-15s all have friends and family who also have rifles.  You'd have to be very stupid to think that they're going to side with Joe Biden, and he's not going to be defended by an F-15.  Why do the people filling his teleprompters ever think this is a good thing to say, much less making him say this over and over?

Third of all, in an earlier iteration of this bullshit, Biden cited the "tree of liberty" and how it needs F-15s.  Guess what, the tree of liberty existed before F-15s were ever invented.  You wouldn't have F-15s without it, and deluding yourself otherwise doesn't change those facts.

At this point, many more men with guns are willing to prove that than you'll ever find for an F-15.  Even liberals can't massacre that many people, although they probably intend to try.

Nevada Creates Online Voting System for Tribal Lands
June 11, 2024

□ [“Biden Regime Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Batallion"]

Just speculation, but Ukraine and Muslims both sided with the Germans in World War 2, so I've been wondering if, at some level, that's underlying one side of the new war.  We can see that liberals unquestioningly support these people, just as their predecessors did with Germany in the 30s, and Italy in the 20s.  Of course they supported Russia too back then.

I don't think it's a major line of cult worship, but I have to wonder if there's some part of it that has remained unbroken in all that time.  And, quite probably, preceded these revolutionary new political movements around the world.  It's this sort of cultism that I wonder if it's passed through the first World War, the French Revolution, the Renaissance, possibly going back all the way to ancient Egypt.

But however possible it is that this has lasted through all of history, unbroken, isn't it just as likely that unconnected people in different regions came up with the same basic insanity?  Maybe at some point they learned of predecessors, but it's about as believable as doing all your research on Wikipedia today.  Still, I can't stop wondering if this is what really happened, which would explain a lot.

Six Suspected Terrorists With ISIS Ties Arrested in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia
June 11, 2024

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