25 June, 2024

I have altered the Star Wars franchise. Pray I do not alter it any further.

China’s Change 6 Probe Returns to Earth With the First Rock and Soil Samples From Moon’s Far Side
June 25, 2024

Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes; DOJ Says Prosecution is Legally Risky
June 24, 2024

□ [“Hillary Clinton:  Expectations For Trump So Low That If He 'Doesn’t Literally Light Himself on Fire…. Some will Say He Was Downright Presidential'"]

Does anyone else get the impression that whoever's in charge is writing these scripts about Biden and then at the last minute, change the name to "Trump"?  Then they give this to whoever will put this out in the news report.  Or in this case, someone wrote this for the New York Times and put Hillary's name on it.  Does anyone think she has time to sit around and write something for a newspaper that few people pay money to read?  In this economy, most of us don't.

“He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather.”  Is this really about Biden or is she just describing how to win over non-white voters?  She could also be showing that she's not remotely intelligent enough to comprehend what Trump is actually saying.  That would actually explain a lot about leftists.

But given that it's the New York Times and someone put Hillary's name on this, I do assume it's about sending a message to the elites.  There would be code words for those 'in the know' so the rest of us wouldn't get the message, but that's the only point I can think of doing this.  And does anybody notice that Bill Clinton doesn't do anything?  When was the last time the public actually heard him speaking, at least in anything relevant?

Kremlin Summons US Ambassador Over American ATACMS Used in Crimea Beach Attack
June 25, 2024

□ [“Obama Reportedly Anxious About the Election and ‘Increasingly Involved’ in Biden’s Campaign"]

That's believable.  The guy who's officially supposed to be in charge is busy trying to learn this new skill called 'standing up,' so someone else is needed to make actual decisions.  Obama has said he would like to the puppet master behind the Oval Office and it's quite likely that this is what he's been doing for the last three years.

There would have to be barriers in place to limit or reduce such control.  It's probably common for every POTUS, including Trump, so there must be ways to keep them in place, probably more about preventing outsiders to get access.  Bribes, assassins, whores, those are the sort of people that need to be kept out.  Just give them to the First Lady.

You could make the argument that Obama wanted to do this with Hillary, or that Bill (and Hillary?) did this with Obama.  There's also the way spouses seem to be getting more and more relevant, as the unelected sidekick of the person supposedly in charge.  Of course there's also all the unnamed officials in the building and executive branch, most of whom were probably in the Obama administration or could endorse new people for Trump and Biden.

But that gets closer to everyone having to admit that the orders all come from Obama, which means he gets the blame for everything.  Can't have it both ways, even among leftists.  We saw that with Biden insisting he had no authority to control gas prices as they went up but demands credit when they go down.

Pro-Hamas Protesters Assault Jews Outside LA Synagogue — LAPD Ordered Not to Intervene
June 24, 2024

Biden's Surgeon General Declares That Gun Violence is a "Public Health Crisis"
June 25, 2024

□ [“Kenyan Parliament Erupts in Flames, 8 Shot Dead by Police in Protests Against $2.7 Billion Tax Hike"]

Not sure what other problems Kenya is having, but the collapse is starting to spread.  This is an obvious reason, people don't want more taxes but government does.  There needs to be a fight over this and, unfortunately, most of the authority goes with the government, who's fine reducing the population.  Kenya is officially a republic, no clue if that's for real, but not sure that really matters anymore.

Apparently Obama's half-sister was there.  From what little I've seen, she supported the protests.  So is she following her brother's orders and if so, why does he oppose tax hikes?  Or is this one of those things where Muslims can oppose feminism and Ukraine can demand borders and black-on-black violence is fine, it's just wrong when American's do that?

But our rulers should see this as a signal of what is going to happen to them at some point.  All around the world, people are getting ready to stand up against the tyrants.  This is usually the point where the people who got power by promising to destroy the system realize that the system is the only thing keeping them there.

Hooters Abruptly Closes 40 Locations, Citing Rampant Inflation
June 25, 2024

It does look like the attention has left whatever the latest Star Wars show is up to.  I don't track ratings and am not sure how they're measured on streaming, nor am I sure they could be trusted even if I did follow them closely.  That said, what I've heard is that the new show's ratings are dropping badly.

That's $22 million per episode and it's a small fraction of what previous releases had gotten, even those that were considered failures.  The third episode was known to be ridiculous in advance, so it got the most views because watching a train wreck can be very entertaining.  Then the viewers left and all that's left is youtubers who need to put out a certain amount of commentary videos.

In theory, a few people might give the next show a chance - there should be one debuting in a few months - but nothing is expected from it, or anything else from Disney.  I haven't noticed that there's little talk about what's being done with Marvel.  Pixar does have a hit out in theaters right now, so that is something, but it needs to be a gigantic hit to even begin paying for the rest of the company's losses.

But they're going to stick with this.  The first step to solving a problem is admitting that there is a problem, but the people running Disney are the problem.  Just look at how degraded their franchises have become in a few short years.  But no liberal who hates capitalism complains that they're being paid too much, no matter how many employees get fired.

It’s Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity
June 25, 2024

□ [“CNN Contacts Social Media Companies to Censor Conservative Media During Presidential Debate"]

Which shows their support for tyranny.  In a free society, everyone would be encouraged to put out whatever they wanted, no matter how offensive.  But that's not the way our rulers operate, or tell their pet media to operate.

I would assume their reason is that reporting what actually happens *might* inspire some insurrection, which itself shows how far away from reality they are.  Maybe this time millions of people would show up with armed weapons, if we're lucky.  But my first thought is that it *might* tell people how much CNN supports censorship.  Oh wait, they're fine with that and anyway, would say it *might* *not.*

CNN says it's about controlling their property, i.e. only they are permitted to show visuals.  They don't own Trump, they don't own Biden [insert joke here] so everybody else should have complete freedom to air it however they want.  Nobody is going to turn on the channel to see the CNN studio it will take place in.

This is really showing how unimportant the POTUS is to our media.  Otherwise they would be expecting everyone to see what is said and done by two competitors.  But that would require integrity and this is CNN.

Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon ‘Manta Ray’ Discovered on Google Maps
June 25, 2024

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