15 June, 2024

I have not seen a little silhouetto of a man, but I could if I wanted to.

While Chicago Schools Fail Students, Teachers Union Demands Climate Action Contract
June 15, 2024

□ [“Squad Member Fires Back at Hillary Clinton After She Endorsed His Opponent"]

It's Jamaal Bowman, the guy who committed a felony by pulling a fire alarm to interrupt Congress, but he's a black Democrat so it's legal.  He used to conduct monthly fire alarms in the school he was in charge of, so he admits to having no clue what a fire alarm looks like.  Because equality.

But he's being challenged and Hillary Clinton supports his rival.  This is indicative of how things are falling apart, just that he publicly attacks Hillary.  It's not even about being more leftists, it's that they don't support destroying Israel as much as he does, and that's all it takes.  Men can attack women over that.

□ [“Donny Deutsch and James Carville in Total Panic About Biden Losing Black Voters, Hispanics, Men"]

But real men are stepping away from this.  You get psychopaths like Bowman and women-with-a-penis, everybody else wants nothing to do with that.  Even if they did, the rulers are causing too many problems to make that possible.  I don't know how many real women want real men, but those that do would also go with that, especially with Democrats continuing this feminist delusion.

British-Montengrin Soccer Star Dies Suddenly Aged 26 – Collapsed In His Apartment
June 15, 2024

□ [“MSM Tries Positive Spin on Ukraine’s Old Soldiers and the Social Chaos of Forced Mobilization"]

So the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is now in their early 40s.  That's not the age you should be sending into battle, but it's all they have left.  Generation Z (or whatever it's called) sees nothing worth fighting for, so that only leaves older men.  Ukraine is just the most obvious place, but this is happening everywhere else.

As a way to celebrate Father's Day, here's the first real look at what it's like to get rid of men, even as we can watch new Star Wars propaganda promoting this.  You don't have civilization without men, and you destroy it by doing this.  The people in charge consider men expendable.

Even women, some women anyway, can see problems here.  These 40+ men aren't remotely capable of regaining any territory from Russia and ancient leftists around the world just want more.  They're too busy supporting the trans movement to do anything to protect women and the more children they have, the fewer they want anyone else to have.  Girls, find a real man and support him if you want to get through this, because nothing else will work.

NYPD Offers $10,000 Reward for Hispanic Male ‘Animal’ Who Raped 13-Year-Old Girl at Park in Daylight
June 15, 2024

□ [“President Trump Speaks To Thousands In Detroit at Massive Convention"]

Isn't Detroit a mostly-black town?  Why oh why would Trump keep going to talk to *those* people?  And why does he keep going to states that always vote Democrat?  [I'm being sarcastic, I'm not going to check if Michigan is 100% Democrat, but you get the point.]  It's almost like he sees problems that all America is having and is going everywhere to say he's trying to help.

So how will the left manage to maintain the media?  They need to look up to their masters, but there's also the need to specify which region they're pushing propaganda at.  Seems like an easy way to mix up what they're supposed to say about Trump in which city or state.  This is a problem with collectivism, they can't adjust for the individual.  Whatever you think of him, Trump is Trump, no more, no less.

I don't know helpful it'll really be, but I do hope Trump keeps doing this and hitting as many cities and states as possible.  At least those who are paying attention can make connections and get back-up supplies before it's too late.  And felons in Detroit may never see Trump again, so better hurry.

Texas Democrat Commissioner Nominee Arrested for Staging Racist Attacks on Himself to Frame Republican Opponent
June 15, 2024

Don't know if it's totally true, but there's a new report that the latest Star Wars product has only about 1/4 of the viewers of the previous product last year.  If that's true, at some point Disney will have to start asking when the expected "new audience" will tune in to watch this.  They can't keep spending $180 million for each increasing failure.

Ok, the people in charge think they can do that, but this will just drive away the audience they used to have and there is no replacement.  I haven't thought much of The Simpsons in many years, but it's happened a few times recently, now I'm thinking about the ending of the episode where Lisa tries to change the Malibu Stacy doll.  One girl buys it but she won't pay for the millions of dollars of production.  That's what Disney is down to now, along with funding the Vietcong.

I can't drop the theory that they really expected this to fail to give them more excuse to spend millions of dollars crying about oppression, but on the face of it, this is just a disastrous failure.  They have destroyed one of the biggest franchises in history, if not the biggest.  The One True Trilogy is still there, but the rest of this is going to be studied for many years about how it's possible to make things so bad so quickly.

How hard would be to make a few clips, live or animated, to parody this?  I'd think it would be easy to just throw some jokes together, it might be a bit harder to make an overall story but all the material is right there.  Just the top-of-my-head idea seems more creative than anything Disney is capable of, and cheaper too.

Oakland, California Reparations Committee Wants $5 Million Tax Dollars, Just to Come Up With a Plan
June 14, 2024

Pope Francis Meets With Pro-Abortion Comedians and Says Their Jokes ‘Make God Smile’
June 15, 2024

□ [“Louisiana District Attorneys Submit Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials"]

This is specifically about the damage our rulers called using the virus as an excuse.  It includes terrorism – by causing intentional killing or infliction of serious bodily injury, first and second degree murder, manslaughter, human trafficking, prohibited racketeering acts, cruelty to persons with infirmities, false imprisonment, second degree kidnapping, battery and simple battery of persons with infirmities.

Those are some big charges.  But our rulers agree this can happen, by going after Trump.  A lot of other districts, cities, counties, etc. will be doing this against our elites, who will have no choice but to accept that because they did the same thing to Trump.  How long will it take to find a corrupt judge and jury to convict them?  Other than Louisiana.

And it's not going to be limited to the fake virus and the poison vaccine.  Liberals have spent decades building the federal government over everything else and then threw that out because it was the only way to get Trump.  So their own weapons can be used against them.  The rulers have to impose even more tyranny to save themselves, which will only increase the resistance.

Illegal Alien Skipped Immigration Hearing Before Stabbing California Man to Death
June 15, 2024

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