05 June, 2024

If you can read this, boy did you screw up. What the f*** were you thinking?

It's always the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.20240604

Montana Transgender Arrested in Fatal Shooting of Neighbor
June 5, 2024

□ [“Biden Lands in Paris 9am Local, Immediately Calls a Lid for the Rest of the Day"]

Which is probably how he behaved back when Normandy actually happened.  But maybe not, he must have been pushing two years old by then, and they're probably more energetic than he is now.  And all the other attendees will be told how Beau Biden heroically died at Normandy, fighting the cannibals.  I still don't get why there aren't any movies about that.

It seems the Wall Street Journal has published a report of Biden's mental decline from the foothills of his youth.  They even cite members of congress from both uniparties.  I'm just looking at second hand reports so I won't check to see if they're all named, but they're generally agreeing that he's been getting worse over the last three years.  Good days and bad days, which is standard for senility.

The implication is that they're using this as an excuse against Trump, who's only a few years younger.  Which is true and frankly, I agree with that.  I'm not against Trump specifically, just the ancient people in general, but Trump is one of them.  You can argue that some old people can be left around and Trump can be one of them, but at this point, age is enough to prove who shouldn't be in charge.

Then there's the people covering it up.  Somehow Biden is amazing when nobody else is around, it's only when the public can see it that he babbles and shits his pants.  It's a valid question if they're doing this for their own interests or if they're just brainwashed enough to do what they're told, but that would be the case even if Biden had a working brain.

House Democrats Refuse to Sanction ICC for Targeting Israeli Leader – 155 Democrats Side with Jew-Hating States
June 5, 2024

□ [“WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’"]

Because they haven't been aggressive enough already.  Because they're totally prepared for the response to aggression.  They really think they just give orders and we all rush to obey.  That's not going to end well for them.

Even the friendly propaganda media is starting to admit there are problems with what they've been pushing.  Some are acknowledging the increase of deaths from "suddenly" among the vaccinated.  Fauci's testimony to congress was finally released and makes him look tyrannical.  It's even being admitted that Fauci and China created the virus, which was a "conspiracy theory" just a couple years ago.

Of course there won't be any punishment.  Fauci clearly lied to Congress about not funding the virus, but lying to Congress isn't a crime for him.  He now says he didn't want to mandate the poison vaccine.  This is cult behavior, he can say whatever he wants even if contradicts what he said before, his followers see it as orders and attack anyone who doesn't obey quickly enough.

They'll see nothing wrong with video comparing Fauci's statements only a couple years apart, such as social distance, such as the vaccine stopping the virus.  He tells congress now that they didn't know it didn't work that well, despite what he said in 2021.  That's why true vaccines are tested for many years to see how well they work before injecting them into human beings.  At least humans you want to keep alive.

But it's also why tyrants want to ruin people's lives to make it easier to control them, which is what the virus tyrants did.  And the WHO is following that example against the same people who refused to obey Fauci.

Oregon Police Officer Claims Public Indecency in Front of Children Isn’t a Crime
June 5, 2024

Still focusing on the recent Star Wars atrocity.  Reports of the two released episodes make it sound extremely bad, created by people who have no ability to create.  So of course they're gay and that's the priority.  Benefiting the corporate IP is a distant second or third place.  It's like they give no thought to creating and raising children, it's all about taking them from others.

From what I've heard, my guess is the force makes everybody gay or at least decides what genders people have.  The jedi are patriarchal and the sith are the actual heroes for defying them.  From what I've heard, it all sounds like a standard demon-worshiping cult, and I mean the producers and their employees.  It might be in the show itself, but they probably aren't capable of making that clear.

As part of Disney, they're trying to push this belief through every media outlet, which probably explains what they want to do with Marvel.  It's also safe to assume they've been trying to merge with other studios for this, the 'multiverse.'  They can be whatever they want in whatever universe they self-identify as being part of.

And as everything else, it fails by breaking away from the source material.  They've managed to build the Star Wars franchise to a certain point.  This may have been part of it from the start, the young Hollywood elitists who helped George Lucas make the original movie, and certainly has been there afterwards.  It's been tearing itself apart for a long time, but somehow managed to keep expanding in the process.  But now the destruction has become prominent.

All day, I've had this line going through my head, 'you're all clear, kid, now let's blow this thing and go home.'  Not sure we'll be going home afterwards, but it's time to take them all down.

Enormous Mass Illegal Crossing of Military-Age Men in San Diego; Post For Selfies at Border Wall
June 5, 2024

Don't have an article to cite, but former Green Beret Ivan Raiklin has just made a valid public statement, a list of names of people involved in spying on Trump, the virus/vaccines, Hillary and Hunter Biden's documents, the 2016 and 2020 elections.  These are people who should be brought to justice no matter what.  Here's their names and contact info.

Obviously this is only a start, but it's also a signal that the war has become more blatant.  The rulers have already started saying that they're going to take Trump out, one way or another.  He can go like Jeffrey Epstein or like the Nordstream pipeline.  Which lines up with Russia pointing out that if the US and NATO sending in troops, weapons, etc. to attack Russia, they will be responded to the same way.  This is all part of the same war.

Much of it is irrelevant to us, all we can do is suffer from the results of someone doing something.  We're now just waiting for the spark to light something off.  But at least Raiklin is putting out information of how the enemy is organized.  Not sure how relevant it will be, since they're all replaceable by other members of the uniparty and/or 'new world order,'but it's a start.  We need to make the Nuremburg trials look like a summer camp.

Black Ohio Woman with Rap Sheet Fatally Stabs 3-Year-Old Boy, Injures Mother in Grocery Store Parking Lot
June 5, 2024

□ [“Washington Post Executive Editor Steps Down – CEO Tells Staff ‘People Are Not Reading Your Stuff’"]

Most media are facing these problems, no one wants them.  The down side is that the public doesn't really know who they can trust (except me.)  But the media must be wondering how much of their audience is real, how much only view them because there are no other options, and how many are spambots?  Posting on websites would be a convenient way to test A.I.

Then there's the problem of the audience just leaving.  It's not that they necessarily dislike you, it's that they have no interest in adding more leftist propaganda to their lives, and that's all our elite media provides.  It's also what they pay their employees to produce.  It's been close to a decade since one of Obama's advisers made the point that the media is made by a bunch of mid-20 year olds who know nothing.  That hasn't changed.

Because I'm paranoid, I assume they'll all be replaced by A.I., at least in some places.  Maybe they already have.  But I don't think our rulers realize that once society collapses, people aren't going to be checking their favorite websites, or even tv channels.  That would require electricity which many people will be lacking, so this will leave even the competent news producers out in the cold.

And that's something none of us remember anymore.  Even the oldest living people knew about newspapers and radio stations, even if they didn't have television access.  The rest of us have spent the last couple decades on social media and have been warped accordingly.  It will be very difficult to transition to a life where we have little-to-no idea what's going outside our own immediate neighborhood.

WHO Warns of New Bird Flu Strain Jumping to Humans After 59-Year-Old Man's Death in Mexico
June 5, 2024

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