20 June, 2024

Tell me you're on the internet without telling me you're on the internet.

A co. lite 20240619

Houston Police Arrest Two Venezuelan Illegal Aliens Over Abduction, Rape, and Murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray
June 20, 2024

Donald Sutherland, M*A*S*H actor, father of Kiefer Sutherland, age 88
June 20, 2024

□ [“Richest UK Family, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking"]

Well, they're billionaires so we're at a point where we could just assume trafficking is part of it.  They're also from India, which helps a lot.  Supposedly it's just about their household servants, treated as traditional Indian lower caste, but do you really think they wouldn't spread that around the world?  They moved to London in 1979, which doesn't suggest anything specific, but it's a convenient date for England deciding to get rid of the English.

Even more to the point, they didn't become English just because they lived there.  Money didn't change things, they kept their Indian roots.  And they got away with it for all this time.  They'll probably continue to get away with it, even the Muslim neighborhoods would agree with this policy.  Sucks to be English.

This is why nations have borders, to keep others out.  The people are the nation, other people aren't supposed to be there with them.  America is probably the best example of it working and it's the exception that proves the rule.  Notice that all the invaders and their leftist allies want to destroy America and never question that contradiction.

Ancient Rome is the only other major example I can think of where it generally worked.  Otherwise you could just cite the Middle East or someplace that has been endlessly invaded and conquered for thousands of years.  And most of them haven't gotten very far beyond the tribal level.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Shaves Her Head After Reporter Trolls Her For Having ‘Trump Hair’
June 20, 2024

□ [“FBI Agents Raid Home of Democrat Mayor of Oakland"]

This sort of thing does seem, potentially, a positive move.  It's an example of why I think there's some sort of resistance movement going on at the highest levels, and as untrustworthy as they are, that does include the FBI.  They have been arresting people here and there, for reasons we don't know but *seem* like they could be significant.

This mayor is a female, Sheng Thao, her parents were immigrants from Laos after the their part in the Vietnam War.  So you can't say they're Chinese, but how big of a difference is there, really?  Probably a big difference, certainly among *those* people, but from the rest of us who aren't from East Asia, it's not clear how big that difference would be.  So there's enough to be suspicious.

It's like Dianne Feinstein's Chinese servant spies, I assume people like this are put in place to receive orders from the higher-ups.  Oakland hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1977, two years after Sheng's parents arrived, so there's been a lot of time to dig in.  I really do think some movement is going on to dig these people out.

Hordes of Military-Age Men March Like Soldiers Into California in Midnight Invasion
June 20, 2024

□ [“Senior Disney VP Details Discriminatory Hiring Practices and 'Code Words' to Avoid Legal Action"]

“There’s no way we’re hiring a white male," says the high-ranking white male who wouldn't be there if his own rules were followed.  [He does admit to not getting some promotions because of his skin color.]  You can expect this from Disney, but it's safe to assume you can expect this from every other company of any size.  And frankly, we should expect that from every company until they prove otherwise.  They've lost all trust.

The "code words" will need to be looked into, although they'll probably change regularly.  It's like when you have specific words or special handshakes to find out if the other guy is into gay porn.  Or, uh, so I hear, there are ways to, you know, learn that sort of thing.  Not that I've ever, you know, ever tried it myself or anything.  Um.  Hey, you see that chick with the big bazingas?  She's hot!

But anyway, going for how the "code words" are used would put up a resistance, so white businesses can do the same thing.  We can already use the 'equal treatment' rhetoric, that's why they needed to change it to "equity."  Give them a result they can never live up to.

Five Illegals Arrested in Kidnapping of 14-Year-Old Girl From Her Indiana Home
June 20, 2024

□ [“‘Our Children’s Well-Being Is at Stake’: Surgeon General’s Call for Social Media Warning Labels"]

Another move towards censorship.  They're not *your* children but *you're* the one demanding power over social media.  And like all warning labels, it's a way of influencing people.  They're not going to need any laws passed for this, they can just do whatever they want.

And of course children's well-being isn't actually determined by social media, but that doesn't stop the demand for more power.  They're not trying to hide it, or even being intelligent about it.  Are they expecting the war or economic collapse to just make this happen or are they sitting around living out their fantasies?

This is the reason that government must be kept as small as possible.  It can't be eliminated, as nice as that would be, because otherwise it's always going to grow until we can overthrow it.  It may take decades, but that is what it does.  Why do we even have a "surgeon general"?  They are actual military members, at least officially.  No military should ever have to produce something like that, it shows what kind of political propaganda is required to reach that high rank.

DA Bragg Drops Charges on Nearly All the Columbia Rioters Arrested
June 20, 2024

□ [“The Ukraine Peace Summit Ends With Agreement on What a Final Peace Will Look Like"]

Right, they agreed to actually make a plan at some point.  So this was just a big expensive meeting that accomplished nothing, but made rich people feel good about themselves.  Since Russia wasn't even invited, nothing could be done anyway.  The enemy gets vote, but these people don't accept that.

Well, to be fair, others had reason for voting against this.  Some members were in BRICS or at least allied, and they thought Russia should actually be invited.  South Africa voted against it because Israel was in attendance, so that's the priority.

And of course the article insists that Russia's giving one last chance for peace has somehow unified Ukraine, because the last two years didn't do that, even for the few who survived.  And none of these people ever ask if they're getting anything wrong.  But they all believe in dozens of genders and the poison-vaccine, so why would they change now?

I'm being a bit sarcastic, Ukraine doesn't believe in dozens of genders and as of early 2022, had a lower percentage of covid-vaccinated than Russia.  Their limits on abortion are more than leftists want but less than Muslim countries want, so it's a strange mix of 'why do we prefer this side over the other?'  Could have made some fun discussions at this peace summit, but they might have gotten into arguments.

State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is Real — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals
June 20, 2024

Pentagon Scheming to Force-Feed Troops “Experimental’” Lab-Grown Meat to Reduce Carbon Emissions
June 20, 2024

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