16 June, 2024

The only way to save the world will require the hottest babes in bikinis but I think we can do that.

New Hampshire Teacher Fired After Taking Student to Get an Abortion Behind Parents’ Backs
June 16, 2024

□ [“Detroit Pastor Thanks Trump for Coming, Saying Obama and Biden ‘Never Came to the Hood’"]

They don't want to and they don't have to.  You'll just do what you're told.  A previous Democrat mayor just endorsed Trump too.  He's black, so he was sent to jail in Obama's term but Trump got him out.  Obama even endorsed the mayor but why would he help a black man?

Haven't checked, but leftist commenters have been saying a lot of white people showed up.  Not sure if they're just trying to keep people out based on their skin color.  But the blacks who do attend the rally probably don't want to be seen by Democrats.  Is there any precedent in history for Republicans helping blacks get out of the plantation?

I have yet to see any Democrat defending the right of blacks to attend a Trump rally, and obviously they're not going to defend their right to vote for Trump.  There is a small bit of recognition that black men aren't happy, but they can easily be ignored because, well, they're men.  Black women will stay right where they are, no matter what.

But Democrats might need to start checking in on blacks, asking if any of them are considering a vote for Trump.  Anyone who says 'yes' will need to be punished, to send a message to the rest of them.  Make sure they're all very loud about how much they support Biden who has made all their lives better.  And listen in on what they say when they don't know a Democrat official is listening.

Over 12,000 Acres Near Los Angeles is on Fire — More Than 1,200 People Evacuated So Far
June 16, 2024

□ [“CNN Releases New Rules for Upcoming Trump-Biden Debate on June 27 in Atlanta"]

I don't really support Trump going along with this, but he's gone into enemy territory before, so of course he's fine with it.  Biden has to stand up for 90 minutes and speak without a teleprompter.  Either the people in charge have some other way to feed him lines, or they're just planning to drug him so much that there will be clips to use in ads regardless of how stupid his comments are.

Of course they could use a body double, but I have the same objection that as always.  If they had someone who could convincingly impersonate Biden, why wouldn't they have just started using him years ago.  By waiting so long, now it'll just be suspicious if he doesn't sound senile.

□ [“Biden Freezes At California Fundraiser, Obama Grabs His Arm and Leads Him Off Stage"]

He only lasted 40 minutes at last night's meeting with rich people and the one clip I've seen show that he was sitting down.  It was a short clip and although his voice was better than I'd expected, it was still quite weak.  Biden was never a great speaker but he used to be able to present himself as one, as a successful politician should.

They should make an ad using clips of his most notable quotes from previous decades and compare them to more recent statements just to show off the deterioration.  Bonus points if they have video of him totally supporting things he opposes now or vice versa.  Nobody's going to ask him what's changed but people will notice that he can't explain it, almost like he's just saying whatever he's told to say, as a successful politician should.

As to the debate, I assume it won't really mean anything on its own.  It's just an attempt by the people in charge to make their puppet look good against Trump to distract people from the upcoming stolen elections.  At this point, I don't think they'd try to replace Biden unless he's gone permanently and there's no way that could work.  Well, not without major election theft, but you get my point.

Former US Ally Niger is Negotiating Sale of 300 Tons of Yellowcake Uranium with Iran
June 16, 2024

□ [“House Intel Committee Chair Says US is at ‘Highest Level of a Possible Terrorist Threat’"]

We'd be in better shape if we hadn't given all that money to terrorist-supporting states like Iran and laundries like Ukraine.  Probably shouldn't have given weapons, equipment and other info either.  Then again, if we secured our borders, that alone would reduce the risk of danger.  Yet the people in charge refused to do all of that, so this is the result.

We always cite some upcoming big date as what they'll use to attack and so far, we've always been wrong, but this time, I'll point out that we're only a few weeks away from the 4th of July.  I know the enemy is obsessed with choosing the proper date, but I don't think that's any big issue.  Any available date could serve as a proper excuse, and it's not like they can't just make up whatever reasons they want.

There's the invasion, bioweapons and the response from whoever we're at war with currently.  They can also hit us economically and probably a few other ways I'm not remembering off-hand.  Even worse, this could be just a pretend-threat to get people scared.  It works for our masters either way.

Illegal Alien from El Salvador Charged with Raping and Murdering Mother-of-Five in Maryland
June 15, 2024

Two Venezuelan Migrants Carjack Off-Duty NYPD Officer at Gunpoint
June 16, 2024

□ [“Diners Across the Country Are Writing ‘Vote Trump, No Taxes On Tips!’ on Server Checks"]

It doesn't affect me, although I certainly support 'no taxes.'  Personally, I oppose the notion of people having to earn a living on tips, but it's not like I would ever prevent that even if I wanted to.  What I really like is that Trump is just putting out a goal like this, something obvious and it will matter to many others.  I just wish he'd do more of it, but this is a a start.

Best of all, it's easy and obvious.  Democrats everywhere could be immediately announcing that they'll lower taxes on waiters and others who work of tips.  Those are poor people and there's a lot of them, Democrats in charge could be doing something to help them.  Or they can just be Democrats.  Oh.  Right.

Everybody's taxes should be as low as possible, so this isn't really a big deal, but at least it's something.  I certainly agree that everybody's taxes should be 0 but that's a losing battle no matter what, so we should look in how to minimize it.

Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder
June 16, 2024

I'm sure I've heard the quote many times before, but recently some people have posted “The issue is never the issue.  The issue is always the revolution.”  I can't find a source for the quote, some member of Students for a Democratic Society, but it does strike me as a good summary of how leftism works.

I think it's more an effect than a cause, but it shows why they're so unwilling to actually accomplish things in real life.  It also suggests why they turn against each other.  The former requires focus on the issue itself, which they're always willing to give it up and run off to revolt.  The latter illustrates the difference between individuals, in that revolutionaries don't even have to listen to each other, because that's not the revolution, so disagreements and conflicts are reached very soon.

It might even help explain why few leftists come from the lower classes, because those people have to get jobs with actual results if they want to earn a living.  This has become less relevant in the last century thanks to technology, but it's really only people with enough free time to focus on the revolution without having to actually do anything.

It's not just about having enough money and physical comfort to have time to think.  Many rich people aren't leftists.  I'm still trying to figure out the source of leftist mentality.  There is lots of evidence to the contrary, but I don't think it's just a matter of passing down the same falsehoods generation-to-generation, such as we see in public schools today, because even some students there can resist.  I really think the origins come from some aspect of the mind or personality.

At Least Six People Injured in Shooting During Juneteenth Festival in Texas
June 16, 2024

British TV Host Issues Groveling Apology After ‘Misgendering’ Actress Who Identifies as ‘They/Them’
June 16, 2024

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