03 June, 2024

These are not the spambots you're looking for.

Dallas Cowboys Legend and Super Bowl Champion Larry Allen ‘Dies Suddenly’ at 52
June 3, 2024

□ [“Huge Crowd Greets President Trump As He Returns Late Last Night to Mar-a-Lago"]

I refuse to believe this is real until there's a lot of proof, but anecdotally, there is a massive increase of support for Trump right now, and that's just from the people who are willing to admit it publicly.  We should worry about the people who don't support him and keep that quiet, but at least for the moment, they get to show their pleasure at government persecution and how they can use against everyone else.

Polls, reports, donations to his campaign have all gone up immensely in the last few days.  It's even suggested that a lot of Democrats are realizing that they aren't on the side of freedom and there's only one way to go if they really believe in that.  Still no evidence, just talk, but it is believable.  I think this is part of the plan Trump was following, which has possibly been underway since 2016.

He has called for the Supreme Court to get involved in this, but I'm not sure that will work.  I do assume there are plans involving the Supremes, but I just wouldn't trust them.  They can make decisions I totally support and those I totally oppose, so it's really not clear what they're doing.  A few days ago, they had a unanimous decision in favor of the NRA's 1st amendment rights, a leftist justice wrote the opinion.  Ok, that's nice, but what else are they going to do?

My copy of Atlas Shrugged isn't handy, but at least the impression I get from this reminds me of Hank Rearden going on trial.  He's tells the rulers what they're doing and they can't even admit it.  I think Trump has said he's a fan of the book, but I have no idea if that's true or not.  But whether he is or not, that's the example he's setting with this.

North Korea’s ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jon Un Halts the ‘Excrement Balloon War’ Against South Korea
June 3, 2024

□ [“Zelensky Rails Against China for Skipping Switzerland Peace Summit, Calls It ‘A Tool for Russia’"]

Someone is getting angry, if that's what you call it when he bullies people who didn't even show up.  He's trying to throw this big party for reach people and some of them can't be bothered to attend.  Russia wasn't even invited, China's not bothering to show up, neither is Joe Biden.

I was going to say being nicer to people might make them more willing to be around you, but apparently the Biden cult is sending Kamala Harris, so it's obviously not that serious.  Well that's a given, can't have a peace summit without one side, so this is obviously a worthless meeting.  Nobody around him is willing to point out how stupid this is, but he might bully them too.

Maybe they can just agree to launch more missiles against Russia.  They're doing that anyway and it's not like they want to stop.  That's what a peace summit is for, so that's the real game.  China and Russia are probably busy telling the WHO what to do since their big deal failed last week.  They have the real plans, the people going to this peace summit are just taking orders.

Activision’s ‘Call of Duty’ Video Game Has Transgender Bullets, Rainbow Themed Assault Weapons For Pride Month
June 3, 2024

□ [“Chicago Watchdog Groups Says City is Unprepared for Protestors Ahead of DNC"]

So why not prepare?  There's still months before the convention, and you've already had months to get ready.  You're doing this for people who rule, and you can't even keep them safe?  That's not a good sign.  How many votes are you going to convince with that?

And the protestors are on your side, remember?  You've always supported them and vice versa.  Remember a few years ago when the Chicago riots got the police cut down?  Aren't you proud of that accomplishment?  Or did you just want other people to suffer but stay away from that yourself?  Ok, probably the latter, but the protestors agree with that too.  So here you go.

Or you could just give up on the convention.  There's this brand-new invention called the internet that lets people communicate.  It might be tough to have orgies and demons-sacrifices that way, but we're assured that this is just for political interaction, so why waste time and money on the convention?  Well, Democrats have to follow their history, they can't just ignore that, much as they pretend otherwise.

Biden Quietly Grants Mass Amnesty to 350,000 "Asylum Seekers" Who Do Not Qualify for Asylum
June 3, 2024

□ [“Masked Protestors Hold ‘Kill Hostages Now’ and ‘They’re Not Coming Home’ Messages at Solemn NYC Israel Day Parade"]

We know.  They've been presumed to be dead for months.  Maybe we'll be lucky and some will still be alive, but don't plan on that.  But it's a really bad idea to openly admit that you want them dead.  You're just announcing that you and everyone on your side actively supports murder.  Or terrorism or war, whatever the actual definition is.

□ [“Maxine Waters Calls Trump Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'"]

Which lines up with this senile black woman calling half the country "terrorists."  She also blames them for starting Civil War 2.0.  The rulers are ready to erase as many people as they can because we're all bad.  They're the ones who get to decide everything and they just keep increasing their demands.  They have no clue that more and more people want them to stop and are getting ready to make that permanent.

□ [“White House Spox John Kirby Says World Leaders Appreciate How Biden 'Revitalized Our Alliances and Partnerships and Our Networks Around the World'"]

The peace summit that doesn't even invite one side to discuss it.  The use of missiles against Russia.  China's moving into Taiwan.  Venezuela moving into Guyana.  Riots all around the world.  This guy is just going for blatant lies like every totalitarian, bragging about how they deny reality.

These people are all united against Israel, against Trump, always seizing power and supporting transgenders and the poison-vaccine.  None of them dissent on any of these issues.  Uniform denial of reality is the priority, anyone who disagrees is the enemy.  They expect the whole world to obey and will be very surprised when we don't.

Two NYPD Officers Shot By 19-Year-Old Illegal Alien From Venezuela Living at Taxpayer-Funded Luxury Hotel!
June 3, 2024

□ [“UN, WHO, and WEF Declared Terrorist Organizations By a Florida County Assembly"]
□ [“California Sheriff ‘Changing Teams,’ Going All-In for Trump"]

The wheels are coming off.  Our masters won't do anything to help us, nor will their subordinates, so people at the lower levels see nothing to lose by turning against them.  Obviously this is happening at local levels and there will be many more of them starting in the near future.

I'll assume that leftist cities will try something, they'll send you to jail for using the wrong pronoun or something, but that's where the real chaos will happen.  Leftists didn't get to be in charge by being surrounded by sane, rational people.  They're only useful to build big cities, not to run them.  So they will fall apart very quickly.

There will be internal conflict within these cities and counties, and the rulers will attempt to use their state and national forces to suppress everyone.  We don't know how many service members will go along with this, so that will be even more chaos.  Time has run out.

Idaho Bar Celebrates 'Heterosexual Awesomeness Month,’ Gifting Free Beers to Straight People
June 3, 2024

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