29 June, 2024

Ray, when someone asks if you want to get rid of Biden, you say yes!

Haitian on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ Indicted For Raping Disabled Massachusetts Child, Freed on $500 Bail
June 29, 2024

□ [“Bill Clinton Defends Joe Biden After Horrendous Debate"]

The elite must be seriously worried.  They need to speak out immediately, describing how much honesty it took to claim no troops had died under Biden's watch and how the Border Patrol had endorsed him and they finally beat medicare.  Well, it was just a tweet, there's no proof Bill Clinton was even aware of it, much less gave the orders for someone to tweet this message.

But it shows how worried they are that they need to speak out immediately in unison.  The servants need to receive orders and fast, or they might see other problems.  This does confirm my suspicion that they're going to keep Biden, no matter what.  Otherwise they'd be holding back a little bit on these public statements.

The more they keep doing this, the more nervous they'll make their own crowd of supporters, not to mention everybody else in the world.  Not that long ago, Vladimir Putin showed he could give long, deep thoughts on a variety of subjects.  You really think Biden can win a war against that guy?  Or stop China from moving into Taiwan?  Or punish his soldiers for not using all the proper pronouns?

But no, they'll just double down on rhetoric about Trump lying, without ever citing what lies they're talking about.  They're just repeating what they've been told to say and have no clue how others see that.  Those who admit there's a problem may have been unquestioning believers or they may have been hiding the truth all this time, but at least that's a start to fixing a problem.  But how many will actually do that?  In public?

DOD Fact-Checks Biden’s Denial of Military Killed Under His Watch: “We Have Certainly Had Service Members Pass During This Administration”
June 29, 2024

□ [“Democrat Bigwigs Discuss 'Intervention' Led By Obama to Remove Biden from Ticket"]

I still think they'll stick with him, but they need to at least discuss the possibility.  They've obviously know for years what kind of shape Biden is in, yet they continue to lie about it.  They must have enough experience to know the problems that causes their subordinates and they need a plan.

Apparently a lot of White House employees didn't show up to work the day after.  They were too "traumatized."  If true, that's a very negative look for them, so it's probably true for a lot of them. But others might be looking for new jobs, or even deciding that it's time to put out more info before it's too late.  It's suddenly reported that Biden is really only functional between 10am and 4pm, so the debate was really at the wrong time for him.

Probably not related, but this reminds me of the night of the Benghazi attack, when Hillary Clinton had decided to go home and not answer her phone calls.  That's the kind of situation Joe Biden is in every evening.  No wonder Hillary supports him.

Anyway, there's also more info starting to come out.  Some of the media has to admit that they've known all about this, if they want to keep their integrity.  Others are just pretending they didn't blame the public just last week for believing fake videos of Biden acting like this.  Or they blame him for having a "cold" or not getting a live audience.  If the elites don't address this soon, it will get worse for them.

Then there's an interesting note, that three states - which voted for Biden in 2020 - have laws that he cannot be removed from the ballot even if he gets replaced.  Only death or the 25th Amendment can permit changes now, otherwise a vote for Biden in those states will be thrown away if he's not the candidate.

Martin Mull, actor, age 80June 27, 2024

Watergate Journo Bob Woodward Belatedly Sounds the Alarm — Debate Was a 'Political Hydrogen Bomb'
June 29, 2024

The new Star Wars product keeps losing viewers.  The first few episodes were out of morbid curiosity.  Then the audience dropped, and they're probably not going to come back, at least under Disney.  Safe to assume there won't be a second season, although that hasn't been confirmed.  The destruction of a franchise can still be entertaining even when you spend no money on it.

Marvel is having similar problems.  The Falcon movie is reportedly still doing reshoots, which they've already spent a long time doing, and its budget is supposedly getting close to $400 million, not counting marketing.  At least the real Falcon can be entertaining, but  a team-up with Buckie who died in WWII, how could anybody spend this much for it?

Disney must be doing this deliberately but the why is a complete mystery.  Destroying everything all the way down in such a wasteful way.  Chasing out someone who tried to bring rational thought to the board of directors.  Saying they don't have an agenda when one would be required to use the DEI propaganda they insist on.  How can they think this will work?

Democrats in Full Blown Panic — DNC Holds Emergency Meeting as Biden Campaigns in New Jersey
June 29, 2024

□ [“Clinton Official Paul Begala:  First Dem Politician Calling for Biden to Step Down Will ‘End Their Career’"]

"They may be right in the eyes of a lot of Democrats, but if you‘re the first one through the door, you‘re gonna get shot and I think they all know that.”

Democrats are allowed to say they'll shoot people and everyone knows it's just an analogy.  It's still a threat, ordering everyone to stay in line and obey like good little slaves.  The highest ranking Democrats are discussing this problem but they'll let everyone else know what the decision is.  That's how democracy works, so shut up.  Or else.

The party's internal conflicts are going to get real big, real quickly.  The obvious solution would be to dump Biden, but because they've kept this so hidden for so long, they have no believable way to pick a replacement.  Harris isn't an option for obvious reasons, so they'd need to throw away every rule and tradition of Democracy, while pretending to save it.

Media figures will pick sides, which will make them plenty of enemies.  Businesses will realize very quickly that they need to stay out of it entirely, and it's a good thing for them that the Supreme Court suddenly dropped unelected bureaucrats pretending to write laws.  Democrats may be going even faster towards what they always accused Trump of doing, and this doesn't even get into what this means for WWIII or the "new world order."

Biden Feels ‘Humiliated, Devoid of Confidence’, Will Have Family Discussion on ‘Future of His Re-Election Campaign’ Sunday at Camp David
June 29, 2024

□ [“Biden Campaign Memo Claims Debate 'Did Nothing to Change the American People’s Perception'"]

The denial is strong in this one.  It's an obvious tactic, but they don't offer any proof of investigating the American people's perceptions.  Or how they measured it.  Sensible people could see multiple options, but that's now you get to be in charge of Democrats.

There are people who see the problems and want Biden gone.  There are people who see the problems but believe Biden can fix them.  There are people who still don't see the problems.  There are people who don't care about the problems, they have their own priorities, and Biden may or may not fit into those.  Those are just obvious differences and doesn't count people who have real jobs and don't have a lot of time to think about this stuff, or people who just don't like Biden anyway.

Within each category, different people will have different motivations and abilities, so they'll be going in different directions no matter what.  This is why leftism fails, because they assume they can define everybody in basic terms that never come close to reality.

The Democratic Party is starting its own civil war and there's no way to know how that will work out.  But it's also an example of why I assume our rulers have made a plan, because they need as much time as possible to take care of this.  That's why there's only two debates, one as early and one as late as possible, along with the convention.  They know Biden won't be there much longer.

Biden Supporters Erupt in Loud “Lock Him Up!” Chants at North Carolina Rally, Grinning Biden Declares “There’s a Time for That”
June 29, 2024

And just like that, Biden was gone.20240629

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