09 June, 2024

Those who haven't drank Rococo Coffee are doomed to purchase more. Wait, what?

Populist AfD Politician Stabbed in Mannheim, Germany Confronting Antifa Goon Ripping Up His Posters
June 9, 2024

A week or two ago, one of the actors on the new Star Wars perversion talked about how awesome the movies were, like when Anakin blows up the Death Star.  As far as I know, he hasn't yet been forced to explain what the hell he was talking about, which only leaves him showing off ignorance in the franchise he's promoting.  Usually you're expected to know something about what you're talking about if you're getting paid to talk, but this is Disney, so never mind.

But as always, it's fun to think of other options.  I am ignorant of most aspects outside the One True Trilogy so this isn't about being serious, but how exactly did Han Solo change his mind to return to the Death Star at the exact moment the attack was taking place?  The Death Star was in full defense mode, only confirmed tie fighters would have a chance of not getting shot down and the rebels already know everybody but them is the enemy, so Han would have to be insane to even think this was a good idea, at least without connecting with them in advance.

It's also been pointed out that he's doing a 90 degree drop straight downward, the one time any pilot in this franchise did that.  Never mind that this would have been a much better way to hit the exhaust vent to the reactor core, could Anakin be mentally guiding him to change direction as a defeat against his master, the Emperor?  Han doesn't even aim at Vader's tie fighter, the one leading the attack on Luke at that moment, he shoots someone else, the second tie fighter crashes and Vader goes out into space, totally alive to go for the sith apprentice he just discovered.

Then there's the question of how the rebels got the plans of the Death Star in the first place.  I've never seen the Disney propaganda movie Rogue One, but I assume it's all lies, trying to cover up how Vader's daughter received the plans and fed them to Vader's R2 droid to send to Vader's former teacher who lives on Vader's home planet.  But this doesn't explain how Anakin blew up the Death Star.  If only there was some connection between these events...

And because it's Disney, we have to assume the possibility that they just want to erase history and make up something else as a replacement.  It's their IP and they aren't trying to stop anyone from self-identifying that Anakin blew up the Death Star.  Might as well say Beau Biden did that and just didn't get away from the explosion in time.  That's why he didn't get a medal.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Caught Charging U.S. Taxpayers For Illegal Alien Healthcare
June 9, 2024

□ [“The Latest Dance Craze: 'Do the Biden!'"]

Not really a dance craze, just middle-aged women bending down and looking confused for a few seconds.  But they are making a clear reference to a recent event that the whole world got to see, all focused on the senile old man who some people think is in charge.  The guy who just decided all of a sudden to twerk like She-Hulk but isn't very good at it.

Trump's slogan is one piece of evidence that there was a long-range plan.  Remember how much better life was four years ago?  We want that back.  No wars, better economy, the *woke* not declaring themselves the rulers of everything, the illegal immigrants, all of that.  In 2016 to 2020, many of us could see the value of making America great again, but now a lot of others can see it too.

If I'm right about that, the effect is becoming very noticeable.  Our country has been torn down by these people for a long time and we can all see that.  It's not just that someone woke up one morning to do this.  It's becoming more and more obvious that this was always their goal but the rest of us want our country back from these monsters.

□ [“Biden Says Being in France Makes Him Think of Beau and His Cannibal-Eaten Uncle Bosie"]

The scary part is that Biden himself probably isn't doing that much to destroy our nation.  He would if he could, but he's barely capable of speaking and walking.  It's the ones who installed him as fake POTUS who are doing all the work, along with their subordinates.  This is why we need the MAGA movement, but it should be much bigger, much more unified and not just centered around Trump.

NYC Illegal Migrants Deliberately Jumping in Front of Cars to Extort Money from Terrified Drivers
June 9, 2024

Los Angeles Luxury Tower Being Built on Skid Row to House Homeless – Will Have a Gym, Cafe, Art Studio
June 8, 2024

□ [“Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) Blames Biden’s Declining Support Among Blacks on ‘Faulty Polling’"]

So what's changed about polling that all of a sudden they have no clue how to get the right numbers?  Somehow they're suddenly saying what you don't want to hear.  Is it possible that blacks aren't telling pollsters what they really think?  Or maybe that's what they've done in the past but now they're being honest.

Either way, something's changed and this guy doesn't seem to have any idea what it might be.  He literally says he sees nothing else except faulty polling.  It's never a good sign when the elites never ask what they're doing wrong or what they're missing.  This guy has the chance to think about that and it's all someone else's fault, in this case the polls.  The few lower class people he happens to meet tell him what he wants to hear, so that's all he needs to know.

There's been any number of recent articles on various black celebrities promoting Trump.  Never heard of them so I don't know how true or relevant that is.  At least for the sportsters, I might have heard of some of the teams they're on, indicating that they're probably popular somewhere.

But I'm not really concerned about who they are, so long as they're not immigrants.  It's the quantity I'm most concerned about, and the willingness to say they're not willing to put up with this sh*t any more, just like every other American should be doing at this point.

Biden Confuses Ukraine and Iraq: “The Idea We Had to Wait All Those Months to Get the Money For Iraq”
June 9, 2024

□ [“US Troops Begin Forced Withdrawal From Niger After Failing Negotiation With Ruling Regime"]

I don't know if Niger has actually joined BRICS but they're obviously on the same side, another non-white country opposing the US, so Russia will get what we leave behind at our expensive bases.  Someone is going to need to handle the uranium mines and child miners [minor miners?] without us.  We had taken over from the French who'd been doing that since the 1950s.

And just think, the US said we'd moved into Niger to fight al-Qaida and ISIS, although there's no record of us doing that there.  It's like the people making this decision in 2014 didn't want anybody to know what was really going on.  As with Afghanistan, our rulers want to show the world what it's really like when they're in charge and the US is gone.

□ [“Zelensky on Claims That He’s Illegitimate After Mandate Ended in May:  ‘Our People Are Free’"]

We've been seeing that with Ukraine this whole time.  Ukrainians are so free that they don't even need elections.  They don't need free press either, or religion, and they'll be drafted if they're the right gender.  That's how leftists define "freedom" and it's why they complain about others not being free.  Except Ukraine, so keep giving them money.

I cannot figure out how it works, unless our rulers are all on BRICS' side, but this is somehow supposed to support globalism.  Russia, China and Iran must be running the 'new world order,' specifically the WHO and the UN, and know how to get leftists to obey without hesitation.

Columbia University Closes Investigation Into Harassment of Jewish Students Without Identifying a Single Suspect
June 7, 2024

San Bernadino Sherriff’s Arrest Over 50 People Involved in Violent Street Takeover In California
June 9, 2024

□ [“Biden Claims He’s Known Vladimir Putin for 40 Years – Even When He was Young KGB Agent"]

It's probably just a senile liar being his natural state, but it's fun to think about the conspiracy theories.  Putin had been on the KGB for seven years by 1984 and although he worked mostly in East Germany, he must have been doing well enough to keep being promoted.  What sticks out to me is that by 1984, Gorbachev had been on the Central Committee for almost as long, even acting as General Secretary at times when his old, senile leaders weren't able to do it.

Both Gorbachev and Putin (and probably others) have said that they opposed at least some of the things Russia was doing at the time, although they obviously had to hide that.  At least before he took over, Gorbachev did make a point of visiting other countries, so it's not hard to think East Germany was one of them, at least as a stop-off, and it's quite possible that he and Putin would have met, even if they weren't close.

Biden wouldn't be in the same category, but it's entirely believable that he would deal with East Germany at some point, or with the Russians in charge of it.  I highly doubt he'd ever remember meeting Putin at the time, just another lower-rank Russian, but it's possible that they did encounter each other, and Putin would remember that.  So a decade or three later, the two could meet again and Putin can mention their first meeting.

Like I said, I'm sure this never happened, but as a fun exercise, it might explain a lot.  It's pretty clear that Biden has always been installed by the ruling class, and they supported Russia's rulers anyway, so there might be reasons to put them together.  It's not that different from Hillary Clinton saying Donald Trump should run for POTUS, which she really did say.  But for the elites, Biden has been more reliable than Trump.

The real people in charge know their pawns and how they were put into position.  Putin would know how to get Biden to obey orders, which they've used for the last few years.  And like Hillary, they can tell their puppets to go out and complain against Russia, keeping their subjects entranced while BRICS moves across the world.

□ [“NFL Kaпsas City Chiefs decliпes iпvolvemeпt iп Pride Moпth festivities, citiпg them as overly 'woke'"]

Good move.  More people need to do things like this, and I'm glad to hear that popular athletes are leading the way.  They're just refusing to take part in that any more.  There's no real way to know what percentage of the population is really sick of this, or how resistant they are, but as a rough estimate, it's a large majority.

There's our rulers and their subordinates, there's the young people who have been brainwashed, there's the leftists who just don't know any better, and maybe some others who see profit in being *woke* and that's about it.  Of course they can control businesses, media, government, so there's a lot of influence, but the numbers aren't there to support it.  That said, just to be on the safe side, I'll assume it's at least a large minority and they hold most/all of the crucial positions.

There's an increasing number of anecdotes of people who fly the American flag putting it upside down, to indicate a nation in distress.  There are probably other reasons for it, but I'm guessing this year's "pride month" was the last straw.  These trans people aren't going to stop, just as we saw with gays and women.  They'll always make up another excuse to seize more power and silence anyone who disagrees.

As far as the NFL goes, I think this really started with Colin Kaepernick disrespecting the national anthem.  There's a lot of other things to point to, but for me, that was where being *woke* became the priority for everything the left does.  He hasn't done anything else with his life and still deludes himself into thinking he can restart his NFL career, but he played his role and can be ignored after that.  I don't know what the current position is for players regarding the Star Spangled Banner, but I think very soon, they will be in serious trouble if they follow Kaepernick's example, if they aren't already.

Atlanta Prosecutor Jailed For Stealing $15 Million of Covid Funds to Buy Rolls Royce and 10-Carat Diamond Ring
June 9, 2024

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