10 June, 2024

This stuff's made in New York City! Get a rope.

Mob of Looters Ransack AutoZone Store in Lawless California
June 10, 2024

□ [“AOC Says Trump Will ‘Round Up’ His Political Enemies, Throw Her In Jail If He Wins"]

Is there any amusing alternative to the 'I'm already voting for him, you don't have to keep selling ' meme?  Because we're probably all tired of thinking this every time one of the leftist elites says things like this, which a lot of them have been doing recently.

They only speak to pet media, so they never have to explain why Trump didn't do that last time he won.  They don't want to think about that, and nobody is permitted to ask any questions.  Because Trump's the tyrant.

Something about this is making the rulers look increasingly desperate.  Just the fact that they're going out with all this simplistic rhetoric now instead of trying to build it in a more sensible manner.  I'm not sure if it's the loss of Ukraine or the petro dollar or Disney's failure, but it looks like they've lost some part of the conflict which most of us aren't even aware of.

Might as well complain that all the visitors to Epstein Island will be thrown in jail if Trump wins.  Because, well, they aren't even being named, much less facing any legal problems for what they were involved in.

Celebrity Chef "I Will Not Open Another Business in California Until They Actually Fix Things”
June 10, 2024

□ [“Regime Change in France and Germany"]

Just my opinion, but European elections are stolen as lot more than in the US, and all parties are part of the uniparty.  So I don't know how relevant any of this is, but this is what's making the elites look desperate.  Macron just lost elections to the EU, so he's dissolved the National Assembly so there will be new elections at the end of June.  Germany is weak too, and its right-wing groups have been winning elections there too.

It could be the economy, the illegal immigrants, the pressure to get into Ukraine or just the overall *woke* leaders and the atmosphere they've created for all these decades.  The people in charge need to make sure they stay in power before things get worse, most notably in Ukraine.  Russia's still winning, regardless of what NATO members think.  And France expects to host the Olympics this summer.

As civilized people understand, Europe is where it all started.  You can make arguments for the Middle East but it really flowered with Greece and Rome, and then the rest of the continent.  The US was born from that.  It's very depressing to think of how overwhelmed Europe has become, but they have faced difficult times before, so there's at least a chance.

It's our rulers who are the problem.  You can blame Russia, China and the rest of BRICS, but it's another example from George Orwell, this time from the end of Animal Farm, where the rulers of each side are negotiating and there's no difference between them.

New Unelected Haiti Prime Minister Garry Conille Spent Night in the Hospital After ‘Mystery Illness’
June 10, 2024

□ [“Russia Opens New Front in Ukraine’s Northern Sumy Oblast"]

Is there any point where the Ukraine supporters will explain how it's possible for a military that spent the last two years being defeated can keep opening new fronts?  The war can't be stopped without these people asking what they had gotten wrong on this time, and there's no sign of that happening.  Ignoring the war doesn't help.  Well, it doesn't help anybody but Russia, yet that's what Ukraine supporters are doing.

This is why it seems to be some other aspect of the war which most of us can't see.  It's not just that brainwashed leftists are singing "All we are saying is give war a chance" it's the way they ignored all the other wars until Israel came along and insist on getting more and more involved.  Despite that, they refuse to actually do anything, like enlist and go fight.  Ukraine could have surrendered a year and a half ago and everybody would be better off now.

□ [“Lindsey Graham Just Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on the True Motive Behind Ukraine Aid"]

"They’re sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine.  They could be the richest country in all of Europe.  I don’t want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China.  If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China.  This is a very big deal how Ukraine ends.  Let’s help them win a war we can’t afford to lose.”

Seriously?  I'm deliberately not even trying to check if Ukraine actually has any critical minerals.  Either way, it's not our business and only a rich globalist would think it has anything to do with us.  Russia and Ukraine have had these problems for centuries, nothing to do with critical minerals.  You're wasting everybody's time, money and lives on this???

Yes, of course they are.  Probably has friends and family members as board members of the companies that are supposed to be handling the mining.  Isn't that why Hunter Biden was there?  If it's true and Ukraine actually has these minerals, that's monstrous.  If he's lying and it's just an excuse to spread the war...

Canadian Cancer Society Apologizes for Using ‘Cervix’ Instead of Trans-Inclusive Term ‘Front Hole’
June 10, 2024

□ [“Hollywood Elites to Make Propaganda for Young Voters, Avoid the "Cringe" of Biden's Efforts"]

I too am a youth-vote activist and I find this whole idea so groovy to the max.  Way-cool, daddio, this is what being rad is like in 2024.  Which mansion should we meet to discuss the concepts needed to show the plebs that we are on their side and they must listen to us?

What part of Hollywood marketing has worked for the last few years?  They have no clue what normal people's lives are like, they don't even listen to their own servant, maids, plumbers, electricians, drivers.  How could they even dream of convincing the rest of the deplorables that life is so great now?

Could it be the delusion of the trans movement, which has been going on among the elites for longer than we think.  How long can you listen to a classic rock station without hearing the Kinks' "Lola" from 1970?  The Who didn't have as big a hit in 1966 with "I'm A Boy," but Who fans know the song and they were a huge band.  Andy Warhol kept these creatures around, there were other famous people in Hollywood who did the same, and most of this was before the hippy movement, much less the modern era.  [Just noting, I use "Hollywood" as a convenient term for celebrities of this ilk, even if they aren't actually in movies or tv.]

Anyway, this has obviously been going on for several decades, and they've finally been able to promote it as the priority.  Most of humanity wants nothing to do with it, but we can at least live peacefully.  Yet there is a point where that won't happen, and our elites are the ones who cross the line.  These are the ones who installed Biden and they delude themselves into thinking they can brainwash everyone else, this time it'll work!!!

New California Tax Scheme to Charge Citizens Per Mile Driven – Rate Based on Car’s Fuel Efficiency
June 10, 2024

□ [“Reality Check for ‘Queers for Palestine’ Delivered Directly From Palestinian Leaders"]

This won't go anywhere on its own.  This is just a link to another website with videos of various philistines and their thoughts on those who only have sex with their own gender.  And there are only two types.
website https://www.memri.org/reports/queersforpalestine-%E2%80%93-palestinian-imams-palestinians-will-not-accept-single-homosexual-land

The normal leftist response would probably be 'how do you know what they're saying?  We can't believe the captions!' as well as 'how do you know these people are leaders of the heroic freedom-loving Hamas supporters?'  There are times to ask relevant questions like that, but there are also times where it's just better, and smarter, to take it seriously for what it says it is.  Naturally leftists avoid this at all costs.

I always thought the right wing should just go in on it.  We can say exactly what leftist allies are saying and the left can't complain about that.  We can even be specific about it, 'we can't be at war with Islam, they insist that homosexuality is a death penalty offence!'

For that matter, I've always wondered why this doesn't become part of the abortion argument.  Most abortions are blacks, so leftists agree that they aren't human and have no right to live.  I would oppose the government funding that, but otherwise, if that's what they're gonna do, have at it.

Somehow the left always ignores this.  I guess they're never told by their rich leaders who are too busy talking about making taxes higher.  It also explains why they assume everybody else is this gullible, to never notice the obvious contradictions.  This does not explain why they project their hatred onto anyone who disagrees with them, but it's a unique way to think, which they uniformly share.

UN Security Council Passes US-Backed Gaza Ceasefire Proposal - Russia Abstains
June 10, 2024

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