08 June, 2024

I tried to give my ex-girlfriend the covid vaccine as a birthday present and she just gets mad at me.

Biden Mumbles Through Remarks in France, Claims He’s a “Student of French History”
June 8, 2024

1,300 Illegals Flood Into San Diego in One Day After Biden’s Executive Order – Border Patrol Releases Them
June 7, 2024

□ [“Four Russian Military Vessels, Including a Nuclear-Capable Submarine, Will Visit Havana Next Week"]

The last time this happened, Joe Biden was getting ready to turn 20 years old, although he probably wouldn't remember it.  He was too busy having showers with neighborhood blacks and killing his son Beau.  And now Biden just says whatever he's told, like when his people have announced that we're attacking Russia and NATO is having a naval exercise in the Baltic.

I'm not a big fan of JFK and have no clue how much of his reputation was real, but at the very least, he was able to face much more dangerous problems than Biden, and was able to present himself far better.  I don't see the appeal in the few video clips I've watched, but obviously he knew how to look good in the early television era.  Meanwhile, Joe Biden can only be allowed out in public under highly-controlled circumstances and craps himself at public events.

Cuba would work as a Forward Operating Base for the Russians.  We know they've already got agents in the US and probably a lot of sacrificial lambs crossing the southern border.  Even without the possibility of going nuclear, they'd be capable of doing a lot of damage, and our rulers are the ones who want that to happen.

So there's the possibility of "population reduction."  I also have to wonder how much of this is about giving the 'new world order' an excuse to seize full power now, although I cannot figure out how they'd justify it.  Of course they'd think they're entitled to it, but they'd need some actual excuse to convince people, and 'we started WWIII for you' isn't going to work.

Even JFK and Khrushchev had to know, at some level, that they were man and submitted to higher powers, whether they liked it or not.  Kennedy had grown up learning that, and Khrushchev was older when the Russian Revolution happened than Biden is now, so he must have learned from the Orthodox Church.  The Cuban Missile Crisis would have been as close as the world has gotten to armageddon, but both sides were capable of restraining themselves.  This time, only the Russians seem to be willing to restrain themselves for the greater good.

SoCal:  Thousands of Cheering Newport Beach Supporters in Streets to Catch a Glimpse of Trump
June 8, 2024

Jet Set Jill Biden Racks up Frequent Flyer Miles With Multiple Transatlantic Military Flights to Hunter Biden Trial and D-Day Observances
June 7, 2024

□ [“Trump’s Impressive Fundraising Numbers Are Starting to Concern Democrats and MSNBC"]

This is starting to make it look like the election will be impossible to steal.  I won't believe that until it actually happens and Democrats have to admit they lost - and even then, the theft might just be transferred to Trump instead of Biden - but it does look better now.

It's not just the fundraising itself, I don't care much about that.  But these are liberal communities, very rich and include Silicon Valley wealth.  That'll make it harder to use the internet to steal elections.  Not impossible, of course, China will still be part of it, but there's also a lot more people who realize the election theft, and will insist on observation in real life.

The media can provide lies, the money laundering can support the campaign, the dead people will be sure to vote, but nobody else will believe this.  Even if the rulers don't really have a 'population reduction' goal - which they do, I'm just being hypothetical here - they'll see no other option if they expect to stay alive.

Flames Erupt from Air Canada Boeing Jet During Takeoff
June 8, 2024

Biden Has Delivered Millions in Taxpayer Money to the Taliban
June 7, 2024

New Jersey Democrats Elect Dead Congressman Donald Payne Jr. in Primary
June 5, 2024

Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu
June 5, 2024

□ [“California Restaurants Have Slashed 10,000 Jobs Since Democrats Introduced $20 Minimum Wage"]

Slashed 10,000 jobs *so far*!  Don't forget that last part.  So what are the people who lost their jobs supposed to do, go to some other place that pays $20 minimum wage?  That doesn't seem likely, and it's not like they had any abilities that would get them paid more than that.  As has been pointed out for a long time, the real minimum wage is zero, and that's what California provides.

At no point do these people recognize any problems with this.  They care so much about poor workers that they're willing to take away their jobs and as the government, insist that they don't have enough power to do anything.  And none of them will actually start businesses just to show they have the experience in what they're talking about.  How many of them have ever worked in the private sector before getting into government?  Any experience at all?

□ [“Department of Transportation Unveils New Scheme to Kill Off Gas-Powered Vehicles"]

They can't build electric charges despite their own rules, but they can order companies to produce cars that get 16 more miles-per-gallon and trucks have double their fuel efficiency.  Government can completely fail at its own laws, it's everybody else who has to be punished and go out of business.  Those in power never see that they can be the problem, even if they weren't deluded to believe in global warming.

I'm sure there has been far more of examples, up to and including Fauci on the fake virus and the poison-vaccine, but as far as I'm concerned, this leftist 'trust the science' cult has always gone back to Trofim Lysenko, who starved millions of Russians with his notion of agronomy.  Whatever their current insanity is, they always promote it as much as possible, as few people have seen in the recent Star Wars installment, where apparently fire can now burn in space.  These are the sort of people who want us to obey them.

Pro-Hamas Thugs Protest in Front of White House, One Dressed Up as Spider-man While Releasing Smoke
June 8, 2024

□ [“Michael Cohen Claims Trump Will Assassinate His Political Enemies:  ‘People Will Start Flying Out Of Windows’"]

Well if they aren't vaccinated against covid, we can finally have the winter of death Biden promised and will be better off without them.  And if they are vaccinated against covid, then we don't care because everybody needs to be vaccinated.  Except blacks.

Obviously they're just trying to promote their cult to carry out the assassination.  They can't have faith in the law because then Trump would do what he did last time, which was nothing.  The fact that Cohen turned against Trump as POTUS and is still walking around free is proof of that.  And a Democratic candidate just announced that they want to put their political opponents in re-education camps, so should Trump follow her example?

They know they're already guilty and are totally willing to commit as many crimes as necessary to avoid being punished.  Never mind that this ignores the whole purpose of justice, which is one of those 'old white men' things they want to destroy anyway.

So they're trying to get the assassination going.  Not sure if they have specific targets to inspire or if they'll just go with whoever comes along.  Maybe if Hillary pays Russia some money, they'll get what they want, like they did last time.  But if you can assassinate your opponent, they can do that to you for the exact same reason.  Think of which side has all the armed men, you really want to go down that road?  We already don't trust the elections you claim to win.

American College of Pediatricians Blasts All Medical Associations Pushing Radical Gender Transition Agenda on Children
June 8, 2024

□ [“Clinton Staffer George Stephanopoulos Says it’s ‘Journalistic Malpractice’ for a Reporter to Interview Trump Live on TV"]

Any number of aging leftists have been coming out in recent days to say idiotic things like this.  They aren't even trying to be smart about it, which leads to the question of who they hope to convince.  Stephanopoulos doesn't define "journalistic malpractice" and certainly doesn't say where such interviews would be done, under his command, if not tv.

And of course he uses lies to make his point about Trump lying, like saying Trump just says "two plus two equals five."  When has Trump ever said that?  He's the one making the accusation so it's his job to prove it, not Trump's.  That's how justice works, which is what Stephanopoulos is ignoring for an excuse to censor political opponents.  Gee, why would he do that?

They're just projecting their own intentions onto Trump which, as much as I'm still ambivalent about him, I'm sure he has a plan for.  Don't know how good it is or who he can rely on to carry it out, but this is where I think he really has something.

The left needs their cult to continue and, although it's not clear why, they seem to be really worried about it at this point.  Normally you'd think they'd wait until the convention, but they're going all-in on it now.  It's like something else is going wrong for them which is still hidden from normal people.  That's why they're ignoring us and trying to get their mindless minions out in force.

As Chicago Burns, Mayor Brandon Johnson Spends $30K on Hair and Makeup in One Year
June 8, 2024

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