18 June, 2024

I said this before, I don't have to say it again.

Maybe Biden's trying to escape and they keep catching him.20240617
Ig-pay atin-lay, other-may ucker-fay, oo-day oo-yay peak-say it-a?20240618

New Zealand Rugby Star Dies Suddenly Aged 25 After Reported ‘Medical Event’
June 18, 2024

Pizza Hut Closes 15 Locations Amid Major Franchisee Dispute — 129 More at Risk of Closing
June 17, 2024

□ [“The Biden-Media Op Is On"]

Something is going on.  The government propaganda has been given instructions to deny that Biden is senile and, of all things, to insist that Trump actually is.  They're suddenly saying this all at once, so it's very deliberate.  The fact that they think anyone will believe this shows how delusional the media is, so they're probably hiding the worst.

Most likely, it's that Biden is too obviously out-of-it.  They need to push him into a debate with Trump to have any chance of him being coherent and are working out how to replace him.  This is probably why the convention is scheduled so late, to give replacement time for anybody to hear of him.  The odds of it being Hillary are slim, of Michelle being even less, and there's no chance it will be Harris, so it'll be a "him."  Gavin Newsom and Bernie Sanders are the only possibilities I can think of, and they have no chance.

I've even heard speculation that they're just waiting for Jimmy Carter to die as an excuse to get all living POTUS together, and Biden, to push him out once and for all.  Not sure if Trump will be invited and not sure he'd say yes if he was, but then, I don't know why Carter is still alive.  Hasn't he been in a hostel for over a year?

Anyway, the media's uniform claims just look strange, like they wrote the truth about Biden and then at the last minute, 'control F'd everything to change the name to Trump.  And they're going out of their way to attack all the fake videos showing Biden behaving like Biden, and I don't mean that in a good way.  Don't believe your lying eyes, believe government propaganda instead!

Putin Arrives In North Korea For First Visit In 24 Years, Vows To Fight US-led Sanctions
June 18, 2024

□ [“Democrat Insiders Reveal Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer’s Secret Plot to Replace Biden"]

Probably just speculation, no insiders are named and this info came from a female Republican member of congress.  But otherwise it's as believable as anything else.  There's no real plan, just the big four pushing Biden out and picking his replacement.  They have to be unified or it won't work, but even there, it still won't work.

If Biden has any real fans, they won't accept...  Ok, never mind, but still, the rich old white man was the closest Democrats had to a unifying leader.  Where are you going to find another one who says maybe Israel shouldn't be totally destroyed?  One who says the economy isn't as great as the government is telling us?  One who really encourages obedience to the 'new world order'?  They can steal elections, sure, but who many people will actually go along with this of their own free will?

Harris would be installed as California governor to give her an excuse not to complain.  The point is that the four big names just decide amongst themselves who the next puppet is.  This is not how a democracy works but how many Democrats actually care about that?  The combined ages of these four makes them 296 years old.

But they're going to replace the senile with someone younger and healthier who will do the exact same thing.  That's not going to work.  We're not going to go along with that.

New Jersey Democrat Kingmaker George Norcross Indicted on Racketeering Charges
June 18, 2024

□ [“NYC Citizens Tie Up and Beat the Tar Out of Illegal Alien Busted for R*ping 13-Year Old Girl"]

Was she hot?  That might sound like a tasteless question, but if the rulers want this to happen, that's just what we'll get.  Would Joe Biden want to keep his hands off her?

That's how vigilante justice works and the police are effectively gone, thanks to those who vote Democrat and brought in even more criminals than there already were.  Established street gangs can even get involved, call us for help, but other people will be doing the same thing.  They're sick of being victims and the enforcement of the law is gone.

That's what happens without the police.  There's a reason for the old saying 'government is organized violence.'  That only works when the citizens agree on common laws and who can be trusted to enforce them.  Without that, all the government can do is attack everybody, and who will they get to do that?

At their best, Democrats will just use this as an excuse to say the KKK is back, never mind that virtually everyone we heard on this video was speaking Spanish.  The people making this happen are certainly going to lie about it and accuse everyone of the same crime, or at least all white people.  There's a reason New York state just banned wearing the same masks they demanded everyone where just a few years ago.

Massachusetts 911 Services Down For Several Hours After System Crashes – Authorities Won’t Say Why
June 18, 2024

Trying to think of examples of rock stars writing a song, playing it with the band they're a member of, but it isn't used for whatever reason so they do it solo or give it to someone else.  The Beatles played George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" during the Let It Be sessions but did not include it on the album or the follow-up, Abbey Road.  The Who recorded "Empty Glass" before Pete Townshend made it the title track on his next solo album.  Sammy Hagar wrote "Amnesty is Granted" while still a member of Van Halen but I don't know if the band tried it out or if he gave it to Meat Loaf first as a writer-for-hire.

This came about from watching whatever Guns'n'Roses fans are left insist that Slash and Duff are actual members of the band, despite the fact that Axl has been the owner for 30 years and has released virtually nothing in all that time.  Meanwhile, Slash and Duff have released multiple solo albums just in the last 8 years since they've returned, and the only new G'n'R releases are updated version of tracks that have been available on bootleg for a couple decades.

I come from the comic book side of things, where the same corporate ownership policies are followed.  Even if it's just a background character in one or two panels, Marvel or DC owns it and you are forbidden to think it's a great character you want to make your own stories for.  G'n'R doesn't even jam, probably because Slash or Duff might think of new idea and throw it in, then Axl would own it and do nothing with it ever again.

A reverse example, David Gilmour started working on a new song while recording his first solo album, but didn't use it for whatever reason, so he brought it back to Pink Floyd where it became "Comfortably Numb."  Brian May was going to use "Headlong" for his upcoming solo album, but heard Freddie singing it, so he gave it to Queen.  So they had obviously heard the in-progress work.

I'm sure there are other examples, I'm just curious how these policies work for rock bands, how they distinguish between band and solo work as song-writers.  Mick Jagger's first solo album opens with a track co-credited to Keith Richards, but that doesn't mean the Stones had ever heard the song, only that Jagger filed it to the song-publisher before deciding it should go on the solo album.  John Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance" is co-credited to Paul McCartney for the same reason.

It does become a bit of a case-by-case basis.  The Beatles were still together, but were close to a break-up so there wasn't much time to use "Give Peace a Chance" and "All Things Must Pass."  Queen knew Freddie was dying so they'd have to change the policies anyway.  Sammy Hagar had the option for a solo career in his contract, so writing songs would be part of that.  That's why I'm trying to think of examples where the bands weren't close to breaking up, it was just a case of trying a member's song and deciding it didn't work, so he used it somewhere else.

Illegal Alien Deported 16 Times Charged With Killing 64-Year-Old Colorado Man
June 18, 2024

□ [“Chicago Teachers Union Head Says Conservatives Do Not Want Black Children to Read,"]

Black children have been taught by Democrats for generations, that's why they can't read.  Where are these conservatives she's talking about?  You're the ones who keep lowering the standards to prevent children from learning how to read and you just demand more of that.

As always, they blame racism for everything.  That's a basic aspect of collectivism, they never see people as individuals because that would mean pointing to their own mistakes.  They can't stay in charge if they don't keep black kids ignorant, so that's what's gotta happen.

She just keeps making up lies about people she doesn't like, normal for leftism.  She's spouting out mindless gibberish.  “Conservatives don’t even want Black children to be able to read.  Remember, these same conservatives are the conservatives who probably [PROBABLY?] would have been championing Black codes, you know, during reconstruction or thereafter.  [DEMOCRATS DID THAT AFTER THEY COULDN'T KEEP YOU AS SLAVES AND THEY STILL OWN YOU.'  So, forgive me again if conservatives pushing back on educating immigrant children.  Black children, children who live in poverty, doesn’t make my anxiety go up. That’s what they’re supposed to say.  That is literally a part of the oath that they take to be right wing.”

She has no clue what the word "literally" means and she certainly can't cite what this oath is or where it's given.  Makes you wonder what she's going to do when society collapses.  House negros didn't have much going for them after the Civil War, they thought the food just magically appeared.  She'll probably demand a raise to make sure this is the way thing stay.

Willy Mays, legendary baseball player, 93 years old, 20240618

Virgin Australia Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Landing in New Zealand After Engine Fire
June 18, 2024

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