23 June, 2024

A short, short time ago in a galaxy very close by...

Trump Vows to Shut Down Department of Education to Combat DEI, CRT, and Woke Sexual Content
June 23, 2024

□ [“Biden Wins Crucial Coin Flip"]

The winner gets to decide which podium to stand on, *or* who gets the first 'closing statement.'  Biden's team chose the podium.  WTF?  He's *supposed* to be competent whichever podium he's on, and it's a long established show-business tradition to go be the last one on stage, the one who the audience will remember.  Trump of course wanted to be the last one speaking, so he got that.

Whatever scheme the rulers have to try to get Biden through this, I hope Trump uses the completely unexpected strategy of being quiet and restrained.  I know, it won't happen, this is Trump, but wouldn't that be awesome?  He gives whatever short, specific answers he needs to, cites whatever information is relevant, then immediately falls quiet.

Give Biden the chance to do as much talking as possible.  He used to be an experienced politician so he would have known how to babble endlessly, but between his senility, all the drugs pumped into him, and whatever his masters have trained him to do for the debate, all that would go out the window.  The audience would be left with a deteriorating old blabbermouth who thinks he's in charge getting all attention while Trump stays quiet and just stands in the background.

Arizona Dad Dies After Being Pinned Under Car For Hours as Bystanders Robbed Him Instead of Helping
June 23, 2024

□ [“Brooklyn Jewish Family Assaulted at 5th Grade Graduation As Attackers Scream 'Death to Israel'"]

This is the sort of enemy we're fighting.  They are totally willing to violently attack complete strangers at a local public event because they want Israel destroyed.  And every leftist supports that, or at least will stay silent.  There's no reason to think they're worried about being attacked if they speak up, they just won't get involved.  That includes every school official at the graduation ceremony.

I'm starting to think this has been a direct line of attack since 9/11.  And before, since it's about destroying Judaism, but that's where it was really brought to American soil.  Since then, Muslims have supported leftism which is completely anti-Islam, pushing this insanity on everyone.  They have time, if it doesn't happen in their lifetime, it'll happen later.  Leftists, on the other hand, just rush to tear everything down, leaving space for Islam to triumph.

Because they line up this way, I think it shows how this was the reason God created Judaism which led to Israel and the next two religions which center around Him.  At this point, I think it's pretty clear that this is the overall point.  It's different for each nation, region, tribe, family or individual, but it all falls under God's plan.  This is the war.

Several States Now Allow Illegals to Vote in Presidential Elections With No Proof of Citizenship
June 23, 2024

□ [“Five Police Officers Dead, Priest Beheaded in Church and Synagogue Attacks in Dagestan, Russia – Officials Allege Terrorists Were Using NATO Supplied Weapons"]

*THIS* is why you don't get involved in the problems of faraway nations.  There's no good way for this to end.  Dagestan isn't right next to Ukraine but it's not too far away.  It's on the east side of the Caucasus Region, next to the Caspian Sea.  The west side of the region is on the Black Sea.  The two states are several hundred miles apart and their capital cities are over 1100 miles apart.

It's believable that NATO is weaponizing terrorists elsewhere in Russia for things like this, it's just as believable that Russia is doing it themselves and blaming NATO.  Or a third party is doing it for some reason.  Or Russia/NATO are working with third/fourth/fifth parties and this is the result.  Or anyone along the line is lying about this [up to and including me, but at least I'll admit that it's entirely my speculation.]  So who do you blame and how do you expect to get anybody to believe you?

Or does it just get ignored because there's nothing wrong with killing civilians?  Not a good move.  That's why I mean by there being no good way for this to end.  And the only reason it's an issue is because our rulers insist on war with Russia and anyone else who disagrees with them.  Anybody who wants to be in that situation should be arrested on sight.

White House’s New Associate Communications Director Compared Police to Slave Patrols, Wants to Abolish ICE
June 23, 2024

□ [“Brawl Breaks Out at New Jersey High School Ceremony — One Hospitalized, Several Injured"]

Not a brawl so much as two fights going on at the same time, not too far apart.  All of them were female.  The males were just watching, probably making sure no one else tried to get involved.  They can't read or do basic arithmetic, but they can start punching people as they go out into the world as adults.

Nobody will want to hire them, even if the economy was better.  Their parents are obviously incompetent or they would have raised better children.  No males are going to want a serious relationship with them, much less provide and protect.  That's how quickly a civilization can fade away.

The view wasn't good enough to determine their skin color, but they've spent their whole lives being taught how oppressed and entitled they are.  For young females, that's the ideal time to attack each other because they believe they can get away with it.  This is the way their teachers wanted it, and the masters above them.

I would assume home schooling has better results but even there, kids still have to live in an ocean of propaganda from the rest of the world.  As adults, we simply don't get that because we've already been through it.  Just comprehending what's changed and what's stayed the same is a guess with few specific details to point to.  These kids will crumble very quickly and beg for a savior, i.e. the government.

Parisians Poop in Seine River to Protest City Spending Over $1 Billion to Make River Swimable
June 23, 2024

□ [“Maxine Waters Fears For Her Safety If Trump Wins, Warns ‘Millions’ at Risk of Violence and Killings"]

Gee, we just went through all those millions of people dying because we weren't vaccinated against covid.  Look how serious that was.  Or maybe she's just letting people know that her highly-paid armed bodyguards will turn against her.  Obviously no one around her dares to ask why Trump didn't do that the last time he was in charge.  That would require thought, which Maxine isn't capable of.

It's this emotion-based nonsense that makes people like her look so worthless, which would be true if she wasn't officially in a position of authority.  Those in charge would know how to emotionally manipulate her and she's never questioned that for all these decades.  I wonder if this could be the real source of leftist 'projection' onto others what they desire even though they know it's wrong.

And no one asks why she wanted *other* members of Congress to be attacked in public.  Just a typical example of a mindless leftist not wanting to be treated the way they want to treat others.  And so many of them are rushing out these days to promote this rhetoric, although it's not clear who they think is stupid enough to believe them.  They know they deserve to be punished and they're trying to delay that as long as possible.

Biden Campaign Establishes “Task Force” To Counter The 100% Real “Cheap Fake” Videos
June 22, 2024

San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke
June 23, 2024

MSNBC Host Scolds Guests for Saying ‘Illegal’ Immigrants:  ‘We Don’t Use the Term’
June 23, 2024

Snopes Finally Admits Trump Didn't Praise Neo-Nazis or White Nationalists as “Very Fine People” in Charlottesville Hoax
June 23, 2024

Arkansas Governor Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax
June 22, 2024

Climate Change Protestors Disrupt Final Round of PGA’s Travelers Championship
June 23, 2024

Chinese Naval Forces Board and Seize Military Boats of Philippine Navy
June 23, 2024

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