30 June, 2024

If you can read this, that's like the most awesome wonderful thing in the whole wide world.

Antifa Street Militia Try to Shut Down German AfD Convention, 28 Police Officers Injured, One Critically
June 30, 2024

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump the Candidate with Dementia Before Having Her Own Senior Moment"]

Nancy seems really off, talking way too fast and she got the wrong word a couple times.  I also counted one video edit, showing this wasn't done live.  I am charitable about the "senior moment," because I try to be positive about these things.  Not out of respect for Nancy, just that I tend to avoid assuming something is done for the most negative reasons.  It looked to me like she was blanking on the word so she peeked at the script, which only took a second or two.  If I'm wrong about that, fine, it just makes her look worse.

But this desperation isn't going to help.  She was talking way too fast, her voice slurred like she's drunk or drugged, and how many illegal immigrants are really watching Sunday morning CNN State of the Union?  Or any other potential Biden voters?  This isn't going to convince anybody who's not already on your side, but it might encourage some to stop being on your side.

Nancy Pelosi is older than Biden for criminy sake, and he's already nearing the status of houseplant for his intellectual and decision-making abilities.  That leads to the conflict with 300 million Americans.  You can't convince all of them that a houseplant will defeat Donald Trump.  All the people who voted against the houseplant will know the election was stolen.

Ok, ignore that, a houseplant is totally capable of winning a fair election.  What decisions will that houseplant make against Russia?  Regarding the economy?  Signing laws passed by Congress?  No one who voted for Trump will comply in the slightest and everybody who voted against him will suddenly see major problems with their choice.  Anybody who can see this will already know that the people supporting Biden are the problem, and can wish they were so oppressed again as they were when food, gas, rent, etc. was so much more affordable.

Macron Crushed in French Parliamentary Elections – Marine Le Pen’s Populist National Rally in First After Round One
June 30, 2024

□ [“Hunter Encouraging His Father to Stay in Race During Emergency Camp David Family Meeting"]

Well of course, who else would be guaranteed to protect him from law enforcement?  He might die of "suddenly" like Beau, and then he wouldn't get any high-paying jobs in Russia or Ukraine.  No, Dad just has to keep working, no matter what.  How bad could it be?

I still don't think Biden will drop out voluntarily, he'll have to be pushed out.  But leaving aside the problems with that, or the difficulties in finding a replacement, there's just the issue of timing.  Obviously I was wrong when I said they'd have a final decision within a few days, because that ends tomorrow, which is a Monday.  You don't put out big news like this Monday morning.

Even worse, this week has a holiday right in the middle, the best holiday ever for patriotic Americans to see an end in sight to this tyranny.  But if they don't make an announcement tomorrow, that would be the worst of both sides to wait until Friday evening, which is when government usually releases bad news.

So how's the family meeting going?  Of course we won't be told the truth.  For some reason, infamous lesbian photographer Annie Leibowitz will be there, she who made sure to get a picture of John Lennon just a few hours before he died.  At this point, I don't think that's a coincidence, the elites have these things planned, regardless of what the official record is.  So it might be an interesting time for the Biden clan.

If there was a real media, they'd want to be filming this, so voters can see how a competent Biden speaks, instead of what they showed a few days ago.  This is a problem they created for themselves, they need to provide proof that Biden isn't as senile as we know he is, but that means he needs to be seen more often, and that's what they're trying to prevent.

Dr. Jill Escorts Feeble Joe Down Air Force One Stairs So He Doesn’t Suffer Another Embarrassing Fall
June 30, 2024

Notice that Democrats keep reciting "convicted felon" when mentioning Trump, but never cite what the felony was.  You'd think if they actually cared about justice, they'd be willing to do that much, but that's how we know they don't.  Corrupt government waiting years to go for some accusation they could hit anyone with, and the jury didn't even need to cite what they were voting for as long as it was "guilty."  Who is this supposed to convince?

They never call Hunter Biden a convicted felon, even though you can specify his crimes.  He illegally purchased a gun while lying to the deal and on the forms about his illegal drug use.  Those are actual specific crimes.  Malcom X was a convicted felon too, but liberals never complain about that.

I'm blanking on if any date for sentencing has been set, but I'm pretty sure it's in early/mid July.  At this point, what are they going to do?  This is why even totalitarian states need to keep several levels of operation, you can't just have the tyrant jailing political opponents who kicked their ass in a debate, they need someone else who can do that for them.

I can't even think of a precedent for this, clinging to this desire to jail anyone they don't like for a ridiculous reason and see no way this could go wrong.  One side realizes we're in Civil War 2.0, the other one doesn't seem to have a clue about that but they're the ones pushing it.  This is why Trump has pointed out that they're not after him, they're after us.  He's just in the way.

Chinese Border Signs Direct Illegal Crossers Where To Go In CA
June 30, 2024

□ [“Former WH Photographer Spills the Beans, Details How Aides Hide Biden's Decline From the Public"]

If the building is burning, you immediately start warning people.  That will show others what they need to do, which spreads to even more people.  Even if other people refuse to listen or respond, there's still the need to escape as soon as possible.  It starts slowly, then it all happens at once.

This could be an entertaining July Fourth with all the fireworks going off.  As always, there's no reason to think that's a coincidence.  I might be a little stereotypical, but doesn't that seem like the sort of thing Trump would do?

Given that it's virtually all I've been writing about for the last few days, I've been looking back at what I've covered regarding Biden's senility.  I knew it was obvious and anybody reading this knew it was obvious, but it's actually startling how much coverage there was even before the debate.  And now millions of people are shocked while millions of others can just shrug and say 'we warned you, you didn't listen.'

Except for the truly brainwashed, everybody else will have to wonder that if the rulers and their pet media lied about this, what else have they lied about?  And does that have any connection with the wars they're getting us into and the economy they've destroyed and the poison-vaccine that doesn't get any attention anymore?  We're going to need payback, big-time, and the Fourth of July would be a good time to start.

Native New Yorker Now Living in Israel to Jews in NY and LA:  Get Out, You're Not Safe
June 30, 2024

□ [“Big-Money Hollywood Donors Threaten to Cut Off Democrats Unless Biden is Replaced as Nominee"]

I don't pay attention to political donations.  I wouldn't do it and have no clue why anyone else would.  Nor do I get why candidates need it.  There is the point where they have to convince people to give money without sending men-with-guns to grab it all, and obviously there are tax laws covering this, I'm just not a fan of the concept and fortunately have never had to learn anything about it.

But others disagree with me, so what are they going to do about this?  There's the famous people in Hollywood but they aren't the only rich donors in the country, or the world.  They don't want to throw their money in a bonfire, no matter how fun that would be to watch.  And they'll get more attention than the peons Democrats pretend to support.

I assume they're solid leftists, so this is more of a threat than anything else, but the Party has to worry that cutting Biden off will hurt the other stolen elections at lower levels.  But then, keeping Biden on the ticket could have the same effects.

Another problem the left has to face all down the line.  Their leaders are senile, or they work for senile people, or they work for those supporters, or they pretend everything is fine no matter how bad it gets.  I really didn't think this was where the collapse started, but here it is, up close and personal.

Riots Break Out in France – Antifa Is Vandalizing Stores After Massive Right-Wing Election Victory
June 30, 2024

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