12 June, 2024

You can go shpedoinkee yourself!

Maxine Waters Says DEI is Important Because Black Prosecutors and Judges Are Going After Trump
June 12, 2024

□ [“Philadelphia Coffee Chain Employees Voted to Unionize – All Three Stores Closed Down a Week Later"]

So what's their union doing about this?  Will they be refusing to stop going to work in resistance?  Or will they at least be looking out for each other, now that they don't have jobs?  How devoted to this union are they when things change?

This is an example of why unions are a fundamentally bad idea.  They can be justified against specific employers by their workers, but beyond that, it basically becomes a cancer tearing the business apart.  A union should not be a permanent organization with its own highly-paid employees, but that's what leftism always turns into, elites who claim to oppose the rulers.

It's long been understood that the actual minimum wage is zero, yet they never learn from this.  Oh, they demand permanent incomes despite not producing anything, but that's the problem.  Someone else will do it for them and that someone else won't get paid for it.  You don't get plumbers to maintain your toilet that way, or suppliers to provide the plumber with tools, or transportation to bring the supplies, or electricity to make them work.  Then there's the work to provide that.

Capitalism gives men the greatest freedom to look for the work they want and earn as much as they can for that work.  They can trade with other men for mutual benefit.  It only works when there's peace among men, and an agreed upon form of currency.  Unions can't function without capitalism, capitalism can function without unions.  The coffee chain employees might as well learn to code.

Boston’s Logan Airport is Starting to Look Like a Refugee Camp and the Illegals Just Keep Coming
June 11, 2024

White House Press Sec Asked If Biden will Commute Hunter’s Sentence - She Refuses to Answer
June 12, 2024

□ [“Avengers 5 cast will feature more than 60 returning MCU characters"]

A few of whom will be known and liked.  Several more will be known, and the rest will fill up screen time.  That's what a modern movie is for.  This concept has certainly been developed in superhero comics for decades.  A lot of crossovers had characters just there for a few panels.

Thing is, that can work in comics.  If nothing else, because they're so much cheaper and easier to produce.  This is dwarfed by the amount of effort and negotiation by a large number of people to get a high-paid actor to play Mucous Man for a few moments on screen, and what audience wants to see that?

There are ways to tell an interesting story with so many characters, but Hollywood isn't up to that.  And that's not counting all the problems Disney and Marvel have been facing just in getting anything done, much less something the public would like.  How many tickets will be sold because you can advertise Bree Larsen standing in the background for a moment in one or two scenes?

This is just building on what's already been going wrong.  The fact that Disney keeps doing this just makes them look more and more desperate, and they seem the be the only ones who don't realize it.

Mozambique Catholics Reveal Extent of Violence and Murders By Muslims for Professing Christian Faith
June 12, 2024

□ [“Hawaii Crime is So Bad, Police Urge Beachgoers to Take Their Valuables Into The Ocean"]

So what's the point of going into the ocean if you need to carry your phone and purse?  You can't just go swimming when you're carrying a waterproof bag.  Then again, what's the point of going to the beach if your stuff is just going to be stolen?  This seems to be defeating the purpose of having a police force if the citizens can't be protected.

Furthermore, police are government institution, so they are in the forefront of what the government is doing.  So this just encourages people to turn against the government which, by the way, would include taxes.  Then there's obeying any other law, because what are they going to do, send the police after you?

Oh right, this is a long-established Democrat plantation, that's what's expected.  Only criminals have the right of way.  We're all just getting worn down, but there will be people who get tougher as a result.  They're not going to side with the rulers, the ones who made this happen.  How long do we have?

Biden Arrives in Italy Looking Dazed and Confused And Will Skip the G7 Dinner'
June 12, 2024

□ [“House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November"]

A one-termer and there's no clue if he'll have either house of Congress, never mind the unelected bureaucracy.  Yeah, that's so dangerous.  Of course he will have millions of armed supporters who want revenge, but they're already right here and nothing's being done about that.  Yet Democrats are worried.

□ [“Globalist RINO Paul Ryan Attacks Trump as ‘Unfit for Office,’ Refuses to Support Him in Election"]

The uniparty as a whole is worried.  I still think the highest elites have a plan, even if it's just maximum "population reduction," but what does Ryan think this does for anybody?  This announcement would get Trump more support than anything else, yet none of these people ever think of that.  No one anywhere will say they supported Trump until they heard Paul Ryan speak out.

But they do have some supporters, and not just dead voters.  This sort of behavior will make it easier to identify them when (God willing) we finally strike back.  There's going to be "population reduction" no matter what, but how can we limit it to their side as much as possible?  No idea how this will work, but we'll also need a sequel to the Nuremburg Trials.  Top-of-my-head notion, the judges, lawyers and juries in that would also need to be on trial, to make sure none of them were part of this.

Ice Arrests Illegal Guatemalan “Got Away” – Charged with Rape of Child in Massachusetts
June 12, 2024

□ [“Kevin Spacey Describes His Africa Trip With Clinton, Maxwell, and ‘Young Girls’ Aboard the ‘Lolita Express’"]

Something about this seems fake.  Seven years after suddenly announcing he was gay and leaving public view, this rich pervert suddenly comes out and talks about how innocent he is, despite all the pervs he hung out with in public.  Who is this supposed to appeal to?

It would be more believable if he actually wanted to do something about the child sex traffickers he spent so much time with.  But then, he could have done that seven years ago when all the young boys he molested started speaking up.  That would be the time to prove his innocence, if there actually was any.

Instead, he just says he didn't know anything, it's a total surprise to him how perverse his associates were.  The ones in charge didn't need to be around him, he was left with the lower levels.  He would still be able to help identify them and help law enforcement get proof of their sex trafficking around the world.  If, that is, he actually wanted to do something to stop it.  Assuming any law enforcement was willing to do anything about Epstein and all his supporters.

But then, he also insists he didn't spend any time around these people, because he thought Bill Clinton was in danger for spending time around these people that Spacey didn't spend any time around.  Sure looks like a contradiction, especially for someone who claims to care so much about Clinton.  I don't know why he'd be promoting these lies now, but whining about his economic problems, he was probably paid to say what he's ordered to.

Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Blocked from Olympics After Losing Legal Challenge
June 12, 2024

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