02 June, 2024

My girlfriend keeps telling me how decent and trustworthy I am. How come my wife never says that?

Maldives Sides With Terrorists:  Bans Israelis From Entering Country Over War in Gaza
June 2, 2024

□ [“Trump Reveals that He is Prepared to Go to Jail"]

He says he won't be treated specially but that's just rhetoric.  He'll be treated specially no matter what happens.  There's a big chance of him being treated like Jeffrey Epstein and if they don't, the Secret Service will need to protect him from that.  This is why Democrats are so eager to get rid of the Secret Service.

One thing I liked about Trump's comments was telling his lawyer "you don't beg for anything."  He does love to negotiate and this is what he's been building towards.  Fake court finds him guilty of something that isn't a crime, puts him in jail for it and denies all protection, the left wants that.  They have no clue what a martyr is.

I'm still of the opinion that whatever Trump's going through shouldn't be our focus.  He has whatever plans he has.  I really don't like the idea of people gathering outside the jailhouse, although there would obviously be some benefits to doing that.  It's one thing if he gives orders to do that, but otherwise it looks like a cult.

I assume a lot of people are looking up historical precedents like "crossing the Rubicon."  I really wish it would have started earlier, but not enough people saw the problems or were willing to do anything about it.  This gives our masters more time to prepare for the inevitable conflict and they already have nukes and bioweapons.  As we can see, they will also jail anybody they want and forbid protection or self-defense.

Deaf Transgender LGBTQ Activist Charged with Murdering His Husband With a Samurai Sword
June 2, 2024

UFC 302 Erupts with Patriotic Fury:  Crowd Cheers ‘F—k Joe Biden’ and ‘We Want Trump’
June 1, 2024

□ [“Former Obama Adviser David Axelrod Says Idea of Replacing Biden on Ticket is a ‘Fantasy’"]

So he could drop dead tomorrow and the election might as well be cancelled because you're not capable of getting any candidate at all, much less one who could run against Trump.  Everybody else can be replaced, but the old weak senile white guy cannot.

It's possible that this is part of the agenda, to insist that nothing like this can happen and then the Democrat Party does a complete 180 next week or next month.  I don't believe this is what they're doing, but only because I can't fathom why anybody would do such a thing, yet here they are.  I think it's more likely that he's just making noise to fill up a tv-appearance.  Anything he says has only coincidental similarities to reality.

So the leftists complaining about Biden just have to shut up and obey.  Or they can stay home, it's not like their vote matters.  So can the Muslims attacking what Biden says about Israel.  So can the blacks who don't like being less important than illegal immigrant.  So can anyone who misses how cheap things were back when Trump was in charge.

So really, he's just showing that they have no reason to worry about fair elections anymore.  This is happening on the Bill Maher show, so it's official leftist media putting out propaganda to the followers.  Maybe this is because they're worried, maybe it's just calming down the people who aren't elites so they have to deal with reality at least once in a while.

Obama Comes Out to Announce Biden’s Palestinian-Israel Policy – Everyone Knows Who Calls the Shots
June 2, 2024

□ [“Pro-Hamas Agitators Block Philly Pride Parade While Confronting Angry LGBTQ Marchers"]

The video's not that good so it's not clear how big a deal this was.  It probably wasn't a huge problem or there would be more publicity, at least from sites that point out how leftists will always turn on each other.  They're all wearing gay outfits, so it's tough to determine who's on which side, but this shows the idiocy of both sides.

It's been almost 23 years since most people saw a reason to start learning how the Muslim world works, yet in all that time, the left has never bothered to ask how the ever-increasing transgender movement can co-exist with Islam.  [I'm just using "transgender" for the whole LGB movement, since it's obviously getting all the promotion.]  At this point, only willful ignorance can explain that, which is why they vote Democrat.

For that matter, it might soon be used as conclusive proof that the trans movement is fundamentally wrong.  I am not one of those people who goes for 9/11 conspiracy theories, so I think that there were long-range plans made after the attacks, one of which is making leftism show how horrible it is.  At this point, you can see why the Muslim world treats them the way it does, and they agree with Muslims.

Pentagon “Mistakenly” Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Month in a PTSD Awareness Social Media Post
June 2, 2024

□ [“AG Merrick Garland Classifies Audio Recordings of Biden’s Interview as 'Top Secret'"]

So anybody can take it home with them.  Biden sure did that, as did Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton and probably a lot more.  So was he just babbling and giving out secrets for free, like he did with his autobiography shadow-writer?  Well no, he probably just sounded really stupid and senile, so Democrats don't want anyone to hear that.

This sort of thing is why I think there needs to be a massive reduction of what's classified.  Everything has to be totally justified on why it should be kept secret or just plain started over from scratch.  And there should definitely be a time limit.  I don't recall if there's a specific law requiring the JFK assassination files to be made public, but it keeps being hidden even though most people who were alive back then are dead or very old.

And at this point, there's no reason to trust the rulers, they might just falsify everything before it gets released anyway.  They've probably already given everything to the Chinese spies they have on payroll.  There's certainly no media going to ask our rulers why this needs to be hidden.  The secrets need to come out.

93-Year-Old Rupert Murdoch Gets Married… For The Fifth Time!
June 2, 2024

Biden Campaign Spokesman: Donald Trump is a Threat Joe Biden Will End “Once and For All”
June 2, 2024

□ [“Fauci Admits Covid Guidelines Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science"]

He doesn't even know where the assumptions came from, people having to stay 6 feet was a rule that just magically appeared somewhere, so he obeyed.  Forcing children to wear masks is just some mysterious concept that he doesn't know where it came from or if it's actually based on anything.  He just wanted this on kids' faces and he's in charge, so that's all he needs.

This is from his testification to Congress last January.  This is also the guy who funded the bioweapon at Wuhan, China and had already lied about it to Congress.  He also declared "I am the science."  It's quite possible that Donald Trump's biggest crime was letting this guy say anything.  The goal was to panic everyone who would fall for this hoax and in hindsight, it was to promote the WHO to rule the world.

There must be a reckoning.  Not just against Fauci, but everyone who went along with this even though they knew better.  The Nuremburg trials are due for a sequel.  Not sure how to determine which people promoted this lie because they wanted to abuse everyone else and how many just went along for the sake of peace, but we'll need to work that out.

Naturally this will line up with all the other mind-breaking tyranny our rulers impose, global warming, transgenders and the rest.  For me, it's not a big deal which one comes first because it will be connected to all the rest, probably falling under 'demon worship' by the people who actually made the decisions, but as always, I advocate that those of us who freedom should start working on this.  And be ready to use force to take them down.

They said those who didn't take the poison-vaccine should just die, let's put them to that standard and make sure it happens for real this time.

Oxford University:  Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After Covid Vaccination, Not Infection
June 2, 2024

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