06 June, 2024

How do only half your wits get scared? Shouldn't all your wits be scared?

Kansas City Chiefs Cancel Team Activities After BJ Thompson Suffers Seizure and Cardiac Arrest, age 25
June 6, 2024

□ [“Biden Awkwardly Hunches Over at D-Day Celebrations… 'Is He Downloading in His Diaper?'"]

Yes, that's what he's doing to everybody for the last fifty years.  Probably longer if you include his refusal to be drafted to the Army officer's football team and when he was raised by cannibals who told him 'you ain't black.'  This is how our masters wanted to remember the Normandy Invasion.

It was pointed out that Jill was just standing there as Biden crapped himself, doing nothing to help.  I don't think that's a big deal, this would have been a very formal ceremony and she couldn't be able to do anything other than join him.  She certainly pulled him away immediately once there was an opportunity, leaving Macron alone with WWII veterans, even if they were American.

Now we'll probably get a few days of news reports, claiming that Biden doesn't shit himself in private.  He only saves that for public events and historical ceremonies.  Either the people in charge know they need to keep him out of sight to keep the pretense going, or the whole point is that we only see him when he's doing things like this to show the world how awful his country is.

Unarmed Social Workers to Replace Police in Responding to 911 Calls in Cambridge, Massachusetts
June 6, 2024

□ [“Macron To Send French Army Instructors to Ukraine – Russia Says They'll Be ‘Legitimate Military Targets’"]

Well, yes.  You send your military forces to a warzone, they are targets.  How many of these soldiers are volunteering for this operation?  They can be captured or killed and what's France going to do about it?  It's been a long time since they were a relevant military power anyway and this is just going to make things worse.

□ [“Putin Says He May Supply Weapons to Regions That Can Attack Western Countries’ Targets"]

He can do that because it's just returning the favor of what NATO sends to Ukraine.  The Russian military has two years of modern combat experience, and they haven't even included their allies like China and Iran, at least not officially.  They've also been sending forces into the US with full support of the Biden administration, probably other NATO countries as well.  Gee, what could go wrong?

This would explain why they're sending in all these invaders on the southern border, placing them wherever they can to be ready to strike.  They knew what was going to happen and they knew what they could get away with now that Trump isn't in charge.  If you want to pretend Trump always worked for them, this may have been the trap, so leftists would overthrow him and walk right into this chance to wipe out America from the inside, with foreign weapons and funding.

Covid Shots Possibly Fueled Millions of Deaths in 47 Countries Pandemic Began Due to “Adverse Events
June 6, 2024

□ [“Disney Debuts the 'Gayest Star Wars Show Ever' During Pride Month"]

Still following this.  I have to admit, if there was a way to watch the for free, I probably would, just to prove that I actually took part in this like the rest of the suffering audience.  But now details are coming out about the third episode, the one that destroys Star Wars.  From what I've heard, it does sound like standard feminist propaganda, and it's clear they'll self-identify as 'sith.'  Oh wait, the creators of the show already did that.

It's just about how reproductive lesbians are so oppressed by this galaxy.  It sounds like "the force" was just an evil male interpretation of the One True "thread" which somehow binds everything together.  That's probably why I would probably watch the actual shows, it would be less time consuming than trying to hear from other people what actually happens.

It's definitely something that doesn't need a "Star Wars" logo, might even have been more popular without one.  But it is a way to let everyone know that the franchise has ended and whatever's left is just a zombie.  It won't be long before people start posting youtube videos as training exercises, 'how to destroy a franchise.'  Of course it helps that Disney has had a lot of money to waste.

But why aren't they using all the criticism as advertising?  "Star Wars fans hate this!" would surely get a lot of gays and leftists interested, wouldn't it?  Or whoever that 'new audience' is supposed to be.  At some point, they're going to need to explain why the rest of the 8 billion people never show up.

For that matter, how hard would it be to change a few names and details and create some cheap version of adventures for Luke, Han and Leia?  "Galaxy's Edge," or something like that.  A poor boy dreams of being a hero in the war going on, he finally finds an excuse and stows away with a grumpy freighter pilot and don't even realize that their pet droid is actually the property of a governor whose region was just conquered, but she's sent out crucial secrets.  There's also an acquaintance who has some strange belief in "matter," which sometimes sounds like science and sometimes like magic.  They're all being tracked by government agents who eventually trap them on a secret military base, led by a badass wearing armor.

You could even do this like an old movie serial, where it's broken down into several parts as the characters get split up, confront the enemy, get reunited again, and finally escape.  Redo this several times and you've got a franchise.  And nobody's gay.

["Galaxy's Edge" and all characters and story elements tm and copyright Christopher Woerner inc.]

Southwest Passengers ‘Crying and Screaming’ as Boeing Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Denver After Tire Failure
June 6, 2024

□ [“Former FBI Chief Andrew McCabe Says Some Agents Will Flee Country If Trump Wins, Fear They Will Be ‘Thrown In Jail’"]

I already support Trump, you don't need to keep selling me on it.  Not sure why they think the border would be open for them to escape, but that's how these people are.  Elites can go anywhere, it's the rest of us who are trapped.

□ [“Trump Death Porn:  Former Federal Prosecutor Fantasizes About Trump Dying in Prison"]

Stories like this keep coming out more and more often these days, death-worshiping tyrants who really aren't interested in hiding anymore.  It's why we can be sure that at least one attempt to kill Trump will happen very soon, so it's all about how good his security is, and how trustworthy.  Some people just won't want to wait for a corrupt judge to make up crimes to imprison their opponents with.  Others just know that won't work either.

And as you can expect, these Ukraine/Muslim supporters are all calling Trump "Hitler" with no clue what they're talking about.  This type of people are the ones who supported the national socialists and their inspirations like Mussolini.  I think it all centers around the same demon-worshiping cult, which I suspect is fundamentally a part of 'earth worship' as it's been practiced since the stone age.  The only reason we're not still in the stone age was because of men who disagreed with this and could do better with their own lives.

I do think this is all an example of our rulers making their own problems worse.  This mindless rhetoric isn't going to convince anybody who wasn't already on their side, it will only strengthen the resistance against them, and a lot of people who leaned in their direction are repulsed by all of this.

Connecticut Town Won't Fly Thin Blue Line Flag Honor Trooper Killed in Duty Flies Pride Flag at Half-Mast as “Honor" Instead
June 6, 2024

SoCal Hit with Two Earthquakes Back-to-Back – 7 Quakes Strike Region in Six Days!
June 6, 2024

□ [“Pro-Palestinian Activists Break into Stanford President’s Office and Lock the Doors – Police Break in and All Protesters Are Quickly Expelled"]

Hey, remember when those Jew-hating college student protests were a big deal?  That seems like so long ago.  I guess some of them left for summer vacation, but even those that remain aren't getting much attention anymore.  Occupy Wall Street lasted longer and got more publicity.  They certainly weren't shut down for stupid stunts like this.

But on the other hand, their names aren't given, they wore masks and their faces will stay hidden to the public, and they'll be eligible for government aid, high-paying jobs and their student loans are cancelled, so this may be part of a psyop.  Even the use of the police may be just for show.

Otherwise, at this point, it all just looks like a waste of time.  They're not destroying Israel, they're not destroying America more than their very existence does.  They probably attack an individual Jew here or there but that's about it.  It's like they're just wasting time until the next step of 'new world order' comes along, but that seems to be having problems too.  It's almost like the world is more complicated than our elites ever knew.

American Airlines Passenger Told to Remove Trump Mugshot Shirt for Being ‘Offensive’
June 6, 2024

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