21 June, 2024

If you can read this, do you know any hot chicks?

Professional Boxer Collapses Mid-Fight in Apparent Seizure During First Round of Team Combat League Match
June 21, 2024

□ [“Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) Laughs at News Coverage of Illegal Alien Who R*ped Teen NYC Girl"]

Not sure if there have been multiple recent incidents of leftists laughing at the invaders raping girls or if was just this event and I've seen multiple articles covering it.  [The latter.  A couple days ago, the DHS leader dismissed a different chick being raped to death.]  But something about this seems bizarre.  In theory, they may genuinely approve of raping girls and this is just a natural response.  That seems believable, but there's a much-less likely aspect to this, why would they spend decades pretending to be liberal feminists and then suddenly turn around because they no longer have to lie about what they really want?

But what other possibilities are there?  Does she assume it's a lie that the girl was raped and that's what she's laughing at?  Maybe, but they'd need to have completely forgotten 'believe all women.'  It's like Bill Clinton is back in the White House.  Or Harvey Weinstein is important again.

Or they could be looking forward to the trans movement getting this privilege and the sissy girls with vaginas have to just shut up and take it.  There's also the possibility that this is just why women should be ignored because the longer they spend thinking they're important, this is the result.  Whereas men would just bring in a few guns and the rapist, and his supporters, would be gone forever.  And that's why leftists don't want men in charge.

Female Black Atlanta Judge Arrested At Downtown Bar After Assaulting Police Officer
June 21, 2024

□ [“Biden Arrives at Camp David Where He Will be Holed Away Until Next Week’s Debate"]

He keeps looking worse and he doesn't have a real job to keep him busy for the next several days.  How encouraging.  He's not bothering with any of the wars and he doesn't even need to campaign for the pretend election.  Only losers need to convince voters.

There's suggestions that will need to be radically dopped up just to get through it.  That just seems like the sort of thing that could go wrong in many ways.  If he can actually behave coherently for an hour, wouldn't his supporters ask why he doesn't do that at other times?  The better he comes off, the more they'd want to see him doing that, but he doesn't.  Is that just some wacky fluke that he can never do again?

There's also a possibility that whatever tools they used to steal previous elections aren't working as well this time around.  I will stay very skeptical about that until proven otherwise, but it is believable.  We see this with very rich Democrat doners and black celebrities announcing support for Trump.  At some point, Democrats could lose what they've always relied on, and they may have failed to set up any back-up plans.

So it seems Biden's preparation involves practicing to stand up for a long time.  I get being weak and needing to sit down, but standing isn't really something you get better at beyond the age of 2.  And how is he supposed to present himself if he's focusing on not falling down?  One reason they can't permit a live audience is because someone would bring along small children and Biden would be focused on nothing else.

Hakeem Jeffries Says House Democrats Are Fighting to Make Life More Affordable for Americans
June 20, 2024

Pakistani Muslim Mob Lynches and Burns Tourist Alive Over Allegations of Desecrating Koran
June 21, 2024

□ [“Trump to Rally in Philadelphia Tomorrow Following Biden’s Disastrous 'Rally' Last Month"]

This is the sort of thing he should be doing.  Going to the places Biden has actually been to and showing how many more people show up for Trump.  How many people want to avoid a political candidate they're so eager to vote for?  You can steal the election but that makes it tough to pretend there were really voters.

Trump couldn't rely on this entirely, he wouldn't get to have many rallies if he's just following Biden around.  But the basic idea is workable, that Trump gets actual people to attend his appearances and Biden can only get his fake voters.  And maybe a few employees or students who are required to show up regardless.

I'm ambivalent on what's more likely, that Democrats dump Biden while there's still time or if they just double down to pretend he's popular.  The first possibility is more sensible, the second is more leftist.  Rational human beings realize when they have no chance of winning, at least if they need to hide their full tyranny that got them this far.  Otherwise, if you're already at a point where Joe Biden is your best hope, ditching him is unlikely.  Wile E. Coyote should use him to help bring in dinner.

DHS Intel Unit Declares Trump Supporters Domestic Terror Threats to Target in Internal Documents
June 21, 2024

Maybe it's just the recent issues in my life, or the fact that I hear about all this from the internet, but it really looks like the recent attention to the latest Star Wars bomb has dropped.  To an extent, we knew that consciously, but it seems like it was understood that this was the point where the franchise was dead.

There's a small number of people who watched the show to see how bad it was, a much larger number of people who watched youtubers commenting on this, and of course the rest of the world just went on suffering under our tyrants.  But they don't count, it was those who believed in Star Wars that mattered.  And they're done now.

Now those who are curious what's going on will still watch the youtubers, but that's about it.  Even some of them have said they're bored talking about this franchise.  At least actual horrible work can be entertaining for its own sake, it's long been pointed out is that the real death is when the "haters" just lose interest.  That's the impression I get from what's happening from now on.

So now the females in charge have no idea what to do except repeat the same rhetoric they've always had.  They're the last ones to realize that the audience is gone.  Haven't heard much about Marvel recently but they're undergoing the same problems, run by people what insist on sinking the ship they're on.  So what is Disney going to do about it?

MSNBC Notes Trump’s Recent Explosive Fundraising, Suggests Democrats Should be Concerned
June 21, 2024

□ [“Defense Department Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Laboratories"]

Nothing suspicious about that.  They say that the tracking is to limited to work properly.  Partially that's government incompetence, it's also keeping highly secure finances secret.  Corrupt people who get access to that part of the system can use it in their own ways.  There's also the fact that men trained with military and spy strategy would have created this whole system, so it will very quickly become too complicated for anyone to understand, no matter how experienced they are.

They're hiding information of the bioweapons they're using against us, all of these factors are brought into conflict, at least those that aren't already taking orders from China.  This isn't even considering the information they share with the biolabs in Ukraine, or elsewhere in the world.

Basically with an article like this, there's no reason to trust anything about it.  So it's, at best, a distraction.  Maybe somewhere down the line we'll learn this is relevant but even if we did, who would believe it?  Or care, given the other problems we'll be facing by that point.  This is definitely part of WWIII but not an aspect we should care about all that much.

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